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Cooking - Shepherd's Pie

Give students various ingredients and seasonings' to make their own "Shepherd's Pie." In true Cooking Workshop fashion, each ingredient/seasoning can be assigned an attribute or become a reminder of something in the story.

Bake in a pastry like a turnover.

What "ingredients" made David a "man after God's own heart"?  Or perhaps the turnover is in the shape of a heart.

What ingredient represents David's faith? courage? friendship? his music? What ingredients look like the smooth stones, the harp, his crown? (These ingredients/ideas can reference different things we know about him. The meaning can be in the ingredient, or in the shape in which you place it in the turnover, etc.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen



Game- "Survivor"

I got the inspiration from a graduate class I am taking on communication in the classroom, my professor played this game to make a point on how we often judge people by their looks.

  1. We played the "Survivor" game complete with rainforest music playing in the background.
  2. He made a game grid on the wall with paper and tape and the wall was the cloth type you can pin to so you would need to adapt.
  3. Down the left side were spaces for the tribe names, across the top were the list of tasks, task 1, task 2 etc.
  4. The class was divided into tribes of about 5-6 each, you could make yours smaller if need be.
  5. Each team was given an envelope with a list of the tasks and pictures of different types of people, enough for 1 per task.
  6. First each tribe made up a name using I believe it was initials from their names or you could make them choose the tribes of israel or one of the disciples or something such as that.
  7. Each tribe had the same tasks and it was not a competition but cooperative.
  8. They had to read the tasks and pick the picture of the person they felt could best do each job, no one could do 2 jobs and they pinned their pictures next to their name on the grid under the task list on the wall.
  9. Then the class discussed why they had chosen the particular people they had and how we often judge people superficially.
  10. I immediately thought of the story of the Anointing of David.
  11. However the Survivor game could be played in other ways too, matching the correct person to his part of the story or something like that for other bible stories.
  12. Some of the tasks were such things as building fire, running for something, weaving etc. Be creative he sure was.

BTW, he is very flattered when you adopt his ideas. His name is Alan South and he teaches at Indiana University Southeast. In the last class I took with him the whole class took on the challenge and came up with about every game show spoofs to teach chapters from our books, so be creative.


Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Cooking Ideas for "Saul's Jealousy of David"

Posted by member ScooterSim

We are doing our next rotation on Saul's Jealousy of David (yeah, I know, there are better lessons out there to teach this theme, but hindsight is always 20-20). I need an idea for a food workshop. I have gotten everything else lined up, but our development team came up with a blank on this.   Paul Simkins

Bitter and Tasty Comparison

Posted by member Kim Trimboli

How about adding something bitter to several different food items. i.e. - have several appealing food choices such as honey, apples or other fruit, cookies. Then put something bitter on them such as horseradish or similar. Talk about how the bitter ruins the flavor of the good things. Saul's bitterness towards David poisoned everything he did and ruined his monarchy.   Kim

Cookings with & without Chocolate Chips

Posted by member Lisa M.

You could also divide the children into two groups. Everybody makes cookies, but only one half are given chocolate chips. The others have plain cookies. They will undoubtedly complain. You can point out to the complainers that they have a good thing, they have cookies, but they aren't letting themselves enjoy them because they are jealous over the others. Divide up the cookies so that everyone gets some with and without chips.

A Feast

Posted by member ScooterSim

As a follow-up, we tried a feast idea (food from that era), using unsweetened baking chocolate and horseradish for the bitter tastes. The chocolate especially went well because the kids just saw chocolate and were expecting something rich and sweet. They also really enjoyed the idea of a communal feast like that (you know, without covered dishes).

Thank you Kim for an excellent suggestion and thank you also to Lisa, whose idea I may try to incorporate at another time.

Paul Simkins
Oviedo Presbyterian Church

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Originally posted by member Rachel H.

A Quiz Game about David, an overview of his story.

"King David Games – Bible Basketball"

  • Basketball hoop (could be a “Little Tikes” portable hoop – “nerf” hoop to hang over the door – or a full size, outside)
  • Basketball (to go with your hoop)
  • Air pump – (in case your ball goes flat during the week)
  • Chalkboard/chalk (or paper/pen)
  • Bibles – for reference
  • Masking tape – to make the shooting line/lines
  • Trivia questions
(Position your hoop away from any light bulbs- remember to think about the extra play that might be done when you’re not there)

Divide into teams – Number off – boys against the girls – pick teams (put half yellow & half green crayons in a hat & draw) – names out of a hat.
Each team answers a question. If they get it right (from memory), everyone from that team gets two chances to make a basket. If they get it right with help of a reference (bible – or multiple-choice), they get one chance to make a basket. If they get it wrong, no chances for a basket. (For the younger kids, they get two chances for a basket even if they use the multiple-choice or reference.) If time is pressing, have only one person shoot (alternate so everyone gets a chance)

Alternate teams for the trivia.
Have each team select a “captain” that will give the final answer. (This will help so you don’t get multiple people telling you different answers.)
Encourage teamwork.

2 points for each correct answer without a reference (from memory)
1 points for each correct answer with a reference (exception for younger kids – they always get 2 points for correct answers)
1 point for every basket made

Have fun!

King David – Trivia
(I Samuel 16-24)

(Answers do not have to be exact. Just make sure the kids understand the main points of the story. Make sure to read the story first, emphasizing the correct answers.)

See if the kids can answer the questions by themselves first. Then use the multiple choice answers, if needed.

• Who was David’s dad?
  • Jesus
  • Jesse * (Remember that Jesus came from ‘the root of Jesse")
  • Joseph

• When David was a boy, what was his job?
  • He didn’t have a job. He played in the meadow all day
  • Wood carver
  • Shepherd *

• When David was just a boy, God chose David to do something special – be king. Why did God choose David?
  • David’s heart was full of love for God *
  • David was the best looking of Jesse’s sons
  • David was brave and fought Goliath

• When David was a boy, he fought & killed Goliath. Goliath’s people were Israel’s enemy for many years. They worshiped false gods. What was the name of the enemy? (What was the name of Goliath’s people?)
  • Israelites
  • Philistines * (This is also the enemy that Samson fought)
  • Goliathians

• David was the young boy that fought and killed the giant, Goliath. Why did David fight Goliath and not someone else?
  • David was not afraid *
  • Everyone else was afraid *
  • David trusted in God *

• What did David use to fight Goliath?
  • Sword
  • Arrow
  • Sling & stone *

• Who was the king before David? He wanted David to stay at the palace with him.
  • King George
  • King Saul *
  • King Artaxerxes

• King Saul’s son & David became best friends. What was the name of King Saul’s son’s?
  • Jonathan *
  • Ezra
  • Nehemiah

• King Saul loved music. David played an instrument for King Saul – to soothe his soul. What was the instrument?
  • Flute
  • Harp *
  • guitar

• Besides playing music, King Saul gave David another job. David was very good at his job and the people loved him. What was David’s job?
  • Head of the army (Commander of Saul’s army) *
  • Gardener
  • Rebuild the city/carpenter

• Because David was so good at his job, the people loved him. How did King Saul react?
  • Was happy
  • Became jealous of David *
  • Tried to kill David *

• King Saul decided to kill David, so David had to leave the palace. Where did David go?
  • Jonathan’s house
  • The royal garden
  • Lived in the mountains and slept in caves *

• King Saul tried to trick David. He lied to David & told him he loved him. King Saul said he could marry his daughter if David killed 100 of the enemy. (What was the enemy called? – Philistines) How many Philistines did David kill?
  • 100
  • 200 *
  • 1,000

• King Saul wanted David dead so badly that he asked his son, Jonathan to kill David. What did Jonathan do?
  • Killed David
  • Ran away
  • Told David his dad wanted to kill him *

• King Saul kept chasing David and trying to kill him. Why was King Saul so full of hate, fear and jealousy?
  • We don’t really know. Maybe it was because King Saul didn’t have God in his heart.

• One time when King Saul was looking for David, he stopped to rest in the same cave where David was hiding. When the King fell asleep, what did David do?
  • Killed King Saul
  • Ran away
  • Didn’t hurt the king, but cut off a piece of the king’s coat *

• After King Saul realized David could have killed him, but didn’t, Saul said he would not try to kill David again. King Saul realized that David was to be a great king. Later, King Saul and Jonathan were killed. How?
  • In a battle with the Philistines *

Extra Credit: (Some are repeat questions)

• Why do you think God chose David to be the next King?
  • God knew his heart. And knew that David’s love for God was the most important thing in his life.

• Why was Saul so jealous of David?
  • Because the people loved David. The people thought David was greater than Saul.

• Why did Saul want to kill David?
  • If David was dead, King Saul would once again be thought of as great – and not compared to David.

• Why do you think King Saul tried to get Jonathan to kill David?
  • Jonathan was close to David, would easily get to him, David trusted Jonathan.

• Why didn’t Jonathan kill David?
  • David was his friend, didn’t want him dead, even told David of his father’s plan.

• Why didn’t David kill Saul when he had the chance?
  • David didn’t want Saul dead because he was a kind and loving man. Wasn’t God’s plan to kill Saul. God would take care of Saul in God’s own way.

• How did David become king?
  • Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle. This left the throne open.
Last edited by Luanne Payne

King David

Stick Puppet Theater

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Making stick puppets for a drama.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the story ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • Pictures
  • Rubber Cement
  • Card Stock 
  • Markers
  • Laminate
  • Paint Sticks
  • Clothesline
  • Blanket


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

(Do not open with the Bible story – it is contained in your skit)

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Make stick puppets: (Pictures glued on sticks)

  • Copy the pictures onto white/typing paper (Reproducible coloring books are a good resource)
  • Glue pictures to stiff paper (card stock) using rubber cement.
  • Color, if desired (Markers, crayons, paint)
  • Label the back of each picture with:
    • ‘King David’ so you know what rotation it belongs to
    • And what each picture is (‘Jonathan,’ ‘young David,’ ‘mad King Saul")
  • Laminate picture/card stock (to preserve the picture)
  • Attach the pictures to the paint sticks with the pictures facing outward (Brush the rubber cement one way on the picture and the opposite way on the stick). Leave half of the handle free – the other half up inside the picture for support. (Or may choose to not use paint sticks, and just hold them up with the kid’s hands.)

Puppets that are needed

  • Young David
  • Young David with sling (Or Sling & Stones)
  • Adult David (Young adult)
  • King David
  • Sheep (2 sets)
  • Heart
  •  Goliath (make him twice as tall as everyone else)
  • Philistines (A group of Philistines)
  • David’s army
  • King Saul
  • Mad King Saul (Use the same picture as King Saul. Use white-out, then make slanted eyebrows and squinted eyes, then copy again)
  • Jonathan (Young adult)
  • Daughter
  • Harp
  • Spear
  • King Saul sleeping

Make a stage (Do whatever works in your situation. Use your imagination)

  • Tie a clothes line to two stationery objects. Drape a sheet or blanket over it.
  • Two piano benches end to end. (Elevate them on ‘same height’ boxes, chairs, or end tables.) Cover with a sheet or blanket.
  •  Pull out a sofa from the wall; hide the kids behind the back.

Have a narrator read the story while the kids work the puppets.

  • For the younger grades, the teacher can read the story. You may want a helper to be ‘back stage’ to help get the puppets up at the right time.
  • For the older grades, one or two of the kids could be the narrator. They can alternate paragraphs.
  • Try presenting the play twice. Once with half the kids working the puppets & the other half as an audience. (Someone from the audience could be the narrator if needed.) Then switch.
  • Have an extra copy of the skit ‘back stage’ so the kids know when to work the puppets.
  • The puppets could break/come off the stick if mistreated. If this happens, have the kids hold up the puppet with their hands.
  • There are a couple of spots the kids get to ‘cheer’ and hum ‘Here Comes the Bride.’ 

Extra time: Quiz the kids about the puppets (who is this, how does he fit in the story.)

King David Drama – Stick Puppets 

David was the youngest son of Jesse. (Hold up Young David) He had a deep passion and love for God that was more important to David than anything else. 

David was a shepherd, (Hold up sheep) someone who takes care of the sheep. He wasn’t very likely to be chosen to do something special. But God doesn’t make choices the way we do. God knew David’s heart. (Hold up heart) David’s heart was full of love for God and that was all that mattered. (Remove sheep & heart)

You might also remember that David killed the giant, Goliath. (Hold up Goliath, then take him back down) The Philistines were people who worshiped false gods and had been Israel’s enemy for many years. (Hold up Philistines on one side – David on the other) One day the Philistine soldiers sent their man, Goliath, to fight. (Hold up Goliath) He stood and yelled at the Israelites to send someone to fight him. He said wicked things about God. No one wanted to fight the giant. They were afraid.

But David was not afraid. He went to fight. He did not use a sword, or bow, or have any armor to protect him. He simply used a sling and a smooth stone. (Replace young David with Young David with sling) He hit the giant and killed him. Pow! (Goliath falls down dead) This was the beginning of the story of David. David became the greatest king Israel ever knew. (Remove all)

(Hold up King Saul & Adult David) King Saul wanted David to stay at the palace with him and not go back to his own home. David and King Saul’s son, Jonathan, became best friends. (Hold up Jonathan) Saul made David the commander of his army. (Hold up David’s army) David was very successful. He became a favorite with the people. (Cheer) Eventually, the Philistines were defeated and there was a great celebration. (Hold up Philistines – then ‘fall’ down dead) The people thought David was greater than King Saul. (Cheer) From that day on, King Saul was jealous of David. King Saul was not happy. (Replace King Saul with mad King Saul. Remove all but mad King Saul & Adult David)

King Saul had made up his mind to kill David, so David left the palace. (Move Saul to one side – Adult David to the other side) From then on, David lived in the mountains and slept in caves. King Saul kept chasing him. (Saul chases David across the stage and back) Anyone who helped David was in big trouble. 

King Saul tried to trick David. (Hold up the daughter) He lied to David and told him he loved him. King Saul said he wanted David to marry his daughter, but King Saul really wanted him dead. He told David he could marry his daughter, Michal, if he killed 100 Philistines. David killed 200 Philistines and married Michal. (Hum ‘Here Comes the Brid") This made King Saul angry. He got angrier every day and became more and more obsessed with trying to get rid of David. But, the Lord was with David and he became stronger and more successful.

King Saul was so obsessed he tried to get his son, Jonathan, to kill David. (Remove the daughter – Hold up Jonathan) But, Jonathan wouldn’t do it, and told David of the plan. One day, as David was playing the harp for King Saul, (Remove Jonathan – hold up a harp by Adult David) the king tried to kill David. He threw a spear at him. It just missed. (Throw a spear) David ran away from King Saul. (Adult David and harp run off stage)

Now King Saul was full of hate, fear, and jealousy. (Hold up Jonathan)He tried to kill Jonathan for protecting David. (Jonathan runs off stage) He soon becomes so crazy, that he ordered his soldiers to kill the priests because they wouldn’t kill David. But the soldiers refused.

One time when King Saul was looking for David, he stopped to rest in the same cave where David was. (Remove all – hold up King Saul sleeping) The King fell asleep. David’s men wanted him to kill the king. (Hold up David’s army) Instead, David took his sword and cut off part of King Saul’s coat. When the King woke up, David spoke to him and told him he did not want to hurt him. (Remove King Saul sleeping – hold up mad King Saul & Adult David) He pointed out that he could have killed him in his sleep, but chose not to. Saul was very touched by this, and said he would not try to kill David again. He said he now realized that David was destined to be a great king. (Change mad king, to King Saul)

(Remove David’s army – hold up Jonathan)

David became King when Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle with the Philistines. (Jonathan & King Saul fall down ‘dead'.)

David went on to unite the people and lead them in a time of great wealth and growth. (Remove all – add King David)

David would become the greatest king Israel had ever known.

Conclude by having the students make a stick puppet that represents THEM. Have them add a heart.

Write a scripture phrase on the stick, such as, "the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7


End with a prayer and have the children assist with the cleanup.

A lesson written by Linda Norem & Rev. James Norem

Adapted for ‘Stick Puppets’ by Rachel Haugland

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

From Saddleback Kids, a short 2-minute animated video "about David," David a man of prayer, David building God's house, David writing psalms.

Suitable for introducing David, starting a Bible study, use in worship.

Art, Game, or Drama Idea

A Review of David's Story and Faith Using Objects from David's Life

The following list of objects comes from a member Wendy Humphries. Each item could be collected and used for storytelling or drama, or as props in a "what does this represent" game, or each object could be represented in an ART COLLAGE of David's Life, or series of stained glass projects.

1. Staff
David was a shepherd boy. God used David’s experiences as a shepherd boy to prepare him to
lead his people as a king. Being a shepherd taught David to care for others. As a shepherd, David also learned to trust God to deliver him from danger. Perhaps the most important thing David learned while tending his flock was to recognize God as His shepherd.

2.Olive oil
David was anointed to be the second king of Israel. When God chose a man to replace Saul as
king he was not looking for a man who was very handsome on the outside. God was looking at the heart.

3. Sling and stone
David killed the giant, Goliath. When Goliath threatened the Israelite army and everyone else was afraid, including big, strong King Saul, David had faith that God would be with him. He defeated the giant with a sling and a stone.

4. Harp
Musician, played the harp for King Saul and wrote songs of praise. The music were psalms of faith, comfort, peace and trust.

5. Sword
David spared Saul’s life on two occasions when he easily could have killed him. (Also,
Saul tried to kill David while David was playing the harp for him on more than one occasion).

6. Bow and arrows
– Friendship with Jonathan, Saul’s son. Jonathan gave David his robe, tunic, sword, bow
and belt. Jonathan was loyal to David and years later David kept his promise to Jonathan.

7. Crutch
Kindness to Mephibosheth (Handicapped son of Jonathan). David invited Jonathan’s son into his
palace to live.

8. Lamb
Sin with Bathsheba and Nathan’s story of the lamb. David was a good person who loved God. But
even good people can sin. David sinned. He fell in love with another man’s wife. Then he arranged for the husband of Bathsheba to be killed in battle. God’s prophet, Nathan, was sent to accuse David of his sin. David had done an evil thing. After Nathan’s story of the lamb, David confessed his sin. He did not pretend he had done nothing wrong. David admitted he had sinned and asked for God’s forgiveness! Sometimes you and I will sin, too. When we do we can remember David. We can pray and ask God for forgiveness.

9. Wig
Absalom tries to steal the kingdom from his father, King David, and ends up hanging in a tree by his hair as he tries to escape.

10. Crown
David became the 2nd King of Israel and its most famous king. By his faith and courage, worship, and ability to ask for forgiveness for his mistakes David demonstrated to his people a righteous life.

11. Heart 
God referred to David as “a man after my own heart” Acts 13:22
Museum of Biblical History

12. Cross
David was an ancestor of Jesus Christ When we think of David, we think: shepherd, poet, giant-killer, king, ancestor of Jesus. In short, one of the greatest men in the Old Testament. But alongside that list stands another: betrayer, liar, cheater, and murderer. The first list gives qualities we all might like to have, the second we would not like to imitate. The Bible does not hide David’s failures. Yet he is remembered and respected for his heart for God. David more than anything else, had an unchangeable belief in the faithful and forgiving nature of God. He sinned more than once, but was quick to confess his sins. His confessions were from the heart, and his repentance was real. David never took God’s forgiveness lightly or God’s blessings for granted. David experienced the joy of forgiveness even when he had to suffer the consequences of his sins.

David was:

•The greatest king of Israel
•Ancestor of Jesus Christ
•Listed in the Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11
•A man described by God Himself as a man after His own heart

David and Absalom

2 Samuel 14:25 describes Absalom as the most handsome man in the kingdom.

Here's a great video lesson on YouTube from Crossroad Kids Ministry about Absalom. In addition to being a lesson about "vanity," the story of Absalom teaches a lesson about FORGIVENESS. Even though Absalom rebelled (sinned) against David, David cries aloud, "O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! Would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!"  (To Christians this is considered a "prefiguring" of Christ's reason for sacrificing himself for sinners.)

The last few minutes demonstrates how to create your own "Absalom Hair and Beard" using yarn. Looks pretty easy and would make a fun lesson reminder.


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  • mceclip0
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

David, a man after God's own heart
"the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart"  I Sam 13:14

"Who we truly are is found inside"
"We are not labels"
(Prince Ea, American Rapper and African word artist, inspirational speaker)

This inspirational video by social media phenom and "African word artist" Prince Ea (Richard Williams) is a great 'take' on rejecting artificial labels and racism, the things that divide us. The things that unite us are our heart and LOVE. This was the quality that God saw in David. God looked past the "king" label and into David's heart. This LOVE is the defining factor of discipleship according to Jesus (John 13:34) and Paul (1 Cor 13).

Lots of discussion potential for pre-teens and teens.

At the end of this inspirational video the word "LOVE" appears.

Perfect love casts out fear (labels). (1 Jn 4:18)

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