
Question: How to Make a Harp?


We want to have the kids make harps. does anyone have any craft ideas? We want to make something they can actually play.

[Exchange Volunteer modified title of post for clarity.]


Use REPLY to add your IDEAS for "David The Musician" - Music & Harp Ideas.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer
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Harp- Box and Rubber Bands

A project I remember from childhood is putting rubber bands of different widths around a sturdy open box (such as a shoebox) to make a harp. That wouldn't be a very long project in and of itself, but you could decorate the boxes. The rubber bands can be "tuned" by making the part over the opening tighter or looser.

Check out how to make this "rubberband harp" at   Instead of just gluing the harp together, use glue and clear tape to speed up the process and make it usable during classtime.

Write a psalm verse on the "harp" or surround the box with key verses.

Rubberband harp for Sunday School


Images (1)
  • Rubberband Harp for Sunday School
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Harp- "Door Harp"  (Wooden)

Our Sunday School is doing our David rotation now. For our craft project we are making door harps. One of the websites that I found had a King David version that we are using. It is a little expensive because we are using wood but the end result is really great.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Harp- Preschoolers"- Use Chinet Plates and Rubber Bands


Chinet plates and rubberbands can also be used for harp making for the very young. For the preschool teachers of the site, If you ever have a need for guitars you can use two chinet plates stapled together with a hole cut out and add a paint stirring stick for the handle.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Harp- 4" PVC Pipe and Fishing Line


We are doing a David set right now and making harps. We cut one inch sections of PVC pipe (about 4" diameter) Then cut these circles of pipe in half to make a "C" shape. A member at our church then used his drill press prior to the beginning of the rotation to drill 10 holes on each end of the "C". The kids string fishing line through the holes from side to side. Then before tying off the last knot, an adult or older child squeezes the "C" and the string is pulled taut. These harps end up making a terrific sound, if fishing line is taut enough. Kids then decorated with permanent markers, feathers and leather straps. This has ended up being a "keeper" craft for the kids.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

This idea was originally posted by member PamG. The site referencing it has gone dead but we were able to find these photos which are self explanatory.

Harp- Wooden Hangers

Pam wrote: There is a great craft for making harps out of wooden dollar store hangers and our kids loved them! We used permanent marker to add scripture verse and decorations.

For the strings, you can use nylon guitar strings or heavy/strong fishing line. You "tune" each string by turning the eye-screw through which the string is attached.

MODERATOR'S NOTE: detailed pictures and notes about a finished harp using this method are posted here.


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Last edited by Amy Crane

David the Musician and Psalm Writer

Angie (Guest) May 31, 2002

For David and music you could talk about the Psalms as songs in that time and David as a musician.

 Music Workshop suggestion added by Volunteer Moderator Aug 20, 2013

"Psalm 100 - Joyful Noise", a Music Workshop by Barbara Burdick (LINK) found under the forum for Psalm 100, she notes:

This lesson was used in conjunction with a group of lessons about Praise and Thanksgiving, but I also believe it would work well with a group of lessons about David, the Psalm writer with a different background orientation.

Also check out the other Psalm Lessons in the Psalms Forums here.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

After 12 years of mining this site for lesson plans it still never ceases to thrill and amaze me!

We are doing a David unit in November, some form of harp construction will definitely be included after seeing the wonderful suggestions posted here.

As a result of sporadic Sunday attendance our church has developed an at-home weekly lesson plan for families posted monthly on our church website: under the drop down "education and fellowship". September was the story of Joseph from the colorful coat to his reuniting with his family during the time of famine. This month (October) we are studying Moses from his birth through the Exodus from Egypt ( through the crossing of the Red(reed) Sea.

"Regular" Sunday School is held the 3rd Sunday each month during morning worship hour. The activity for the Joseph unit was creation of dried bean soup "mix" in pint canning jars that is available for sale at our church Pumpkin Patch. 

A small room at the rear of our sanctuary has been made a child friendly space with Children's Bibles, craft supplies, books, work and coloring pages pertaining to the lesson series that month. Children attending worship with their families on weeks when there is no "official" Sunday School are encouraged to make use of this space. One Sunday during the Joseph unit the children cut colorful fabric strips that a church member then used to create a "colorful coat" banner. On another Sunday they made paper plate dream catchers.

This is still very much a work in progress. Parental feedback has been very light to date. We continue to pray for guidance.

God Bless and Happy Birthday Wormy!


@sweetcarol - I love love love your at-home pages and resources! Thanks for letting us know about them!   

And thank you for telling us about your innovative solution to sporadic attendance - we look forward to hearing more about your program as you get feedback and develop it further!

(If you could share pictures of the harps you make for the David lessons, that would be a great help to others!)

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