Video and Audio-Visual Resources for Teaching the Story of Deborah in Sunday School.
Post your Video and Audio-Visual resources for teaching the Story of Deborah in Sunday School. Judges, Bible resources about Deborah -with video, audio-visual, movie, videotape, animated Bible, etc.
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Be sure to see our Writing Team's set of lessons about the Judges (including Deborah). Everyone can see the lesson summaries and Bible Background for that special set. It includes a very special Video Workshop lesson.
Here's a 3-minute online animated video synopsis of Deborah's story suitable for use with children. a free online Jewish media-curriculum resource site. They also have downloadable lessons that go with the free videos. The videos can also be viewed on YouTube. Note: Because the story of Deborah and other Judges contain violence, care should be taken.
Below is a younger children's version on YouTube by Crossroads