
The "topical lessons and ideas" forum you are in includes resources for teaching about Peace, Justice, Prayer, Redemption, Women in the Bible, and some teaching resources related to holidays, such as Mother's Day.  This forum is something of a "catch-all" for Sunday School ideas and lessons that don't neatly fit into our Bible story-specific forums but are often taught in Sunday School.

If you already have a specific Bible story in mind, look it up in our Bible story forums. Members are welcome to share their ideas and reactions by "reply" in these topics. Questions should be posted in the Teachers Lounge where they are more likely to be seen.

detective-Bible.cluesHere are my thoughts and I need all of you wise and wonderful WORMS out there to help. I am looking at developing a theme for summer Sunday school, VBS, and next year's Sunday school that runs off of and into each other. I would like to do a detective/mystery theme kind of along the lines of a murder mystery party or Carmen Sandiego.

My idea is to use the theme, "More Than A Baby In A Manger" to teach the children who Jesus really is and why he was here. I am thinking of using Eldrbarry's VBS idea of "To Seek and Save the Lost" as the intro to the program changing the Medieval theme to a mystery theme where the children search for weeks to find the "lost" that Jesus came to save.

I think it lends itself to a lot of potential and my idea is to have an intergenerational summer Sunday school and VBS.

What do you think? What do I start with and where do I go?

All of you out there in WoRM-land ROCK!

Love to all. Anne


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Last edited by Amy Crane
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Seeking the Lost

When I think of "seeking the lost", I think of the parables of the lost son the the lost sheep and the lost coin. There are probably lesson ideas for these here on the Web site.

As the children search for the lost, it is important for them to realize that they are one of the lost that Jesus came to save.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Good New Clues

Good.News.CluesThe "David C Cook/Cook Communications" VBS for 2005 is "Good News Clues" (no longer in print - check current VBS's themes to see if something similar is available or look for used copies on amazon an eBay).

Some of those lessons are based on the "lost" parables, as suggested by Cathy W.

If you're looking to build as you go, you might want to break it into 3 parts to go with your 3 programs: why Jesus had to come, who is Jesus and what he did here, and why he had to die.

The other thing is, and this is just my opinion based on our kids ... a full year of detectives and looking for clues is a long time. You may want to use that for one of the 3 programs depending on which it would best lend itself with the stories you'll do. But you know your kids best, so let us know what you decide! Smile

Description of the Good News Clues theme from publisher (for inspiration in developing your own lessons):

Get a Clue in 2005! Good News Clues
Searching for New Life in Jesus! Your kids will become detectives for a week--searching and sleuthing for answers. But this VBS is far more than just plain fun! Kids will be busy investigating and searching for clues to help them understand the basics of salvation as they visit five different rooms in a home. They will learn about Jesus' plan of salvation and how it affects them personally. Good News Clues is a Very exciting Bible School curriculum based on Revelation 3:20. "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."


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Last edited by Amy Crane


As I was listening to the lessons and homily at our Lenten service tonight, it sparked several ideas about your theme and stories to go along with it(there should be plenty of ideas on these stories on this exchange):

  • Detectives search out why Jesus is necessary--Adam and Eve and the Fall
  • What clues are there to Jesus in the OT--Jesus as the fulfillment of prophecy
  • Who else was searching for Jesus--the Magi
  • John the Baptist's followers asked Jesus if He was the one or if they should look for someone else and Jesus answered that the blind could now see, lame walk, etc.--tie in some of those stories as further clues to Jesus' identity
  • Who are the lost--the parables mentioned above
  • Palm Sunday--the masses celebrate Jesus as king
  • Jesus' death and resurrection--the answer to the mystery unfolds
  • The mystery isn't over--what comes next--the Great commission
  • Where does the power to do this come from--Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Look for clues about what God wants for us: the 2 greatest commandments, spiritual gifts, stories about service and helping others
  • How do we know what God wants for us--clues are in the Bible (rotation on the Bible and how it came to be), prayer (Lord's prayer)

Believe it or not, I did hear the lessons and homily. Smile

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Mystery Detective

Maybe you could start each session off with the Mystery Detective (someone dressed up like a detective-drench coat, dark glasses, magnifying glass, bible, etc.) that would do a short skit with the teacher or a dialogue each week to perk the kids interest and pull events together. Make it humorous. Each week he could be searching for something. Sometimes he could be completely off track because he's looking for something only to find out he mixed up the meaning and finds the answer is something he didn't expect.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Wow! These ideas are great. Jan, I did end up purchasing the Good News Clues VBS. I love all of these ideas and will incorporate them all. Thank you all you wise and wonderful WoRMs!

Love to all,

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Detective (Mystery) Themed Workshop(s)/Lesson(s)

Looking for a detective (mystery) themed lesson, check these out to use or for inspiration to create one for a bible story of your own choosing.

1) Easter - Investigating the Trial of Jesus (Themed) Complete Lesson Set

Posted by ZBCC

Summary: We created a themed rotation studying Jesus’ trial. Children were recruited as investigators and collected evidence that Jesus was innocent of his charge of Blaspheme. Each workshop helped students gather evidence and learn more about the story of Jesus’ trial.

Summary of Workshops:

  • Kick-Off Courtroom (ALL): Introduction to upcoming trial, watch video clip, court in session where kids are recruited as investigators, kids' mission for next weeks explained.
  • Creative Storytelling (Games): Children will investigate Jesus' innocence through investigator training school where they will learn skills such as: listening carefully, scene investigation (game-spot the difference), knowing the difference between Guilty vs. Innocent (game-wink murder).
  • Cooking:  Hear an eye witness account from Mary Magdalene of the resurrection and while listening students will create pomanders.
  • Drama/Photography: Kids will document evidences that Jesus is the Son of God by photographing shadow scenes depicting events from Jesus’ life.
  • Storytelling/Computer: We set this workshop up in our computer lab with 4 computers acting as different stations to collect evidence from Peter and 2 stations that did not require computers.
  • Court Room Wrap Up (ALL): Gather again at the courtroom for court session - first: review of the evidence for Jesus’ innocence, secondly: the kids (and teachers) become on trial for sinning against God - Evidence of guilt and defence – 1 Peter 3:18. This session will close with a cheer and songs of celebration that Jesus’ innocent death made the way for sinners to be declared righteous!

Found in our Easter Forum @  Some of these same ideas may be adaptable to other bible stories where you wish to do a mystery theme.

2) Philip and Ethiopian Games Workshop

Posted by Jan Napa from: First Presbyterian Church

Summary: Children will learn about Philip through an interactive game like “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego”.

Excerpt: "Hello. Please come in and have a seat. I am Agent M (the first letter of your name). I am the head of a super-secret spy agency called BIBLE, Brilliant Investigators (of) Bible Land Events. I’ve called you here today to ask you to join my team of top-notch investigators. I’ve heard about you. My sources tell me that just over a year ago you investigated prophecies about a very famous birth and discovered truths about the one called the Messiah. My sources tell me you were great! Well, today we’ll see just how good your investigative skills are.

Your mission is to figure out who the person is that we are investigating, and then figure out where he or she is. You will gather clues from informants and fellow spies. You will need to use some reference tools to figure out the answer to the clues. You will work together to see if you can find the person before time is up."

See this link for full lesson

3) Nicodemus: Brand New Life - Nic at Night Science Workshop

Posted by Staci Woodruff from: Jenks Church of Christ

Summary: As kids enter your workshop welcome them to the “Nic at Night Detective Agency”. Tell them that you were expecting some new recruits and that you’re glad that they’re here to help with this case. Tell them that your name is Detective _________

Pass out a pair of dark sunglasses OR a detective hat OR a trenchcoat to each of the kids, so they each have at least one item. Give them each a detective star/badge that says “Nic at Night Detective Agency – Trainee” to wear and a detective notebook and pencil. (They can take these home at the end of class.)

see link for full lesson

4) The Last Supper Bible Adventure (Games) Workshop

Posted by Cat Blue

Summary: The students will learn some important things about The Last Supper:  who the main characters are, where and when this event happened, what happened and why it’s important.  They will become sleuths who investigate to find these answers.  They will do a Word Search and Crossword Puzzle to complete their Detective work.

Excerpt: "Tell them that you have HIDDEN THREE ENVELOPES in the classroom that they must find. One has the Bible story for today. The second has "what we hope to learn" written in it. The third larger envelope contains all the "Detective Note Pads" (or post-its) and pencils they will use during their work. Give them a minute to find the envelopes and then open them.

Say:  Today you are all going to be Detectives.  We’re going to do an investigation of the story of The Last Supper.  The Last Supper is the story of Jesus and his Disciples right before Jesus is crucified."

Distribute the notepads/post-its and explain how they are to use them.

See this link for full lesson

5) Writing Team's Psalm 23 ~ A "Scripture Mystery Box"Ps23-MysteryGirl2Workshop

(Supporting member access only Become a member today!)

Students learn to remember each verse of Psalm 23 by touch using a set of unique "HANDS IN" Mystery Boxes.  Using only their hand and sense of touch to identify the verses inside each sensory box, they will then sequence the boxes in the correct order and then discuss what each verse object means to us today.

See this link for full lesson


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  • Ps23-MysteryGirl2 activityEscape room activities would be a fun addition to this detective/mystery theme also!

"Escape Room" is a clue-finding, puzzle-solving game in which the players are "locked" in a room and have to figure their way out.

Here is a collection of Bible-based escape room activities. Some are free, others are quite reasonably priced. And there are some that would work for holiday events (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost).


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Last edited by Amy Crane

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