This topic is for posting your lesson ideas and resources for teaching about Dorcas (aka Tabitha), Acts 9
Dorcas/Tabitha (Acts 9:36-43)
Blanket Ideas
Posted by Corine CLC Edmonds:
We brainstormed asking our quilting group to lead a quilt project with our kids. Maybe make baby size quilts for the hospital or sew together used clothing for a large quilt for a homeless shelter. Still looking for two more rotations, considering "life in Bible times".
Posted by Anne B:
Check out this neat web site with many suggestions for sewing projects for kids-- a really terrific mission project-- kids helping kids with blankets.
Someone else who made blankets had this to say:
PRJamison posted:
We are making Binky Blankets in our Rotation Unit studying New Testament Leaders. Our topic is Dorcus - a Mission activity making "Binkies" using Polar Fleece and writing notes to include with our gifts. This has been an activity that all age groups have enthusiastically embraced - so much so that we are considering weaving the project into a lesson in our next year's units.