
These software programs can be downloaded for free by our Supporting Members. Learn more.

Notes About This Group of 6 Programs

  • Exodus Adventuresmceclip1
  • Galilee Flyer
  • Joseph's Story
  • 5 Loaves ~ 2 Fishes
  • Faith Through the Roof
  • Attack of the Sunday School Zombies

Each of the 6 software programs in this download section were built using "3D Game Studio" and play like video game adventures in which you "steer" a character (or triplane in Galilee Flyer) around the landscape to find and act on and accomplish things within the game landscape in order to keep moving forward through the story. Each adventure features story and Bible verse content and includes questions and reflections within the game for a teacher or parent to latch onto as they ideally go through the game with their students.

Each of the lesson-games in this group are too challenging for 1st and 2nd graders unless they have LOTS of help. Exodus Adventures is challenging for 3rd graders (especially if you don't give them help or enough time). Because of the "game-like" nature of this group of programs, having the teaching guides and game cheats in hand will be extremely helpful!

Each was originally designed for 1 to 3 students at a computer in class or at home working through the game with an adult nearby if not guiding them. Each program can also be "projected" to a large group with individuals taking turns at navigating and a teacher taking the time to pause their students at various points in the game to make points and ask questions.

For supporting members...

Downloading. Installing, Sharing

To download a zip file containing the software, click the Download Link in the program's description below.

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Some of the program zips are stored on a Google Drive. When you click those you will be taken to the Google Drive account where you will then need to click the download icon (see menu bar on Google Drive) to initiate the download. Other program zips are stored here at and will download immediately when you click the download link on our page.

You may get a "security warning" about downloading or installing files that contain "exe" setup files from an "unknown" publisher. No worries, that's just Windows playing it safe. Click "continue" or "details" in those messages to continue.

To install the software, "unzip" (unpack/extract) the downloaded file to a folder on your PC and execute the "setup" or "install" file to install the software to your PC. Be sure to view the other docs in the zip file, especially the "README" file.

Due to access permissions, if you want to share these software programs with a teacher or church family, you will need to share your downloaded zip file either by uploading the zip file to your own online storage or by sharing the zip file on a USB memory drive. Links may not be publicly posted.

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These programs are being shared free-of-charge with the supporting members of and their congregations by Sunday Software. Learn more.


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Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm
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Software: Exodus Adventures

Link to the Updated Version in a Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Teaching Guide (also included in the download)

Cheat Sheet (also included in the download)

March 2023 Update: Many of the video and sound files were updated so that they could be heard better on some computers that had softer volumes. If you have an earlier version, delete it and install this one.

Lessons at that use this software:

ExodusRobinExodus Adventures software features THREE different games about the Exodus story set in the landscape of Egypt and Sinai.

Game 1 is the story of the Hebrews in Egypt, Burning Bush,  Moses, Pharaoh and the Plagues.

In game 2, students cross the Red Sea, collect Manna, and solve how to get Water from Rock.

Game 3 is a helicopter flying quiz that introduces the "rest" of the Exodus story found in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Each story adventure features "challenges" which the students must navigate/solve.

You should plan on needing 40 to 45 minutes for each game depending on player ability and how much help you give them from the cheat sheet

Progress in all three games can be "saved" so that they can be taken up later. In advance, the teacher can also create several "save points" in a game which the players can load from the menu. This is handy if you want to bypass or speed up game play.

Age Range: Primarily for older children, 1st and 2nd graders will enjoy seeing the story but need someone to do the guiding. Games 1 and 2 in Exodus Adventures are probably the most challenging games in Sunday Software's catalog because they have many things to go do, get, listen to, figure out, and complete.  If you are previewing the software and not much of a gamer (or in a hurry) be sure to see the "Cheat Sheet." The guide and cheat sheet can also be used by students if they need help moving forward.

System: Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11.

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.

Extended Description & Additional Helps:

Scripture and insights are often shared by Robin and her grandfather as players move through the game landscapes. Additional content to read and puzzles to solve reinforce content. These games require listening and reading skills.

GAME 1: The story of the Hebrews in Egypt, Moses & Pharaoh, and the Plagues. Robin flies to the Goshen "dig site" to learn how the Israelites came to Egypt, then flies to Midian to discover the burning bush and receive God's message, then on to Pharaoh’s Palace to learn about the confrontation with Pharaoh and the plagues. The game features several short video clips from a documentary about the Exodus.


GAME 2: Crossing the Red Sea, Manna, Manna, Water from Rock. Robin explores the Red Sea, figures out the Miriam Song Game, finds the hidden trail to the Marah Well, and helps turn the bitter waters sweet, –just like Moses once did. She then overnights in the Manna Cave, collects manna in Rephidim, scales a cliff and takes the helicopter to fly back to the monastery. Once there, Robin must find the staff of Moses, strike the Rock of Horeb (which the monastery was built around) and hear final thoughts from her grandfather as they swim in the flooded grounds!


GAME 3: “To the Promised Land” ~ is an introduction to Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Robin zooms over the Sinai wilderness in her helicopter to find 7 Quiz stations. At each station, she hears info about the Israelites journey to the Promised Land, and must answer questions to advance. Your students will have to dive into their Bibles to answer the questions. During the flight, they’ll also hear some interesting facts over the helicopter radio. Use the map and don't run out of gas!

At the end of Game 3, Robin lands atop Mt. Nebo (where Moses looked from to see the Promised Land) and meets her grandfather there for some reflection on the Israelite’s journey to the Promised Land. Be sure to see the "map" in the included guides to know where all 7 questions can be found.


The games are best played by students who have a beginning knowledge of the Exodus story and reasonable gaming and keyboard skills.

Flying Tip: The clipboard in the helicopter will show you an image of you where you need to go next. You are going the approximate right direction when the image on the compass matches the image on the clipboard! The helicopter is used quite a bit in Games 1, just a little in Game 2, and for almost the entire time in Game 3!

View a short video clip of what happens when Robin finds the burning bush. -- God gives encouraging words to Robin (your students).


Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Software: Galilee Flyer

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Teaching Guide (also included in the download)

Pilot Guide for Students (also included in the download)

List of all the Verses and Questions from all four games (not included in the download)

Galilee Flyer is a flying game that takes place around and above the Sea of Galilee. Students pick from one of four lesson-subjects, then take off into the Galilean skies to find verses and questions floating above the landscape.  The objective: find the Verses from their passage and match first halves of each verse with their correct second halves. Pop-up questions about each verse are also floating in the skies. Each one correctly answered increases the pilot's score. Once all the verse halves are found and matched, land on the island to get your score and fly again to try and beat it!  Great for lesson time and meaningful fun time.

The four subjects are: The Beatitudes, The Lord's Prayer, Famous Sayings from the Sermon on the Mount, and the short Kingdom Parables (seed, leaven, treasure, pearl).  25-35 minutes per game depending on flying ability. Sunday Software notes that this has been one of its most popular titles, especially among older children and pre-teens.


Fly to the top of Mt Hippus to open the scripture reading for each game....


Example of one of the "verse matches" you have to make in order to collect enough verses to be able to land and get your "Pilot Ranking."


Age Range: Primarily for older children, 1st and 2nd graders will enjoy the thrill of the game but will need lots of help navigating and reading verse halves to match them.

System: Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11.

Lessons at that use this software:


Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.

Extended Description & Additional Helps:

If you need more help flying than the guide gives you, view Sunday Software's "Guide for the Flying Challenged."

Print a list of all the Verses and Questions used in Galilee Flyer's four games.

Kids enjoy playing Galilee Flyer during "fellowship" or interim times at church. It is recommended that they not be allowed to play games which they have yet to play as a LESSON so as not to spoil the newness for teaching use.

Students must complete each of the verses in their chosen passage in order to complete the game. They can try as many times as they want, but answering right the first time improves your score the most.


Correctly answering the question pop-up panel also increases your pilot ranking!

Both the Verse and Question panels contain insights and life application.


An optional "D" discussion area can be flown to in the mountains. Question panels pop open when you land next to it or fly close.



Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Software: Joseph's Story

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Teaching & Game Guide (also included in the download)

Student Worksheet (an optional resource)

Lessons at that use this software:

Joseph's Story is a computer adventure game about the entire story of Joseph that takes place in the recently discovered "underground ruins of Joseph's "lost palace." Students navigate "Robin" a young teenage archaeologist through the ruins which mysteriously begin to treat Robin as if she is Joseph -- causing her to experience the main events and people in of Joseph's story. She meets Potiphar and his wife. She is arrested and brought to Pharaoh. She meets the brothers.


The underground is a bit of a maze with story-puzzles and actions to perform in order to advance (consult the guide for details and solutions). 40-45 minutes to play. "Save Game" and "Jump Ahead" options.

Robin-Animated-WalkingJoseph's Story uses the same two main characters as Exodus Adventures software: Robin (whom your students navigate) and "Grandpa Dabs" (who provides navigational guidance, story content, and questions).

Age Range: Primarily for older children, 1st and 2nd graders will enjoy the story and visuals but will need lots of help navigating and some content will be lost on them. The program can be projected to a group where the teacher or a player completes an area of the program followed by discussion before continuing on.

System: Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11. Joseph's graphics were designed to run on older PCs -- the type Sunday Schools typically have. But it still runs great on the latest operating systems and the story hasn't changed in 3000 years

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.

Extended Description & Additional Helps:

Scripture and insights are often shared by Robin and her grandfather as players move through the game landscape. Some content can be bypassed or returned to for further discussion. The game requires listening and reading skills.



Apparently and mysteriously, the ruins of Joseph's Egyptian Palace come alive -- as if Joseph had somehow left his story to be explored and experienced. Rooms in the underground ruins include the "wheat" and "sun, moon, and stars" dreams. Then at a certain point, the ruins and characters think Robin is Joseph and she is arrested and taken to Pharaoh. Players navigate the ruins, hearing and seeing, responding and solving -- on their way to completing the journey by finding Benjamin's Cup which activates the ruin's last secret:  the reconciliation of Joseph and his brothers.




Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Software: 5 Loaves ~ 2 Fishes  (Jesus Feeds the 5000)

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Teaching and Game Guide (also included in the download) - includes game secrets.

Lessons at that use this software:

5 Loaves~2 Fishes
is about the John 6:1-15 story of Jesus Feeding the 5000 -- the only miracle found in all four Gospels.  It is a retelling of the story in the guise of a game. Students navigate a boat with Peter across the Sea to Bethsaida where they must find and convince their "Uncle Reuben" to go listen to Jesus. Students meet, hear, and are personally addressed Jesus. Reuben believes and then invites the player to go fishing on the Sea where they encounter a quiz about the story and a reinforcing music video.  There are several "game-y" challenges to complete in order to advance through the story, and at times the game takes over to tell the story. Challenges include finding and convincing the Uncle, and finding the fish and loaves. The story-game takes about 25-30 minutes depending on ability.


"5 Loaves" was created using a game landscape similar to the one used in "Faith Through the Roof" software. Both feature a boat ride with Peter, a village with things to do, and Jesus to be found and spoken with.

Age Range: Primarily for older children. Navigating the game is too difficult for 1st and 2nd graders, but they will enjoy the story and wandering through the village to find their Uncle and Jesus as long as someone else does most of the navigating.

System: Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11.

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.



Images (4)
  • bethsaida-5loaves-620x297
  • reubenandjesus-1
  • 5Loaves2FishesLogo
  • 5Loaves2Fishes-Logo-SundaySoftware
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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Software: Faith Through the Roof

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Teaching and Game Guide (also included in the download)

Lessons at that use this software:


Faith Through the Roof is a game that retells the famous Mark 2:1-12 story of the man let down through a hole in the roof of a house in Capernaum to be healed and forgiven by Jesus. Students ride with Peter on a boat to Capernaum, must find the man in the village, help carry him to Jesus, and then talk with Jesus. After speaking with Jesus and hearing his encouragements, the player returns to the lake to "go fishing" for a quiz about the story and a special music video about the call to forgive and bring others to meet Jesus. 25-30 minutes per game depending on ability.

Age Range: Primarily for older children, 1st and 2nd graders will enjoy the story but will need a lot of help navigating and doing things in the right order to advance the story. In addition to having your students play on a computer(s), a teacher may also present the program on a large screen using their own computer and invite students to come forward to help navigate certain sections of the program. The game pauses whenever you want to stop and discuss something.

System: Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11.

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.

Additional Content:

The game's design of Peter's House in Capernaum was based on homes in that region in those days. Here's how to cross the roof to lower your friend down to see Jesus.


An extra set of life application discussion questions:




Images (5)
  • Peter-welcomes-you
  • faithroofQ
  • stretcherhelp4
  • faiththrough-students
  • faith-logo
Files (1)
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Software: Attack of the Sunday School Zombies

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Zombies Game and Teaching Guide (also included in the download)

Student Guide (limited info, also included in the download)

Lessons at that use this software:

Attack of the Sunday School Zombies is a funny game about the reasons why some people don't like going to church and why you should go.

Seven members of your church have become Zombies roaming the halls of the church and complaining about why they don't like church!  Enter Super Kenz the Bible Kid! (your players) who will find each zombie, stop them from skulking around by flinging chocolate donuts at them, and share verses and advice that will change their minds and restore them.

The game features onscreen conversations between Super Kenz and the zombified church members, but only after Super Kenz has gotten them to stand still by piling on the chocolate donuts. Throughout the building is some fun stuff, like a choir room filled with frogs and a sanctuary full of flying hymnbooks. Once you have changed all 7 zombies back into church members, they gather in the cleaned-up Sanctuary for the win!   

25-35 minutes depending on ability. The game is full of scripture and thoughts about church and worship, and there's plenty you can follow upon on after the game.  Ideally, you have pairs of kids at each PC, though you could have kids work together and step forward one at a time to play the game at a big screen.

Super Kenz whaps the Zombies with donuts to get them to slow down and talk to her. Please see our "caveat" at the end of this post for those who don't like the idea of hitting zombies with donuts.


Age Range: Primarily for older children, 1st-3rd graders will enjoy the story but will need lots of help navigating and some may at first be a bit scared by the zombies church members (aren't we all), and the scary organ music (ditto).

System: Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11.
(Load and check game play on ALL your computers to confirm it works fine. See the attached software's Tech Guide for special helps to run it in Windows 8 and 10.)

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.

More About the Zombies…

They’re not the flesh-eating kind 🙂   “Sunday School” zombies walk around bored, disinterested, and COMPLAINING about things. And when they get hit with donuts, they start to dodge and run -- until finally stopping to listen to Super Kenz and talk with her.

  • Daniel the pre-teen: I’m bored! I want to be entertained!
  • Luke the young boy: My parents make me come. Why go on Sunday anyway?
  • Nikki the young teen: Church is such a fashion show, I feel judged by what I wear.
  • Cara the older girl: I don’t like some of the people there. Some of them aren’t nice. They’re hypocrites.
  • Neil the old guy: I go because I feel like I have to pay God back and do my duty.
  • Pastor Bob:  Church isn’t supposed to be exciting! Get used to it.**
  • Mrs. Moreno: I can be a Christian all on my own. I don’t need organized religion.
  • Malinda the mom: It seems so fake, and I have my doubts.

One of the scripture screens Super Kenz shows and reads to the zombies

Extended Description:

Please note: The kid super-hero in Attack of the Sunday School Zombies flings chocolate donuts at the church zombies from her DONUT CROSSBOW in order to slow them down and talk to them. One of the zombies includes a pastor humorously skulking around the pews. If you want to construe the donut flinging crossbow as "shooting people" then Sunday Software recommends you DO NOT play this content-rich, discussion-starting, tongue-in-cheek game which was originally developed for older kids and youth to address "why go to church" in a humorously engaging and serious way.


Pictured: The donut crossbow with a box of donuts attached.
Donut boxes are found throughout the church.
The chocolate does tend to spray.


Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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