
These software programs can be downloaded for free by our Supporting Members. Learn more.

Notes About the Four Programs in This Group

  • capt-paulJesus in Space
  • Good Sam the Samaritan
  • Prodigal Son
  • Fluffy and God's Amazing Christmas Adventure

The four programs in this grouping are each laid out like an "interactive Bible story" and lesson plan with built-in scripture, background and dig deeper content, and reflection content.

The age ranges on all four are similar. By themselves, grades 3 and up will easily be able to navigate the programs. Younger children will need a guide to help read some of the onscreen content, navigate, and know what and when to skip (see the guides). Each program lends itself to single or multi-station "lab" use, or presented by a teacher to a single group on a large monitor/tv.

Downloading. Installing, Sharing

To download a zip file containing the software, click the Download Link in the program's description below.

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Some of the program zips are stored on a Google Drive. When you click those you will be taken to the Google Drive account where you will then need to click the download icon (see menu bar on Google Drive) to initiate the download. Other program zips are stored here at and will download immediately when you click the download link on our page.

You may get a "security warning" about downloading or installing files that contain "exe" setup files from an "unknown" publisher. No worries, that's just Windows playing it safe. Click "continue" or "details" in those messages to continue.

To install the software, "unzip" (unpack/extract) the downloaded file to a folder on your PC and execute the "setup" or "install" file to install the software to your PC. Be sure to view the other docs in the zip file, especially the "README" file.

Due to access permissions, if you want to share these software programs with a teacher or church family, you will need to share your downloaded zip file either by uploading the zip file to your own online storage or by sharing the zip file on a USB memory drive. Links may not be publicly posted.

Need help? Go to our Software and Teaching Tech Help Desk

These programs are being shared free-of-charge with the supporting members of and their congregations by Sunday Software. Learn more.


Images (1)
  • capt-paul
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm
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Software: Jesus in Space!

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Guide and Outline to Jesus in Space

Student handouts/worksheets

Lessons at that use this software:

Jesus in Space has three complete lessons: The Baptism of Jesus, The Last Supper, and The Road to Emmaus. In each lesson students hear, see, and interact with the story. The learning includes activities about the (ecumenical) meaning of Baptism, Communion, and how we see and share Jesus today.

Capt Paul, Lt. Stu, and Shelbot the overly brainy robot travel to different planets for each "mission" aboard the Starship Tarsus. One of the features of software from Sunday Software is a sense of humor, often poignantly so. Jesus in Space imagines how aliens on other planets would imagine how Jesus looked on their planet. Thus, on the planet "Vet" (the ocean planet) the story of Jesus and John the Baptist takes place underwater. On planet "Whammo" Jesus and the disciples are robots. And on "Ice Moon Alpha," Jesus and the disciples are snow and ice creatures. These ideas also cue some of the story activities in which students re-interpret the story using words and images from the planet where the learning takes place. The result is a memorable lesson that's fun, and one that students will want to play again.

Activities include retelling the story, playing games about subjects in the story, and answering questions that pop up. Highlights include a special game about the connection between the Passover Seder, Last Supper, and Communion, and a fun "Baptism Pipes" game with a quiz about the (ecumenical) meaning and practice of Baptism. Each "mission" takes about 20-25 minutes to complete and offers many navigational options to skip forward and back.

View a short video clip preview of Jesus in Space


Age Range:  Optimally grades 2-7, Jesus in Space can also be selectively used with non-readers who have help. The program can be used in a workstation or lab setting or shown as a presentation to a group with students called forward to help with navigation.

System: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 -only.

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.



Last edited by Luanne Payne

Software: Good Sam the Samaritan

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Outline and Teaching Guide (also included in the download)

Lessons at that use this software:

Good Sam the Samaritan retells and digs into the parable of the Good Samaritan, — arguably Jesus’ most famous and most important teaching, and it does it in a fun and insightful way with animation, narration, quizzing, music and discussion videos. Hosted by Bildad the Bible Explorer -- your onscreen guide and teacher.


Students can choose from three different animated versions of the story to see and hear. Sam-Cam features interviews with the actors. Good Sam Land digs into why the Samaritans were despised. Who Wants to Be a Samaritan is a fun gameshow reinforcing the lesson. And Sam-TV reflects on the story and its life application with music and more.

Age Range:  Optimally grades 2nd to 8th. Non-readers will enjoy sections of the software with help. There's plenty in the program for more than one lesson.

System: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 -only. BE SURE you have QuickTime 7.7.9 for Windows installed before installing this program. It’s a free download at

Learn how to make this program fill more of your screen with a simple adjustment to your Windows Display.

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.

Extended Description:

“Our God’s love, it is so very strong,  it leads me to see the need in you…” –from Sam TV’s music video “Lend a Helping Hand.”

"Sam Cam" features humorous discuss-worthy video interviews with characters from the story.


"SamLand" is an interesting interactive map of the Holy Land in the Good Sam software that features insights into who the Samaritans were.


Be sure to read the "Adjusting Display Size" pdf and note in the download to make this program fill more of your screen.


Images (4)
  • sammenu: Sam Menu
  • samcam: Sam Cam
  • Whowants: Who wants to bea Samaritan? Quiz Show
  • Samland: Sam Land
Files (1)
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Software: The Prodigal Son

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Outline and Teaching Guide (also included in the download). It includes helpful tech notes.

The guide has a lesson plan in it. A similar one was also posted at in the Prodigal Son forum. The Writing Team has created a lesson plan for it along with a VIDEO OVERVIEW of the program.



The Prodigal Son software has four learning areas:

1. Luke 15 - Students select onscreen text to view a narrated video of the story, and view/discuss animated study notes that explain the imagery, concepts, and vocabulary of the story. The retelling of the story is word-for-word from the NRSV, The actors in the video are a real farm family and the video was shot on their real farm.

2. SonTV has 3 channels:

  • Channel 1: The story retold in a wonderful music video.
  • Channel 2: Explore the very similar Jesus parables of "The Workers in the Vineyard" (Matthew 20) and "The Two Sons in the Vineyard" (Matthew 21)
  • Channel 3: Discussion Questions for digging deeper.

3. Letters --a life-application/reflection activity where students practice the language of apology and forgiveness. See the important tech note in the Guide about this section.

4. Prodigal Fun --a bouncy pig game!

Age Range:  Ages 5 to 12. Non-readers and early readers will need some help.

System: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 . BE SURE you have QuickTime 7.7.9 for Windows installed before installing this program. It’s a free download at

Learn how to make this program fill more of your computer screen by making a simple adjustment in your Windows Display setting.

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.


The interactive Bible study found in the Prodigal Son software features a re-enactment of the parable on a modern farm featuring a real farm family.


Students click on verses to hear them and see them presented. Clickable icons and words in the verses open up narrated and illustrated study notes explaining concepts. Follow-up questions and life application abound.


Images (4)
  • Prodigal-son-menu2
  • 1dad
  • 1pigs
  • 1ring
Files (1)
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Fluffy and God's Amazing Christmas Adventure

Link to the Downloadable Zip Filemceclip1

Resources for using the program:

Lessons at that use this software:

Fluffy is a poor little sheep whom God decides to tell the Christmas story to -- the whole thing. God does so through a series of interactive story-retellings, activities, and extra content for deeper study. "Fluffy" was designed to be the kind of software a Sunday School could teach with every Advent to cover one or more parts of the Advent story. It can also be used by students and their families for a fun at-home lesson.

Fluffy's Main Menu (seen below) is the gateway to six learning areas, each with between 20 to 25 minutes worth of content which should extend longer with a teacher or parent riding along and pausing to ask the many questions embedded throughout the program.

  1. Promises, Promises covers Isaiah 9 and the OT promise of a Messiah
  2. Yo Mary and Joe covers the announcement of the angel and meaning of Jesus' name
  3. Road to Bethlehem is a short section about Bethlehem
  4. Birth of Jesus tells the Birth story
  5. Shepherd's Night tells the Shepherds story and includes a visit to the manger
  6. Magi cover the visit of the Magi and those who seek and spread God's message

God has a lot to share! ..and many of Fluffy's activities help students not only learn the biblical story, but reflect on its meaning for us today.

Age Range:  By themselves: Grades 3 to 8.  Ages 4-7 with help and being selective about which content to view and use.

System: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 -only. Be sure you have QuickTime 7.7.9 for Windows installed before installing Fluffy. It’s a free download at

Learn how to make this program fill more of your computer screen by making a simple adjustment in your Windows Display setting.

Permissions: Sunday Software is making this program available to the Supporting Members of free of charge. The program may be installed on as many computers at your church as needed or shared with your church's members for their home use. The file may not be publicly posted or otherwise distributed beyond your congregation's use.

Extended Description:

At times, Fluffy is fun tongue-in-cheek, and at other times it is still fun but more serious and reflective. Pop-up content and navigation options allow students to bypass some content or drill-down for deeper study (some of which has been put there for older kids). Key Christmas story historical background and biblical vocabulary is explored. All of the five main learning areas are big on life application. Fluffy feels like and looks like an interactive lesson, which means it works well when, led by a teacher, it is projected to groups.


Above: The interactive menu for the Magi section of the program.

God is depicted onscreen as a cloud with a lightning bolt that leads Fluffy around the story (perhaps distantly related to the pillar of fire in the Exodus story). God has quite a sense of humor, and for a change, Ever imagined God's voice with a country "twang"? You will after this program!

In "Yo Mary and Joe!" God explains to Fluffy the differences in Matthew and Lukes stories about the angel's visit, and provides an activity about how WE can become God's messengers (angels).

Several of Fluffy's stories include a verse reflection activity called "Fluffimations." Students complete a "mad-lib-like" set of questions posed by the program which inserts them into the scripture to create a new version of the story spoken aloud by Fluffy using the student's vocabulary.


The "Prophet Promises" menu has lots to explore.

Fluffy is a BIG program. The Guide details each section and sub-section.

View a listing of Fluffy's major sections

Learn how to make this program fill more of your computer screen by making a simple adjustment in your Windows Display setting.



Last edited by Luanne Payne

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