
Drama and Newsroom Lessons and Ideas for Teaching the Story of Creation in Sunday School

Post your drama, newsroom, skits, puppet activities for teaching the story of Creation, 7 days of Creation: Genesis 1 and 2. Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden. Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, etc., in Sunday School.

Glean what you need, share what you can.

Note: The following Sunday School lesson could be used for Drama or for Puppets (see notes below). Also, refer to the forum for Creation Puppet lessons and ideas.

In this first lesson, we recorded a "radio show" that retold the story of Creation using voices and sound effects. Today, we call this "radio show" technique a "podcast"

A Story of Creation Sound Effects Podcast

The students use their imaginations to consider God's creativity as they recreate the cacophony and harmony of the six days of creation in this "recorded" sound effects performance. A script for the reading is provided with suggested prompts. Use a cellphone or other recording device to record and playback the performance.



  • Set up your "recording studio" in a playful way with a microphone (or cellphone) on a stand, a table with sound effect objects, signs that say "On the Air - Recording in Progress," and some faux sound panels (like bubble wrap hung on the wall behind the voice actors.
  • Podcast-microphone-setupYou can set up several "pretend" microphones for each vocal talent, but record them all using just one microphone (or cellphone).
  • If you plan on using this technique several time, it is recommended that you purchase an inexpensive "podcast style" microphone with its own stand. This will help share the mike and get kids in a playful but productive mood.
  • Assign some students to be the vocal talent, and others to do the sound effects.
  • Assign a leader to be the "Director" and teach the kids to start when you point and stop when you mime "cut."
  • Using a LAPTOP's recording feature instead of a cellphone allows the Director easier control over the stop/record control than a cellphone would. Get a microphone to plug into the laptop.
  • The blue microphone pictured below is a child's toy widely available on Amazon. It has its own built-in speaker and sound effect settings. This inexpensive microphone can be used to create God's voice and you'll find is useful in many other dramas!  It doesn't plug in to a cellphone or laptop but those devices can record what comes out of this microphone.

Scripture Reference:

Genesis 1:1 - 2:4a

Background comments on the story:

  • God speaks creation into being from chaos. He is an artist.
  • The first chapter of Genesis is written in a poetic, liturgical form. It is not meant to be science. It is a statement of faith.
  • God valued the world. He saw that it was good, and He trusted it to us. God did not create the world and then abandon it.
  • Read Genesis 2: 4b-25. Note that a different storyteller tells another version of the creation story, with more focus on the creation of humans. The stories don't conflict, they just have different emphases.

Supplies List:

  • a cellphone or other recording device (see tips above)
  • Copies of script for everyone
  • Pencils
  • Whistle
  • Objects that make sound effects:
    A bowl of water for Day 1 to splashing in.
    A cymbal or bells
    Paper to tear for "separate"
    Various hand instruments your church may have, like wooden blocks.
    (Many of the sound effects will be made by the students with their own voices. They will be experiment with all of the sound effects objects and decide as a group what sound(s) is appropriate for each day of creation.)
  • Flip chart
  • If you choose to extend the session, collect materials to make puppets/artwork for the six days of creation (markers, scissors, glue, stapler, posterboard, craft sticks, construction paper, large pieces of nylon net, crepe paper streamers, glitter, sticks, leaves, feathers, ...) and a big blanket or some sort of screen to form a "backstage" area.



Greet the children and introduce yourself and explain what they'll be doing and learning about today.

Podcast Preparation:

Read the scripture: Genesis 1:1 - 2:4a

Discuss before acting out the story:
Characters: God, all of creation
On the flip chart, list things that were created, in order by day.

Warm-up exercises:

  • Interpretive movement: talk about what chaos would have been like, and then let the children feel and create the movements and sounds they think embody chaos. Have a whistle handy to stop the activity when it becomes too chaotic!
  • Experiment with all of the sound effects objects. Come together as a group and agree what sound(s) is appropriate for each day of creation. Decide who will be responsible to make each of the sounds for the taping. (Try to use sounds, not words, to make the noises for the things created.)

Assign parts, rehearse script with sound effects of your choice, then record the script.

Afterward, listen to the recording. Ask, "Does it sound the way we want it?"

If time permits, reassign parts and sounds and record a different version of it-- reassigning roles.

Pulling it all together (closing discussion):

  • What did God create?
  • What does it mean that we are made in God's image?
  • I wonder what it feels like to create? What did we create today? Is our imagination part of being created in God's image?
  • A steward is someone who manages another's property, finances, or other affairs. Read Genesis 1:28b-30. In what ways have we brought the earth and all that is in it under our control?
  • What activities are endangering the earth and changing its climate?
  • How can you be good steward of the earth and all God has given you in your own neighborhood?

Closing:  Enjoy listening to the podcast you created!

The Creation Story Sound Effects Podcast

An Audio Recording Script with Sound Effects
adapted by Amy Crane from Genesis 1:1-2:4a, Today's English Version

(Spaces are left for the students to write in the sound effects they feel would create the appropriate noise, mood, or effect. Use noisemakers, rhythm instruments, objects and voice, but no words.)

All: A story from the Book of Genesis.

Reader 1: In the beginning, when God created the Universe, the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness.

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

Reader 2: The power of God was moving over the water.

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

Reader 2: And God said,

God: Let there be light.

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

Reader 1: And there was light!

Reader 2: And God was pleased with what he saw.

Reader 1: Evening passed and morning came. That was the first day.

Reader 3: God separated the water with a dome, and he named the dome "sky."

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

Reader 1: Evening passed and morning came. That was the second day.

Reader 2: Then God commanded

God: Let the water below the sky come together in one place, so that land will appear.

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

Reader 3: And it was done.

Reader 3: God named the land "earth" and the water "sea."

Reader 2: And God was pleased with what he saw.

Reader 1: Then God commanded

God: Let the earth produce all kinds of plants.

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

Reader 3: And it was done,

Reader 2: and God was pleased with what he saw.

Reader 1: Evening passed and morning came. That was the third day.

Reader 3: Then God commanded

God: Let lights appear in the sky to separate day from night.

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

Reader 3: And it was done,

Reader 2: and God was pleased with what he saw.

Reader 1: Evening passed and morning came. That was the fourth day.

Reader 3: Then God commanded

God: Let the water be filled with many kinds of living things,

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

God: and let the air be filled with birds.

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

Reader 3: And it was done.

Reader 2: And God was pleased with what he saw.

Reader 1: Evening passed and morning came. That was the fifth day.

Reader 3: Then God commanded

God: Let earth produce all kinds of animal life.

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

Reader 3: And it was done,

Reader 2: and God was pleased with what he saw.

Reader 1: Then God commanded

God: And now we will make people; they will be like us.

Sound effect: _______________________________________________________________________________

Reader 3: So God created human beings, and made them to be like himself.

Reader 2: And God blessed them

God: Have many children, so that your children and grandchildren and their grandchildren will live all over the earth and bring it under their control.

Reader 2: And it was done.

Reader 3: And God looked at everything He had made, and he was very pleased.

Reader 1: Evening passed and morning came. That was the sixth day.

Reader 4: And so the whole universe was completed in six days.

Reader 3: On the seventh day, God stopped working.

Reader 2: God blessed the seventh day and set it apart as a special day.

Readers 4,3,2,1: And that is how the universe was created.

A lesson written by Amy Crane for Camp Feliciana in Norwood, Louisiana


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Interactive Audience Participation Storytelling/Drama

Melanie Vaughn had asked:

Years ago, I found a skit online (maybe through this website even) that told the story of creation in a humorous and repetitive way, using people to represent the different things that God created each day. For instance, the person portraying the Sun would say "Beam, Beam" over and over again during the skit. (I suppose it could also say, grow food, warm you!)
The Moon might have said "Glow, Glow". The Stars might have said "Shine, Shine" and "look at the heavens." The kids loved it! The story came alive for them. Does this sound the least bit familiar to anyone? I could rewrite the skit, but if it's out there somewhere already written...? Thanks if you can help!

Luanne's answer...
The only thing I can think of that it might be is "In the Beginning" by John Cosper, Jr. found at

It's a fun script that has lots of potential for adaptation and staging.

For example:

Narrator- And God called the expanse 'Sky' which separated the Rains...

[Have the Rains make a 'Sssss' sound.]

Narrator- From the Seas.

[Have the Seas make a 'Whoosh!' sound and hand motions.]

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Luanne, that is very close to what I was looking for!! Thank you! With a few revisions it will work perfectly. I'm adding more sound effects for most of the "creations" and a couple of extra animal roles. Going to have some adults and youth be the "actors" and elementary children be the "audience". Then if we have time, we'll switch places. Needed it for this Sunday, so your timing is perfect!
Thanks again!!!

Creation Story "Breaking News Podcast"

A Rotation-style Drama Workshop

The following humorous script imagines the angels Michael, Gabriel, and "Harold" reporting on Creation as it is being created. The easiest way to present this is as a "podcast" where only the voices are recorded. This allows students to read directly from the script and not have to act with their bodies in front of a camera (only with their voices).  Additional students can provide sound effects (such as whooshing and whirling sounds and various animals, etc.)

To record this, we recommend using a laptop or tablet's recording app. This will give you better control over when you need to pause the recording and play it back.  You can use the laptop's microphone, but you'll get better audio if you can plug in a USB Microphone with a stand and place it in front of your student-speakers.  "Podcast" style microphones are fun and not very expensive.


The "narrator" only has two lines, so they could also be the "director" who can prompt the other actors who are gathered around the microphone.

Take the script and have the kids add "sound effect prompts" before they rehearse it. Record the rehearsal so that they can listen to it and do it better a second time around (which they'll definitely want to do). This repetition is part of the learning of these story in preparation for your questions and discussion with them.


Genesis 1:1 – 2:3

Room Set-up:

  • Recording table with microphone centrally located.
  • Have a second nearby table full of objects that can be used to provide sound effect. (If you place them on the same table as the microphone the recording will unfortunately record the items being picked up and put down.

Supply List:

  • Microphones that can connect to a computer/laptop.
  • Laptop or computer to record the drama.
  • A variety of sound effect devices for each day of Creation. Many of these SFX can be sounds made by the students, such as "whoosh" and "ah-ah-ah" when the lights go on. Placing the stars in the sky can be a triangle or bell sound. Fish can be the sound of splashing in a bowl of water. Etc.

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself as well as any new students. Explain what they'll be doing and learning about today. Ask them what they already know about the Story of Creation.

Scripture/Bible Story:

Read the scripture: Genesis 1:1 – 2:3.

Ask:   What phrase keeps being repeated during the story?

Ask:  What is the purpose of human beings according to the Story of Creation?

Ask:  Name one thing you have done to take care of God's Creation?  (This can be as simple as planting something, picking up trash, protecting an animal.)

Ask: What do you think is the biggest problem facing God's Creation today and how do you think God wants us to solve it?

Explain that an "angel" is a "messenger of God." The Bible mentions two angels by name:  Michael, Gabriel. "Harold" is made up    We are called to be both stewards of God's Creation and messengers of his word to the world.

Assign roles and prepare to record the following newscast!

  1. Narrator (small part that opens and closes the script)
  2. Reporter Harold the Angel
  3. Reporter Gabriel the Angel
  4. God  (could be any actor using another voice)
  5. Michael the Angel

One student can easily play two parts using two different voices.

Newsroom Podcast Script

As you go over the script, have students suggest sound effects and write them in the margin.

director: Lights!……Camera!……Action!

NARRATOR: We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you
this late breaking bulletin! God has been in His shop for the past six days working on something entirely new! Let's go now to the studio for a live broadcast.

REPORTER HAROLD the ANGEL: Hark! Harold the angel here reporting to you from our
Heavenly Hosts Studios. We are happy to interrupt our regular program to bring you this special message about God's Creation! (turns to anchor angel 2) Well, Gabriel, the Lord God Almighty has been busy for six straight days.

GABRIEL the ANGEL: (responding to anchor angel 1) That's right, Harold. (turns to
camera) Our research shows that on day one, God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. He made day and night. God saw that this was good to go. (turns back to Harold) Kinda' out of the box, huh Harold?

REPORTER HAROLD the ANGEL: (looking at Gabe) Why, yes, it is Gabe. (turns to face camera)
On day two, God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." And He called it sky.

GABRIEL the ANGEL: Then on day three, God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." God called the dry ground "land" and the gathered waters "seas." God saw that it was (make Taco Bell hand gesture) good to go.  And this was a busy day for our Lord, God also said, "Let the land produce vegetation." And it did!

REPORTER HAROLD the ANGEL: (responding to Gabe) Cool beans! On the fourth day, God said, "Let there be lights to separate the day from the night and let them serve as signs for the seasons." (turns to Gabe) And it was so! (turns back to camera) He made the sun and the moon and the stars. And God saw that it was most excellent.

GABRIEL the ANGEL: On the fifth day, God said, "Let the waters teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth." And God saw that it was good to go!

REPORTER HAROLD the ANGEL: Things are just swimming right along! We are up to our
sixth day, now. And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds". And it was so. Guess what God said when he saw it?

GABRIEL the ANGEL: That it was exceedingly awesome??

REPORTER HAROLD the ANGEL: That's right, Gabe!

GABRIEL the ANGEL: I know, I was there.  We're now getting word that the Angel Michael has some very special breaking news. Michael?  Are you there?

MICHAEL THE ANGEL: Thanks, fellow flying dudes. How are you today?

REPORTER HAROLD:  We're fine, thanks, but we hear you have some exciting news.

MICHAEL THE ANGEL: Of yes, I'm a little excited! Day number six isn't over yet and rumor has it that God will speak some more! (pause to listen to ear mic) Wait! What's that? The rumor is correct, God is getting ready to speak, again!

GOD: (big booming voice) "Let us make human beings in our image, creators and capable of love, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

REPORTER HAROLD the ANGEL: (very excitedly) Sweet! Will you look at that? Can you see
them, Gabe?!

GABRIEL the ANGEL: (awestruck) Yes, Harold, I see them. Made in the image of God -- so they must be like little gods, right?

MICHAEL THE ANGEL:  No, Gabe. Human being are not mini-gods. To be made in the image of God means that humans can love, forgive, and create just like God!

GABRIEL the ANGEL: Oh, well I knew that.

REPORTER HAROLD the ANGEL: You know, being made in the image of God also means that they will be free to choose. They will have "free will."

GABRIEL the ANGEL: Uh-oh. Does that mean they will always get things right? God always does everything right, will they??

REPORTER HAROLD the ANGEL:  Once again, being made in God's image doesn't mean they will be perfect like God, it means they can love and forgive each other -- just like God, if they choose to.

GABRIEL the ANGEL: So, let me get this straight. God just spoke a few little words and poof! He created everything?!  Even these humans who can make bad choices, as well as good choices?

MICHAEL THE ANGEL: That's correct, Gabriel. God speaks and things are created out of nothing. Just like that!  And he gave these people the freedom to love him back or ignore him.

GABRIEL the ANGEL: Wow!  Why would God do that? Why wouldn't he force everyone to be nice?

REPORTER HAROLD the ANGEL:   Because love isn't something you force people to do. It has to be their choice to love someone or not, to love God or reject him.   But we're not done yet, there's still one more day to create.

NARRATOR: And so God saw all that he had made, and created a seventh day to rest and enjoy it all. And he made that day holy, a day to rest from work and celebrate.

MICHAEL THE ANGEL: Gabriel and Michael, you know why God created the seventh day, don't you?


MICHAEL: Because trying to be "like" God on the other six days is EXHAUSTING! God need to give us time to rest and reflect on what God has done for us, and thank him with our worship and prayers.

GABRIEL the ANGEL: Thanks, Michael. Your report has been very enlightening!

REPORTER HAROLD the ANGEL: Well that's the 7 Days of Creation. I hope all these people get out there and enjoy it and take care of it and each other. After all, that's why God created it, to give them something to enjoy and be grateful for!


Narrator: CUT!

End of script

Let the children practice the Sabbath by "resting" and watching their production!

A lesson written by Cissy Green from: First UMC, Beebe, Arkansas
and updated by a member of the Content Team


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen


Luanne Payne posted:

Interactive Audience Participation Storytelling/Drama

The Exchange Volunteer notes: I am moving this thread of questions to this lesson as another idea for using sound effects in a creation drama.

Melanie Vaughn had asked:

Years ago, I found a skit online (maybe through this website even) that told the story of creation in a humorous and repetitive way, using people to represent the different things that God created each day. For instance, the person portraying the Sun would say "Beam, Beam" over and over again during the skit. The Moon might have said "Glow, Glow". The Stars might have said "Shine, Shine". The kids loved it! The story came alive for them. Does this sound the least bit familiar to anyone? I could rewrite the skit, but if it's out there somewhere already written...? Thanks if you can help!

Luanne's answer...
The only thing I can think of that it might be is "In the Beginning" by John Cosper, Jr.?

Rotation Friend posted:

Luanne, that is very close to what I was looking for!! Thank you! With a few revisions it will work perfectly. I'm adding more sound effects for most of the "creations" and a couple of extra animal roles. Going to have some adults and youth be the "actors" and elementary children be the "audience". Then if we have time, we'll switch places. Needed it for this Sunday, so your timing is perfect!
Thanks again!!!

Hi Rotation Friend,

I'd love to use your revised version of the script for this year's VBS!  Thank you in advance!

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Hi Nancy,

When we did the "In the Beginning" by John Cosper, Jr. we followed his script as written at

We did it at an inter-generational service at our church and I pulled people (adults and kids) randomly from the pews. This would also work for VBS.

It involves 21 kids, plus two narrators (teachers).  

If you want to increase the number of participants from 21, I would simply add more animals, fish, trees, etc.. So for example if the script calls for two animals, you could do four instead (just print the script and adjust the numbers as desired).

We added some costumes, for our two animals, one got a rubber cat nose and the other a rubber pig nose, and those where the animal sounds they made.  With additional animals you would just do the same. (Some simple costumes are an adaption I added - see attachment for details.)

In the attachment are my notes from when we did it, that may be of help to you. They contain:

  • Props/Costume/Actions Chart
  • Additional notes and a short Intro to the skit
  • Sign to print - It was Good!
  • Layout of where to position participants. I wrote up cards and taped to the floor so as narrator I could quickly see where to place people.  If any props or costumes were involved they were also place by the cards when setting up.  We did this at the front of our church so were able to do layers of participants using the choir loft, so everyone could be seen easily by the audience. But, it would still give you an idea of placement even if you did it on a stage.

I would also incorporate Neil's email suggestion, which is a good one. He said, "The only thing that seems missing from the Dramatix script is a modicum of reflection or meaning, which I would look to add if I were doing it."

Any questions on the attachment let me know.

Hope this helps.



Last edited by Luanne Payne


This is awesome!  Your additions to the original script are so well organized and easy to follow.  I can imagine our "Fire, Earth, and Wind" - Elements in the Bible VBS participants really enjoying this engaging play.  

Thanks to you, and John, for your generosity in sharing, and thank you Neil for your thoughtful comments on reflection. Your wonderful work is much appreciated!

Epiphany blessings,


Creation Story Drama Workshop

View and print the attached PDF of the lesson.


  • Scripture: Genesis 1:1-2:3
  • Focus: God Creates Life

 Students will reenact the days of creation leading up to the creation of humans through the use of the Shadow Puppet technique. A script is included in the PDF. They will video and watch their performance, then discuss.  See the video of a 3rd and 4th grade class using the script to create their shadow puppet presentation (posted to YouTube).

Suggested Improvements: Suggest various students take turns narrating. Suggest more life application such as, "What were plants created for?" ..."What were YOU created for?" "How does God feel about Creation?" "How does God want us to feel about Creation."

You may even have a shadow puppet representing the creative presence of God working in each day of Creation rather excitedly to convey and provide a discussion point about God's attitude.

You are welcome to use it in part or entirely. In addition to printing the PDF, you can copy the text from the PDF by dragging it with your mouse and copying/pasting into your own document. You can quickly save the PDF to your computer, then upload the PDF to and convert it to a Word doc for easy editing in Word.


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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