The Disciples at the Last Supper
Drama Workshop - Monologues for Each of the Disciples
The disciples are listed in order as they appear in DaVinci's famous painting of the Last Supper, left to right, as you look at the painting. You don't have to use the "monologues" with the painting but let your imagination run wild. Images of the painting will be something your students see again and again throughout their lives.

My name is Bartholomew. I am the son of Tolmai and one of Jesus’ not so well known disciples. I am often listed after Philip in the gospels. Some people say I am also the disciple called Nathaniel. I once asked Philip, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” I now know that Jesus is something good that came out of Nazareth!
James the younger, of the lesser:
My name is James – James the younger! I am called “the younger” so that you won’t confuse me with the other James. He is a fisherman – I am not. I am sometimes called Jesus’ brother. I stay in the background and keep pretty quiet. Jesus is the important one, the Son of God, that people come to hear. I am happy to just watch, listen and learn.
My name is Andrew. I like to tell people that I was Jesus’ first disciple. I am a fisherman, like my brother Simon Peter. We make our living fishing the Sea of Galilee. When I realized who Jesus was, I immediately went to my brother Simon and said, “We have found the Messiah!”.
My name is Judas. I am close to Jesus – very close. I am important to all the disciples too because I am the treasurer of the group. I have great hopes for Jesus. He is going to be a great leader and get rid of the Romans! Of course, he may need my help………
My name is Peter – that is what Jesus called me. Before I met Jesus I was called Simon. The first time I met Jesus he said that I should be called Peter, which means rock. I know that Jesus is the Messiah, but I sometimes forget and doubt him. I really wanted to be able to walk on the water like Jesus did that time in the boat, but just as I nearly reached Jesus, I was afraid and I began to sink into the water! I wish I could be strong and not feel unsure.
My name is John. I am the brother of James and the son of Zebedee. I am one of Jesus’ first disciples. Like my brother James, I am a fisherman. I have seen many wonderful things that Jesus has done. I even saw him bring Jairus’ daughter back to life! Just this morning Jesus asked Peter and me to go and prepare the Passover meal we are now sharing. We found everything just as Jesus said we would! Jesus is very special – I wonder what will happen next.
I am Jesus of Nazareth. I have gathered my friends in this place tonight to share this last meal with me. They do not know all that is to happen in the next few days, but I do. Tonight I will share with them the simple food of bread and wine. I will use those simple foods as symbols to help remind my friends of me when I am taken from them. I want to remind all who love me that even simple things like bread and drink can help them remember and have faith.
Thomas (with finger raised):
I am Thomas. I am not one of the more well-known disciples, but I have spoken out one or two times. For instance, just in the past few days, Jesus decided we had to return to Jerusalem. Many of the disciples think Jesus is crazy for wanting to go to Jerusalem – there are people here who want to arrest and execute him! Well, when I realized just how serious Jesus was about coming here, I told the others, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” I love Jesus and will stand by him.
My name is James – yes, another James! I am the brother of John - you have already met him. I am, or was, a fisherman. I fished with John, Peter and Andrew. I am older than John – guess that is why the other disciple names James is called the younger! Like John, I am very close to Jesus. I have seen many of the miracles that Jesus has done – not all of the disciples can say that. Once Jesus called John and me the “sons of thunder.” I guess that means Jesus knows we can get a little worked up about things! I am embarrassed to tell you this, but once John and I even went so far as to ask Jesus if we could sit at his right and left, places of great honor when Jesus got his kingdom!
I am Phillip. I live in the same fishing village, Bethsaida, like Andrew, Simon, James, and John. I know a lot about the scriptures and I knew that Jesus was the one the prophets foretold. However, I don’t always seem to understand what Jesus is trying to tell us. When Jesus fed the 5,000, I was worried about how much we could buy with the little money we had. I couldn’t even imagine that Jesus’ miracle was to feed to them all! I wonder what will happen at this meal…
I am Matthew. I was a tax collector. People do not like tax collectors. I was not a good person before Jesus called me. I collected more than I needed to and I lived a good life! I was astounded when Jesus ate at my house that time. What a wonderful thing that was. Jesus told me to follow him, and I did!
I am Thaddeus. I am not one of the disciples that most people know. My name is hardly mentioned in any of the stories that are told about Jesus. Some people call me by the name Jude, the son of James. However, there are already two James who are disciples, so that makes things sort of confusing! I am one of those disciples who followed Jesus but didn’t take a leadership role. Like James the Younger, I watched, listened, and learned. Those are important things too, sometimes even more important than doing!
My name is Simon. I am known among us disciples as the ‘eager one.’ At one point in my life, I was sure that Jesus was the leader we were looking for to help us force the Romans out of our land. However, now I am not so sure that Jesus is that kind of leader. My eagerness has changed. I am even able to call Matthew, the changed tax collector, friend. I would have never been part of a group with him before I met and followed Jesus. I sometimes wonder where my new ‘eagerness’ will take me.
Based on Disciple Monologues by Toni Dattilo,
Who’s Who in the Bible, Reader’s Digest, 1994
Originally posted by member Kathy from Augustana Lutheran Church, St. James, MN