
Drama, Newsroom, and Puppet Lessons and Ideas for teaching the Story of Adam and Eve - Genesis 2 - in Sunday School

Post your Drama, Newsroom, and Puppet Sunday School lessons and ideas for Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden, Genesis 2, Genesis 3.

Bible Sunday School lessons about  Adam and Eve -with Drama, puppets, scripts, skits, acting, newsroom, etc.

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Among the 7 Adam and Eve lesson plans by's Writing
is a Drama Workshop that uses an interactive form of retelling the
story in rhyme that puts God at the center of the drama.


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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Preschool Script

(With mainly narrator for younger kids.)

And God Planted a Garden
Narrator, God, Adam, Eve, Serpent

Stuffed animals, apple.

Our story starts long ago, when God first made with the heavens and the earth.

There were no green plants yet because there hadn’t been any rain. There were no people yet dig up the soil and plant the seeds and do the work that goes into helping plants grow.

From the soil of the ground, God formed the first human, whose name was Adam.

And God planted a garden in Eden in the east. He put Adam there.

Then from the ground, God make all kinds of trees grow — ones that are beautiful and ones like apple trees that have good food to eat.

In the very middle of the garden were two special trees. The tree of life. And the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden.

Then God said to Adam,

"Go ahead and eat from any tree in the garden. All except the tree of knowledge of good and evil."

God knew Adam would be pretty lonely. He would need a best friend. Somebody to talk to. Somebody to help him look after the garden.

Then God made all the animals of the fields, and birds of the air. God brought them all to Adam to see what he would call them. But none of the new creatures seemed to be the right kind of friend for Adam.

So God made Adam fall into a deep sleep. While he was sleeping, God made a lifelong buddy for Adam, a woman called Eve.

Then Adam and Eve began the work of looking after the animals and the garden.

Everything went along just fine. Until the serpent talked to Eve.

The serpent told her she had nothing to fear. Everything would actually be all right if she ate one of the apples she'd be told not to touch.

Eve was a good person who believed things other people told her. She believed the serpent. So she ate one of the apples from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And she convinced Adam to eat one too.

That was when they figured out there weren't wearing any clothes! (Which was actually okay in those early olden days.) But they got embarrassed and scared and hid from God.

Then God came to the garden for a visit. God wasn't real thrilled that they did what they'd been asked not to, and ate the apples that they shouldn’t have.

God was pretty sad. But God had to tell them they couldn't live in the garden any more.

So together Adam and Eve left the beautiful Garden of Eden and went to a new home. But God stayed with them.

-the end-


Preschool Script for the Drama Workshop, Garden of Eden Rotation © 2004, LD McKenzie (adapted from the NRSV).


Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Adam and Eve Worship Drama

The following Drama script was posted by Neil MacQueen.

It's a creative retelling of the Adam and Eve story he created for use in WORSHIP. Neil adapted it from the script he used to create the Story of Adam and Eve from his Awesome Bible Stories CD.

Eve = a man playing Eve with a screeching Miss Piggy style voice.

Adam = a woman playing a dumb man.

God = a deep voice speaking calmly and closely into the microphone.

Narrator = a Yiddish-sounding man.

NARR: According to Genesis, God made a beautiful garden, with fruits trees and a river running through it full of trout. In that garden he also placed the Tree of Life, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then God made a man from the dirt, breathed life into him and put him in that garden, saying, it’s all you can eat Adam, except from that tree over there. Do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Leave it alone.

Adam: Okey dokey God. No problem. You can count on me.

God: Yeah, right.

NARR: Seeing that Adam was lonely, God made him go to sleep. He took a rib from the Adam’s side and made a woman named Eve from it to be Adam’s companion. They were naked --but not embarrassed because they didn’t know anything naughty yet.

Eve: Hello, my name is Eve, what’s yours?

Adam: Whoa huh hoa! (wolf whistle) Uh, actually, I’m not quite sure.

NARR: Some time later, a serpent approached Eve and said,

Serpent: You know the Knowledge of Evil tree? It is ok to eat from it.

NARR: To which Eve replied,

Eve: I don’t think so!

Serpent: O sure, eat from it and you’ll understand good and evil and become just like God.

Eve: Well, ok, if you say so. ADAM! (full scream) Where are you?
Come here. I have some tasty new fruit.

NARR: And as they both ate the forbidden fruit, they suddenly became aware that they were naked,
(Adam and Eve: “yikes)

So they dove in the bushes to cover themselves with fig leaves.

Eve: Ouch
Adam: That’s scratchy
Eve: Stop looking at me that way.
Adam: What way?
Eve: You know what way, Mr.

NARR: A little while later, God came walking through the garden in the cool evening breeze.

God: Adam, Eve, where are you? ....Adam! Eve?

NARR: Of course, God, being all-knowing, knew EXACTLY where they were, AND what they had done!

Adam: We’re here God. But we were afraid to show our faces.

God: Afraid? Afraid of what? You didn’t eat from the tree of good and evil did you?

Adam: Uh, yeah, but it was Eve, ...SHE gave it to me!

Eve: Uh, it was the serpent, HE tricked me! (crying: waaahhh)

NARR: But God was not so easily fooled. First God got mad at the serpent.

God: ...and furthermore you shall crawl on your belly forever more.

NARR: And then God got mad at Adam and Eve,

God: and as for you two, it’s thorns, thistles, and labor pains for you from here on out.

NARR: And God threw them out of the Garden of Eden to live difficult lives.

Adam: Taxes? What is this about taxes?

Eve: You say a baby is going to come out of WHERE?!!!

NARR: And he placed an angel with a flaming sword at the garden entrance to keep them from coming back. Hoo boy, that must have been some sight!
Now, you might think that was a rather harsh thing for God to do, --getting mad and throwing them out. But just before he did it, God made some fur clothes for them.

And about a thousand pages later, Jesus came and died on a cross as a sign of God’s forgiveness to the descendants of Adam and Eve. And he promised them a new Garden called the Kingdom of God. BUT, that’s another story....


Copyright 2004, Neil MacQueen. Adapted from Sunday Software's Awesome Bible Stories CD.

This reader's script is a slightly modified version of the narration script used in Awesome Bible Stories CD's Adam & Eve Story (Sunday Software). Permission granted for local congregational use provided that the copyright info is included with it.

I modified the script for use in a worship service as the scripture reading, but it can be used for drama/skit as well. I recommend a male read Eve's part in a "Miss Piggy voice," and a female read Adam's part as a "dumb jock." It's funny when you do it that way.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Newsroom Report


Idea: a newsroom report focusing on the very first prophecy about Christ (which is found in this story).


Let reporters trace the various "characters" from the story (humans, Satan, God, Promised Seed) through time - what has happened?


The lesson plan could be a review or graduation thesis type presentation for older kids about to graduate up to youth group. I've always thought that would be a neat idea. 


Going with this reporter idea, the lesson could include hints and tips to help the kids write the script themselves instead of providing a script they merely read. 

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Adam and Eve Fashion Show


Kids split into 3 small group to prepare for a series of appearances in the spotlight on the stage to show off and describe one of three props.  Think "fashion modeling."
Have a "runway" for the kids to come out on, some thumping music and a microphone for the announcer who will introduce each model.

Our 3 Modeling Groups are:

1. Fig Leaf Wearers   (trying to cover up)
2. Wall Builders  (hiding from God)
3. Clothing Models  (what God gives us to 'wear')

Even if you have just a few students, you'll need to prepare for all three types of models. The "quick change" behind the stage can be fun.

See notes below for each of the three groups.

The Idea:

Models walk down a runway/stage one at a time -showing off their item as the announcer (teacher) reads from a card the students have prepared about their "ensemble." The location can be on a stage with a spotlight, or an elevated "runway" made out of tables with legs folded up and set on floor, or a strong low table that can be walked on.  Be playful but safe in your setup!

Preparation of the Fig Leafs, Wall stones, and Clothing pieces is very important.

Each group creates their props, labels them, and practices presenting them. You work with them, seeding ideas, and helping them write out an "announcers card" to go with each item/model for the announcer to read as they walk the runway.


Like many dramas, you probably need to practice it once. Encourage them to "ham it up" as far as showing off their prop/fig leaf/clothing item. They are probably all familiar with "modeling poses" and modeling walks so ham that up. VISEOTAPE it for extra fun and reinforcement.

How the Adam and Eve Fashion Show Unfolds:

First, a Fig Leaf Wearer comes out onto the stage in the spotlight to "model" what they are wearing... a heavy/thick pair of flesh colored pantyhose and labeled fig leaf.


Like in a real fashion show, the "announcer" (teacher) has been given a card/script describing what the person is wearing. Creating these cards is part of the prop preparation process. See examples below. The teacher will have to embellish and add-to.


Second, a Wall Builder comes out into the spotlight (wearing boxes for effect), poses with their stone and then places their stone on the ground or on top of another stone -while the announcer describes what's on the stone.


Third, a "Clothing Model" comes out as if "on the runway" modeling an item of clothing God has made them.


Continue alternating between Fig Leaf Wearer, wall builder, and clothing model, until everyone has gone at least twice or you feel you have talked enough about leafs, stones and clothing. The lights come back on, and discussion in a circle ensues. 


Post-show discussion option:

Collect the leafs/stones/clothing and randomly redistribute, --asking each student to explain the item (idea) they have been given. Pass around a stone and marker, inviting each student to add "something that keeps us from spending time with God."  This will reinforce the concepts.


Suggestions for what the 3 Modeling Groups wear on stage:

1. Fig Leaf Wearers  
2. Wall Builders
3. Clothing Models

1.  A Fig Leaf worn over a flesh colored body stocking.

This is what Adam and Eve put on when they discovered they were naked. These are things we try to do to cover up our mistakes....but like fig leafs, they don't really work too good.

Suggested Fig Leafs:


Lying  --lies are usually found out, and make us look even more stupid (naked) than before. Moreover, YOU know you lied, and you know GOD knows you lied, so you are really wearing an invisible fig leaf.

Blame --blaming others is a "cover up" and usually makes us look guilty, and small, and petty. We think it is covering up our nakedness, but it's really exposing us.


For the Fig Leaf: light green construction paper will do.

For the Flesh Color Body Stocking:   Purchase a very thick pair of pantyhose.

2. Wall Builders

They carry a box-stone which has a big label on the side. After showing it off, they build a wall with it.  These "models" are also wearing boxes on their arms and legs, which make them walk clumsily.

Suggested Stone Labels:  (ways to ignore God, hide from God)


  • The "don't go to church" stone. If you don't go, you don't have to confess/feel guilty.
  • The "don't believe in  God" stone. If he isn't real, then you can do what you want.
  • The "don't pray" stone. If you don't listen to God, you don't have to change.

3. Clothing Models

God made clothing to replace the fig leafs before sending his children into the world.

These articles of clothing are labeled with the GIFTS of God we have to live our lives and do our work. The clothing not only cover our shame (save us), but help us to follow God. The clothing models are the most flamboyant. They can wear other funny clothes, but one item in particular is labeled and it is spoken about by the announcer.


Some suggestioned items of clothing:


  • Over-alls and work boots...  God clothes us with work to do, -to tend to creation and take care of others.  By helping/working, we learn not to be selfish.
  • Awesome Decorated Sneakers   ....God wants us to play and be happy.
  • Coat and Hat... God wants to shelter us from life's storms (we are not alone/naked in the world).

The Teacher-Announcer...

During preparation, work with the kids to create 'notes' about what each item/prop means, and what can be said about them. This is a great time to discuss and make life application with your students!  Write out their insights and yours on cards and label each with the name of the student who will be wearing that item. 

You are the "MC" of the fashion show. Announce the model's name, what they are wearing, and comment on what it means. Embellish with "fashion" phrases, such as, "fabulous," "ensemble,"  "stylish," and "what today's smart Christian wears"  etc etc.  Add your insights to each as they move with their prop.  Dismiss each model with a "thank you...wasn't she lovely in those boxes?" etc.   i.e.  have fun with it.

I borrowed this fashion show idea from an old youth group activity we did in the 70's that had us putting on an "armor of God" fashion show. (Our show then was not limited to the items listed in scripture.  I particularly remember the "put on the running shoes of God" model twirling across our stage, and "bandanas for Jesus" that covered our eyes so we wouldn't be distracted by beautiful girls in worship. ...Ah, the 70's youth group)  That also reminded me of a "fashion show" game I used to play with my daughters when they were younger and would come home from school clothes shopping. I'd make funny stuff up about what they could do in their new shirts and skirts.


An idea from Neil MacQueen, Venice, FL


A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

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Adam & Eve

Puppet Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activity

Students will watch a puppet show presented by two adults (or youth) which tells the story. Then they will reflect on modern-day temptations & choices, and develop & perform puppet skits to illustrate these situations.

Scripture Reference:

Genesis 2:4 through Genesis 3:24

Key/Memory Verse:

“Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23-24 (NRSV)

Lesson Objectives

At the end of the Rotation, kids should be able to:

  • Locate the story in their Bible, identifying Genesis as the first book in the Old Testament.
  • Retell the story in his/her own words. (Build on their understanding of the story.)
  • Recognize that is a story about God and about each of us, and choices we make.
  • Identify temptations & wrong choices in their own lives, and ways to be obedient to God.
  • Discover that God forgives even when we do wrong; God is our guide to doing right.

Leader Preparation

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.
  • Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
  • Gather the following materials.
    • Background scenery for puppet stage - a garden of trees [Optional]
    • Bible(s)
    • Child size binoculars (or create from toilet paper tubes)
    • Clothespins or masking tape
    • Construction paper, red
    • Marker
    • Paint stick
    • Pencils
    • Poster board
    • Puppet skit, 2 copies [See next post]
    • Puppet stage
    • Puppets for students to use in their skits
    • Puppets to represent: Adam, Eve, and a snake
    • Scissors
    • Student guide sheets (see file attachment)
    • Tape
    • Tree (use a real tree branch or an artificial tree)

Advance Preparation Requirements

  • Create simple puppets if you don't already own any. (See resources for ideas on creating puppets. A sock puppet is recommended for the snake.)
  • Give the Shepherd advance notice that they will be helping put on a short puppet skit. If needed, ask another adult to help with the skit.
  • Print & cut copies of the Student Guide.pdf (3 guides/pdf)- you'll need one guide for every 3-4 students. (Not required but helps keep the kids focused on the lesson.)
  • Set the tree up at center stage.
  • Cut apples from red construction paper. Use clothespins or loops of tape to clip the construction paper apples to the tree.
  • Draw a picture of an illuminated light bulb on the piece of poster board. Attach to a paint stick.

Lesson Plan


Greet your students warmly. Introduce yourself and any other adults. Open with prayer.
A suggestion: "Dear God, We are thankful to be here today. Help us to learn about your love - how your love surrounds us, and guides us in all we do. Amen".

Ask: Have you had to make many choices so far today? Maybe you had a choice of what to have for breakfast? How about choosing what to wear? (Allow a few comments about choices that they've made today.)

Say: Every day we all make lots of choices. Sometimes a choice is easy to make and sometimes it's hard.

Ask: What happens when you are faced with a situation where you know that one choice is wrong? Is it hard to choose in that case?
What can happen when you make a wrong choice? (allow a few answers)

Say: The wrong choice often results in punishment. Sometimes we learn our lesson ... but ... it's really hard to make the right choices all the time, isn't it?

Say: There's a story in the Bible that's been told for thousands of years. Our ancestors would have told this story around campfires. It's a story that Jesus would have learned when he was your age. It's a story that has meaning for us today because it tells us something about being human - humans make mistakes. It's also a story about how God feels about our mistakes.

Ask: Where in the Bible do you suppose we would find such a story, in the Old Testament or the New Testament? (in the Old Testament)

Do:  Distribute Bibles. Have everyone find Genesis 2:4. Have them notice that this is where the story starts. Then have them find Genesis 3:24. Point out that this is where our story ends.

Say: This is a long story so we won't be reading it today. I wanted you to know where to find it in your Bible so you can read it at home. Today you have a special treat because you are going to hear this story by some adults using puppets.

Do:  Two adults enact the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden using the attached puppet skit (see end of lesson).

Dig (Initial Reflection)

Ask: Adam and Eve made a bad choice. What did they do that made God angry? (disobeyed God) How do you suppose it happened - what caused them to make this wrong choice? (mention temptation)

Do:  Show the illuminated light bulb prop.

Ask: What happened to Adam and Eve's thinking skills? (allow all answers)

Does that ever happen to you?

Say: Now let's think about what tempts us today. In your group, talk about situations where you know one choice is wrong - but it's very tempting! Choose one situation and come up with a short puppet skit to illustrate a modern Adam and Eve giving in to temptation.

Dig (Application)

Do:  Break into groups of 3 to 4 students. Pass out one Student Guide Sheet per group. You and the Shepherd should go around and facilitate as needed. You may wish to show students what puppets are available to be used. Encourage them to use the snake puppet if they want to, or the apples on the tree.

Student Guide Sheet: A modern-day Adam and Eve in the Garden

1. Talk about what tempts you.
2. Choose one tempting situation and think about turning it into a puppet skit.
3. Who are the characters?
4. What choices are involved?
5. What consequences?
6. When the characters are tempted and make a bad choice - how do they feel?
7. What happens - do the characters hide?
8. Are they punished?
9. Are they forgiven?

Do:  Allow students 5-10 minutes to develop their skits. Give a two-minute warning.

Have each group present their skit. After each skit, discuss issues that arise. Include discussion of what can be done to avoid a particular temptation in their lives. How can we help each other resist temptation?

Closing Reflection

Say: Sometimes we make wrong choices. We think we can do just fine without God but we mess up. We sin.
Ask: What did Adam and Eve do when they messed up? (were afraid, hid)

What did God do? (looked for them)

What does God do when we mess up?

Do:  Refer to the key verse.
Say: There will be consequences for our actions. The good news is that even when we make mistakes, God still lovingly seeks us. God offers us another chance. God sent his son Jesus to die for us so our sins could be forgiven. When we honestly admit our sin saying, "God, I sinned. I messed up and I'm sorry. Please forgive me." When we say that and mean it - God forgives us. God may throw us out of the Garden of Eden, but God loves us and goes with us.

Additional Suggestions 

Younger Students: Form slightly larger groups (4-5 students). Have an adult helper with each group. The adult guides their discussion, dictates their skit, and then narrates the script while the children act it out.

Older Students:
Include in the lesson the chance for the students to make simple puppets that they use in their skits. Younger students could also use these puppets when they visit the workshop.


Ideas to make simple puppets from readily available materials

A variety of simple puppets:
Paper bag puppets:
Sock puppets:
Soda cup puppets: do a google search.

Books with puppet ideas:

Irving, Lynn. Pocketful of Puppets: Poems for Church School. Austin, TX: Nancy Renfro Studios, 1982. ISBN 0-931044-05-7
Rump, Nan. Puppets and Masks: Stagecraft and Storytelling. Worcester, MA: Davis Publications, Inc., 1996. ISBN 0-87192-298-3
Wezeman, Phyllis Vos. 100 Creative Teaching Techniques for Religion Teachers. Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 2001. ISBN 1-58595-141-2
Wezeman, Phyllis Vos. Puppet Projects for Scripture Stories. Prescott, AZ: Educational Ministries, Inc., 1995.


A lesson written by Carol Hulbert
Copyright 2009 First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI. 
Permission to copy materials granted for non-commercial use provided credit is given and all cited references remain with this material 


Last edited by Luanne Payne

The Fall - Adam and Eve

Storytelling "Press Conference" Workshop

This lesson is a bit of a sketch. Adapt and fill out as needed.


After reading the story, students "interview" the story characters in a press conference. You may want to have older kids/teens/adults pretend to be the characters, and let the rest of the students come up with questions for each character IN ADVANCE working as a group. Or, you could submit the questions to your four characters, let them work out each character's answers, and then put on the press conference.

Teacher Preparation:

  • Read the scripture passages and attend the Faith Quest Leaders Bible Study.
  • (Optional). Obtain a video camera to record the “press conference”. Be sure to capture the children asking their questions.
  • Prepare a prayer for the end of class that ties in the lesson concepts.
  • Gather the materials.

Supply List:

  • Costumes for the 4 main characters.
  • Prop microphone
  • 2 or 3 chairs for the press conference with an optional table.
  • A cloth-covered table with glasses of water for each character will make the press conference look more authentic.
  • Cellphone or Video Camera for recording the press conference, and a TV or screen to replay the recorded conference. Make sure you have cables to connect your device to the TV or screen.

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself. Tell them what they'll be doing today and what you hope they'll learn.


Scripture/Bible Story

  1. Ask the children to find Genesis 3 in their Bibles. Make sure all the children are able to locate Genesis 3. Have the shepherds assist the children having trouble.
  2. Once all the children have located the passage, read it together as a group. They may take turns reading or you can read it to them.


  1. Act out this short story to give the children visual memory of the passage. Assign a teacher/assistant to each of the following characters:
    • Adam
    • Eve
    • The snake
    • God
    If only two teachers/assistants are present, have one teacher act out the roles of Adam and the snake, with the other acting out God and Eve. Dress the characters in costumes for effect (see “Characters & Costumes” section for costume and persona suggestions), and keep the dialogue close to the story, but fun for the children to watch.

  2. After the presentation of the story, hold a ‘press conference’ with Adam, Eve and the Snake.

    Give the children a prop microphone, and have them think of a question that they would like to ask one of these characters in the story.

    Record it on a cellphone so you can play it back after the interview and discuss answers further.

    See the suggested interview questions at the end of this lesson.

    Have children ask their question by stating their name and the name of the character that the question is for, followed by the question. Then have them pass the microphone to another child. See below for sample questions and answers. Once each child has asked a question, allow all remaining questions.

  3. Watch the Video

  4. Close with Prayer
    Thank God for being like a parent to us, by giving us the freedom to make choices, and continuing to love us when we make bad choices.

Characters & Costumes

Adam & Eve

Costumes: Use Leather coats/jackets (“Then the Lord God made clothes out of animal skins for the man and his wife” Genesis 3:21) or Hawaiian shirts (representing the Garden of Eden).

Persona: The characters of Adam and Eve should be generally thankful that God still loves and cares for them after their sin. Adam may blame Eve, and Eve may blame the snake, but this should not be the central theme of the conference. Adam and Eve are imperfect like all humans.


Costume: Bright, wild, clashing clothes with sunglasses.

Persona: Character traits like a used car salesman will be humorous to the children. The snake might feel that his punishment was too severe. After all, he didn’t make them eat the apple, and simply presented a different viewpoint to Eve. God did not destroy the snake, however, and the snake can argue that it still serves a useful role to humans by eating rodents.


It may be best to simply represent God in voice. If a costume is used, an all-white garment could be worn. God is not concerned about placing blame but is concerned about judging in order that life, freedom and relationships may be restored in creation.

Sample Q & A for Press Conference

If the children have difficulty coming up with questions, some of these questions may be given to them. The answers should attempt to present one of the lesson concepts, but should be answered in an upbeat and interesting manner.

Q: Eve, why did you listen to the snake, and ignore God’s rule regarding eating the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden?

Eve: The temptation was too great. The fruit looked yummy, and the snake convinced me into wanting the wisdom that God had.

Q: Snake, were you trying to get Adam and Eve into trouble?

Snake: No, no, no. I simply gave Eve a different perspective on God’s rule. It was their decision to actually take a bite from the fruit. Perhaps I tempted them just a little.

Q: Adam, you were there and might have seen all of this happening. Why didn’t you stop Eve from eating the fruit?

Adam: Well, the Bible doesn’t actually say that I saw Eve eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. I guess I figured that if Eve could eat the fruit, then I could eat the fruit.

Q: Do you feel that your punishment from God was fair?

Adam: We sinned, and we were punished. There is always a consequence for sinning, and I am very thankful that God still loves and cares for us. God created us, God judges us, and God loves us.

Eve: I agree with Adam. I’m not thrilled about painful childbirth, but the punishment could have been much worse. God could have abandoned us.

Snake: I was framed! I certainly don’t deserve to crawl on my belly and eat dirt the rest of my days for a little temptation. I guess it could be worse to be a worm, though.

Q: Adam and Eve, why did you hide from God when he came looking for you?

Adam: After eating the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, I knew that I had sinned. I was also naked, and didn’t want God to see me naked. I felt ashamed and embarrassed.

Eve: It wasn’t easy to talk to God after disobeying Him. I thought he would be angry with us, and I was frightened.

Q: Did you think that you could hide your sin from God?

Adam: I guess we did, but God is all knowing and all loving He knew right away that we had eaten fruit from the forbidden tree. It might have been better to admit our mistake right away, and asked for forgiveness.

Q: Snake, why don’t snakes talk anymore?

A: We’re too busy crawling on the ground and eating dirt. It’s impolite to talk with your mouth full.

Q: God, if you had it to do all over again, would you have given Adam and Eve "free will"?  Or not? And why?

Q: Adam and Eve, how would your lives be different if you could never make mistakes?

Q: Adam and Eve, how does it feel knowing God is with you even after he threw you out of the Garden? What does that tell you about God?

A lesson sketch from the Kirk of Kildaire, Cary NC

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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