
 In addition to these publicly available lessons and ideas about Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings 2, you'll also want to check out The Elijah and Elisha Super Set of lessons. It teaches three major Elijah & Elisha stories in one super series. Written by our Writing Team for Supporting Members with an extra level of details and creativity. Set lesson summaries and Bible background are open to all.  The following Sunday School lessons and ideas are organized by teaching medium: arts and crafts, video, drama, puppets, software, cooking (foods), games, music, and more. Glean what you need, share what you can. 

Drama, Puppet, and Storytelling Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Elijah, Elisha, Chariot, Mantle

Post your Sunday School drama, puppet, and storytelling lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for the Elijah, Elisha, Chariot, Mantle here. 

  • Please include a scripture reference, supply lists, sources, suggested age range. age modification, etc. 
  • Photos are much appreciated!  Click "attachments" and upload to your post.
  • Please be careful not to post copyrighted materials. Excerpting and paraphrasing is okay. Include attribution.


Elijah and Elisha, 1 Kings 19, 2 Kings 2, Chariot of Fire, Whirlwind, etc.

Bible lessons and ideas about the Elijah, Elisha, Chariot, Mantle -with Drama, puppets, scripts, skits, acting, newsroom, etc.

In addition to the ideas and lessons shared below, Supporting Members can also access the Writing Team's Elijah Super Set, including a drama lesson using Legos , here.   

Last edited by Amy Crane
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ELISHA receives the Mantle from ELIJAH

STORYTELLING lesson plan

Scripture Passage: 2 Kings 2:1-15

Key/Memory Verse: “Elisha said, ‘Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit.’” 2 Kings 2:9b [NRSV]

The class will be visited by two volunteers portraying Elisha and Elijah who will tell their stories and talk about passing on the mantle. The focus of the interview will be to help the children know who Elijah and Elisha are. The visit will be followed by discussion about mantles received from mentors such as parents, teachers, and others.

Objective(s) for rotation

Children will:

  • Locate the story in the Old Testament portion of the Bible.
  • Tell the story in their own words.
  • Discuss the relationship between Elijah and Elisha -- teacher/disciple.
  • Explore the meaning of Elisha’s request for a double portion of Elijah's spirit.
  • Explore the meaning behind Elijah's passing the mantle to Elisha.
  • Discuss ways they learn from parents and teachers and pick up their "mantles."
  • Know who Elijah and Elisha are and know a bit about what they did.


Read Bible Background (written by Jaymie Derden for and Scripture.

Materials List

  • Bibles
  • Bible times costumes for Elijah and Elisha (including one mantle/cloak)
  • Markers
  • Notecards
  • Posterboard or flipchart
  • String for nametags

Advance Preparation Requirements

    If the children are studying Elijah before this rotation on Elisha, consider using this workshop as a bridge between the two rotations. That is, have all the classes meet together for the Open and Dig portions of this lesson plan and then break into their separate age groups for the Reflect part of the lesson.
  • Write memory verse on posterboard or flipchart.
  • Make nametags for Elijah and Elisha: write their names in large print on paper and put string on the paper so they can wear the nametags around their necks.
  • Recruit two volunteers to be Elijah and Elisha. They need to prepare by reading the appropriate passages about themselves in 1 and 2 Kings (1 Kings 17 through 2 Kings 13) and learn their parts. It is not necessary to memorize the script word for word – it can be used as an outline of the subjects to be discussed. It is preferable that the volunteers are men. If the children know the volunteers, just remind them that this is the Storytelling Workshop, and they are required to use their imaginations. If one volunteer is visibly older than the other is, he should be Elijah. Otherwise, consider having Elijah wear a beard or coloring his hair gray in order to give the children a visual cue to help them remember who came first. 
  • Write discussion questions for the Workshop Leader/Moderator on notecards. 
  • Practice the conversation before the first workshop.



Open – Introduction
Open with prayer, such as “Lord, thank you for bringing us together today to hear your Word. Please help us as we learn what it means ‘to take up the mantle’ in order to serve you. Amen.”


  • Whom do you learn from?
  • How do you learn?
  • Make sure the discussion includes that one way we learn is by watching – not only by watching a demonstration but also by seeing an example lived by another person.
  • Talk about what a disciple is and what it means to be a disciple.
  • Make sure the children understand the Biblical concept of inheritance – that the oldest son inherits two shares of the property. Talk about what can be inherited besides money such as land, possessions, family traits, and traditions.

Read the Scripture. Show the children how to find 2 Kings. Have them open the Bible in the middle and then open the front half in the middle again; they will generally land in one of the books of Samuel or Kings. Show them how to find chapter and verse numbers. Ask for volunteers to read, or read the Scripture to them.

Review the memory verse. Read and repeat it. Explain that Elisha was not being greedy. He was not asking for twice as much as Elijah had; he was asking to be Elijah’s spiritual heir and inherit the opportunity to continue his work as a prophet of God.

Dig - Main Content

Talk about what a prophet is. 

Say, “Today, you are going to meet two prophets. Please welcome to our Storytelling Workshop two special guests: Elijah [he enters] and Elisha [he enters].” Invite both to sit down.

Follow the suggested interview script at the end of this lesson plan.

If the volunteers are comfortable with their characters and if time permits, consider opening the floor for questions and answers.
Thank Elijah and Elisha for their time. [They leave.]

Reflect – Closure


  • The piece of clothing that Elisha inherited from Elijah represented what?
  • What do you think the expression “take up the mantle” means?
  • From whom might you take up the mantle? How? Why?

Review the memory verse.

Journal or discuss: Who is your “spiritual father” and what do you hope to inherit from him?
If you are doing this as discussion, give the children a few moments of quiet time to reflect before you take answers.

Talk about the children’s spiritual mentors. If the children are willing to share names, jot them down so you can pray for them by name in the closing prayer.

Close with prayer. Pray for the “spiritual fathers” (by name, if possible) and their followers.


Adaptations - Younger Children
Shorten the interview for shorter attention spans. Leave out the discussion of the Transfiguration, the repetition in the retelling of the journey to reach the other side of the Jordan, and some of the miracle stories.

Adaptations - Older Children
Divide the class into groups of two or three. Give each group an index card with a Scripture reference for one of the stories about Elijah or Elisha. Have the groups read their stories (each group should read a different story) and then tell the rest of the class about another one of the things that Elijah or Elisha did.

Nelson, Richard.  Interpretation: First and Second Kings. Louisville: John Knox Press, 1987.
Tyndale House Publishers. “Notes.” Life Application Bible. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1991.

Written for by Amy Crane

Copyright 2007

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


This script is based on the NRSV Bible translation. It is meant only to be an outline. Please add  or shorten as available class time and the talent of the volunteers permit. The Workshop Leader acts as moderator in this conversation. She/he can have the questions written on notecards and prompt the volunteers as needed with additional questions. Scripture references are noted in brackets and are for reference only.

MODERATOR: Welcome, gentlemen. I am so glad that you are able to be here with us today.

ELIJAH: Thank you! I always enjoyed spending time with Elisha. Elisha, I see you are still wearing that old mantle!

ELISHA: Yes, I still wear it. It is a sign of my position as a prophet of God. [Zechariah 13:4] I still remember vividly the day that I received the mantle as my own.

MODERATOR: That was an amazing day. Do tell us more about it.

ELIJAH: Elisha, I remember you would not leave me. I was traveling from place to place. I knew the time had come for me to be taken to the LORD. I sort of wanted to be alone. I encouraged you to stay in Gilgal.

ELISHA: And I would not. I felt I must be with you. I said, “As the LORD lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” [2 Kings 2:2b]

ELIJAH: You started to sound a bit like a broken record. I encouraged you to stay in Bethel while I traveled on to Jericho.

ELISHA: Yes, again I said, “As the LORD lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” [2 Kings 2:4b] In each place, all the prophets told me that the LORD would take you away from me that very day. Of course, I knew that. And I stayed with you.

MODERATOR: And you continued to travel with Elijah that day?

ELISHA: Yes. After Jericho, the LORD sent Elijah on to the River Jordan. He wanted to go without me. Yet again I said, “As the LORD lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” [2 Kings 2:6b]

MODERATOR: So you went down to the banks of the Jordan River?

ELIJAH: Actually, we crossed the river.

MODERATOR: There wasn’t a bridge there, though, was there?

ELISHA: No. But thanks to God, we didn’t need one. Elijah took his mantle – this mantle I am wearing – and rolled it up and struck the water. The water was parted to one side and to the other, and the two of us crossed on dry ground.

ELIJAH: It was just like the day that the LORD gave Joshua and the Israelites a dry crossing at the very same place when they entered the Promised Land so long ago.

ELISHA: We ended up on the far side of the Jordan River – outside the Promised Land. It seemed rather mysterious – almost as if we had left the world we knew behind.

ELIJAH: After we crossed the river, I asked Elisha, “Tell me what I may do for you, before I am taken from you.” Elisha said, “Please let me inherit a double portion of your spirit.”

MODERATOR: A double share?!

ELISHA: Yes. I wasn’t being greedy. I just wanted to continue Elijah’s work as a prophet of the LORD.

ELIJAH: But the request was not mine to grant; only God could answer that request. I told Elisha how he would know if God had granted his request.

MODERATOR: How was that shown?

ELIJAH: I told Elisha that if he saw me taken from him, he would know that the LORD has granted him his double share.

ELISHA: And I did see it happen. It was the most amazing thing! A chariot of fire and horses of fire came between us. Elijah was carried into heaven by a whirlwind. I knew then that God had granted my request. I felt that Elijah was my father – my spiritual father. And I was so much in despair; I tore my clothes as a sign of mourning.

MODERATOR: But how did you get the mantle?

ELIJAH: It fell off of me in the whirlwind and was left behind.

ELISHA: I picked it up from where it had fallen and took it and struck the Jordan as Elijah had done. The river parted to two sides and I crossed over. The fifty prophets at Jericho had been watching at a distance. When I crossed, they came to me and bowed down and said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” [2 Kings 2:15b]

ELIJAH: They could tell he had inherited my spirit.

MODERATOR: I understand, Elisha, that you searched high and low for Elijah after he was carried off by the whirlwind.

ELISHA: Yes, it seems that even though the prophets recognized the authority I had received that had been Elijah’s, they did not see him carried up in the whirlwind. Remember, seeing it happen was God’s sign that I was to inherit Elijah’s work.

ELIJAH: The fifty prophets thought that perhaps the spirit of the LORD had caught me up and thrown me down on some mountain or in some valley.

ELISHA: They insisted on searching, so I finally agreed to let them go. They came back three days later and said that I was right.

MODERATOR: You know Elisha [to Elijah] – oh, I’m sorry, I mean Elijah –

ELIJAH: Don’t worry. People often confuse us, since we worked together so much, and our names are so similar.

ELISHA: Let me tell you a little trick – we are in alphabetical order. See, ‘Elijah’ [point to nametag] is e-l-i-J and ‘Elisha’ [point to nametag] is e-l-i-S. And J comes before S and Elijah came before me and was my teacher.

MODERATOR: Thank you so much! Which leads to my next question. Elijah, you chose Elisha to come after you, isn’t that right?

ELIJAH: No, actually, that is not right. God chose Elisha to come after me. Remember, as a prophet, God speaks to me and speaks through me.

ELISHA: Yes, and the very same mantle that I am wearing today is part of that story, too!

MODERATOR: Really? How does the mantle come into a story about your being chosen, Elisha?

ELISHA: It all started one day when I was out in my field, plowing. I wasn’t doing all the work by myself though. My family owned lots of land and had lots of servants, so there were twelve of us out there that day with twelve teams of oxen. Elijah came to me in the field and threw his mantle around me. Remember, the hairy mantle is the garment of the prophets, as well as being an important piece of clothing.

ELIJAH: I put the mantle on his shoulders to show he would be my successor. The LORD told me to anoint Elisha to succeed me as prophet. [1 Kings 19:15-22]

ELISHA: You know, Elijah, before you came to the field that day, I had heard of what you had done, and you were my hero.

ELIJAH: It’s true, in those days we prophets of God were the heroes. Certainly not the kings. They were leading the Israelites further and further from the LORD. Oh, that Ahab! The things that king did .....

MODERATOR: Elijah, you did some amazing things in your day. Like the time that you taught King Ahab and his followers a lesson. That Baal whom they worshiped was not the true God.

ELIJAH: Well, amazing things happened, but remember, it wasn’t me. It was God. After three years of drought and famine, the LORD sent me to King Ahab. I told him to gather his prophets of Baal and Asherah and we would have a contest -- to see whose god would light a sacrificial altar first. Of course, their false god did nothing, but the LORD sent fire to burn my sacrifice to him. [1 Kings 18]

MODERATOR: So God helped you accomplish what God told you to do?

ELIJAH: Yes, God was with me. He even sent ravens one time to feed me during the drought and famine. [1 Kings 17:1-6]

MODERATOR: Elisha, you did some amazing things, too.

ELISHA: Oh yes, but again it was God doing them through me. And it was thanks to the double portion inheritance. I tried to help people who were in need. Like Elijah, I helped a widow who was in trouble. Through a miraculous multiplying of oil, she was saved from poverty and having to sell her children as slaves. [2 Kings 4: 1-7]

MODERATOR: And you both once restored children to life?

ELIJAH: Yes, God enabled me to help the widow of Zarephath who had been so kind to me. She had faith in me, and that led to faith in the LORD after her son was raised. [1 Kings 17:7-24]

ELISHA: And the LORD raised the Shunammite woman’s son in response to my prayers on her behalf. [2 Kings 4:8-37]

MODERATOR: And you completed Elijah’s mission. [1 Kings 19:15-16]

ELIJAH: You bet he did. I had not yet anointed Jehu as king over Israel.

ELISHA: I did have Jehu anointed. [2 Kings 9-10] The LORD used him to punish King Ahab’s family and he eliminated Baal worship. God made him king, but Jehu was not fully obedient in all things, even though he was better than some of the other kings.

MODERATOR: I suppose one of the most important requirements to being a prophet of God is to be obedient to God.

ELISHA: Yes. And I saw how Elijah had been obedient and had accomplished so much for the LORD. I had a great example to follow.

ELIJAH: Even though I often felt alone, I was not. God showed me that many, many times.

ELISHA: Oh yes, the wind and fire and earthquake that were empty, and then the still small voice was where the LORD was. I remember your telling me about that day!

MODERATOR: Elijah, one more thing. When Elisha saw you disappear that day, it was not the end of your story. You had another job to do.

ELIJAH: Oh yes. The prophet Malachi said that the LORD would send me before the day of the LORD comes. [Malachi 4:5] Moses and I had the privilege of meeting with the Messiah on a mountaintop. [Mark 9:2-9]

ELISHA: What an honor it was for you to represent all of the prophets at that divine affirmation of everything Jesus had done and was yet to do!

MODERATOR: Elijah, Elisha, thank you so very much for spending this time here with us today. [Question and answer session would be appropriate now, if time and interest permit.] We feel very blessed to have had this time with you, and we have a great deal to think about regarding what it means to pass the mantle – and to take up the mantle!

ELIJAH: It was our pleasure. We hope everyone here asks God to use him or her for God’s purposes, and looks for great examples to follow as they learn how to do this.

ELISHA: And all of you, feel free to call upon the LORD as we did if you need help doing what you were called to do. [James 5:17-18] God can help you be like Elijah and take a stand against great wrongs or be like me and show compassion for the daily needs of those around you.


Consider having Elijah and Elisha lead a game of "try and catch the mantle."  Elijah throws it over his back to a group of students. Whoever catches it must say one or two quotes from the story you have written on the board, such as, "My father, my father, mighty defender of Israel!"  or "Where is the God of my father Elijah?"


Last edited by Luanne Payne

Elijah and Elisha

Drama Workshop Lesson


Engage in drama exercises including Emotional Greetings, Line Repetition, Mirrors, and Pass The ______ to review the Elisha story.

Bible Story: 2 Kings 2:1-15
Memory Verse: “Elisha said, ‘Please let me inherit a double portion of your spirit.’” 2 Kings 2:9b

The story of Elisha receiving his teacher's mantle tells children about their role in the church and the purpose of learning God's Word. It helps them understand the choice they have to pick up and continue in God's work. In this lesson they will use dramatic play exercises to explore the ideas of leading versus following and of passing the mantle.

Children will:

  • Locate the story in the Old Testament portion of the Bible. Tell the story in their own words.
  • Define prophet, disciple.
  • Discuss the relationship between Elijah and Elisha -- teacher/disciple.
  • Explore the meaning of Elisha's request for a double portion of Elijah's spirit.
  • Explore the meaning behind Elijah's passing the mantle to Elisha.
  • Discuss ways they learn from parents and teachers and pick up their "mantles."


Read Bible Background (we use Bible Background written by Jaymie Derden for and lesson plan.

Make copies of the LINE REPETITION SCRIPT, one for each child.

Pray for the children and your teaching.


Open – Introduction

Greet and welcome the children.

Warm Up Activities:

SAY: To help us get ready to hear and work with our story today, we’re going to do some games that teach us something about following and leading. I need each of you to find a partner. Our first game is one called EMOTIONAL GREETINGS – Have the children stand back to back. Tell them that you are going to call out a feeling. When you do, they are to turn and face their partner and greet them as if they were feeling the emotion called out. Go through a series of feelings. A good list would be happy, sad, mad, scared, confused, tired.

ASK: In that game who was the leader? Who was the follower? How do you know?

SAY: OK – in that game I was pretty much the leader because I told you what to do and you did it. Now we’re going to play a different game where you get a chance to lead and follow each other. I need you to find a different partner. This game is called MIRRORS – Instruct the children that they need to decide between them who will be the leader and who will be the follower first. Tell them they can either sit or stand, but they must do so facing each other. The leader’s job is to move or make faces. The follower’s job is to do what the leader does. The job for both is to do this so that to someone looking at them, it seems like they are watching people in a mirror. In other words, it’s hard to tell who’s leading and who’s following. After a few minutes, have the children switch roles.

ASK: What was that like? Which was easier for you, to be a leader or a follower? Why? What did you have to do to be a good leader? A good follower?

SAY: A lot of times it’s really important for a good leader or a good follower to pay close attention, isn’t it? Sometimes it means passing on things to others and being ready to receive them. Let’s play a game to practice that part. This time I need you to make a circle that’s big enough for everyone to get in. This game is called PASS THE ___ - Tell the children that in this game they will pretend to get something from the person next to them and pass it to the person on the other side of them. You will start by pantomiming picking something up off the floor and passing it off to someone on your right. As “it” goes around the circle, verbally instruct the children to be careful in passing it, and give verbal cues to help them in their “performance.” You may wish to continue this exercise through a couple of rounds, changing “it” each time. For example, pretend to pass a big beach ball, a feather, a heavy bag of flour.

ASK: What was that like? Was it easy or hard? Which was easier, getting “it” or passing it? When we learn, or "get" things from others that help us know more about God and Jesus, then we are disciples. The word "disciple" means "learner" or "student." Most of the time when we are students it means that we are also following someone else, by paying attention to what they say or do and then acting out what they said or did. Elisha was Elijah's disciple. How were you all disciples so far today?

SAY: Let’s sit down in our circle now. I think we’re ready for our story! Our story is all about two men, leading and following and passing something on. Let’s hear it!

Distribute Bibles or have the children use their own. Have the children open their Bibles to the text. Depending on where this lesson falls in the rotation series, you may need to give some background about who Elijah and Elisha are. Be sure to discuss what a prophet is/does with the children. Then read, or have the children read, the passage.

When you reach verse 9, explain the inheritance customs of the time to the children. SAY: In those days, before a father died, he would pass his property on to his sons. Everyone would get an equal share, except the firstborn. That son would get twice as much as anyone else. Even though Elisha was not Elijah’s born son, he was like a son to him. Elisha was asking for a firstborn son’s blessing, and for Elijah to give him his most valuable possession, the quality of his spirit.

When verse 13 is reached, stop the reading for a moment to SAY: Elijah’s mantle was a special one. It was the mantle of a prophet, probably made of animal fur. When Elisha picked that mantle up, not only would people now identify him as a prophet, he was agreeing that he takes over where Elijah left off. That was a BIG job!

NOTE: Some versions use the word “cloak” instead of mantle. Clarify for the children that these words mean the same thing in this story.

Dig – Main Content

After completing the reading SAY: Now that we’ve heard our story, we are going to reread it and act it out! To do that, I need you to find another partner. We’re going to have three different characters and each of you will get a chance to play each one. We’re going to do this play using something called LINE REPETITION – The pairs will work through the story, taking turns saying/repeating single lines using a variety of intonations and intensities and expressions. They will first need to decide who will be person 1 and who will be person 2. You will be the narrator.
You will begin at 2 Kings 1. When you get to the appropriate place, person 1 in each pair is Elijah and person 2 is Elisha. Allow time for each pair to say their lines in their own ways, using different tones and emotions. Person 1 then becomes a Prophet of Bethel, and person 2 is still Elisha. Person 2 next reads Elijah’s part and person 1 is Elisha. Continue reading the scripture in that manner, trading parts, letting all the pairs read in their own way. (Script below is a paraphrase of the scripture.)

After reading through the script, ASK:

  • What was your favorite role? Why?
  • Which was harder to be, the leader Elijah or the follower Elisha? Why?
  • Why do you suppose the prophets kept reminding Elisha that Elijah would be taken from him? (allow all answers)

SAY: Elisha sure was devoted to Elijah; he didn’t want to leave him.
Now close your eyes and see if you can see the rest of the story in your head as I read it. We will hear the part about something being passed on. Read 2 Kings 2:7-15.

ASK: Could you see the story in your head? Do you think you know more now about what it felt like to be Elijah and Elisha since you had a chance to play them?

Reflect – Closure

SAY: Our memory verse is from the section I just read. Who knows what it is?

Review the memory verse, if necessary.

SAY: Let’s play one last game to help us remember the memory verse. We’re going to play PASS THE ____ one more time, so let’s get in a circle again. Now this time when we play, there’s something different about how we’re going to do it. This time, each time we pass “it” to our neighbor, “it” gets twice as big (or doubles)!

When “it” gets back to you, have the children sit down. SAY: Remember, Elisha asked Elijah for a Double Portion. Things can get pretty big when they double, don’t they?

ASK (any or as many of the following as time and interest allows): What did you learn today about leading and following and being a disciple? Who are some leaders in your life? When are you a leader? Who do you follow? Does anyone follow Jesus? How? What do you do? Do you think you can be a leader in Jesus’ church? Why/why not? Who teaches you? Who do you teach? Did you learn anything from anyone here today?

SAY: The story of Elijah and Elisha teaches us a lot about leading and following and the importance of passing on what we know about God to others.

Close in prayer


Younger Children:
Highlight person 1 or person 2 on each script so that it is easier to follow along.

Or, for non-readers: divide the class into three groups (Elijah, Elisha, prophets). The teacher reads the narration and then the first line and all the Elijah’s repeat that line, and then the teacher reads the next line and all the Elisha’s repeat that line, and so on. Don’t have the children switch characters.


Activity ideas from Emunah, Renee. Acting for Real. Brunner-Routledge, 1994.


Written for by Ruth Wilcox

Copyright 2007

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.



Narrator: When the LORD was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal. Elijah said to Elisha…
PERSON 1 (Elijah): Stay here; the LORD has sent me to Bethel.
PERSON 2 (Elisha): As surely as the LORD and you live, I will not leave you!

[Allow time for the pairs of children to repeat the lines using different tones and emotions.]

Narrator: So they went down to Bethel.
PERSON 1 (Prophet of Bethel): Do you know that the LORD is going to take your master from you today?
PERSON 2 (Elisha): Yes, I know, but do not speak of it.

[Allow time for repetition.]

PERSON 2 (Elijah): Stay here, Elisha; the LORD has sent me to Jericho.
PERSON 1 (Elisha): As surely as the LORD and you live I will not leave you!

[Allow time for repetition.]

Narrator: So they went on together to Jericho.
PERSON 2 (Prophet of Jericho): Do you know that the LORD is going to take your master from you today?
PERSON 1 (Elisha): Yes, I know, but do not speak of it.

[Allow time for repetition.]

Narrator: Then Elijah said to him…
PERSON 1 (Elijah): Stay here; the LORD has sent me to the Jordan. 

PERSON 2 (Elisha): As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you.

[Allow time for repetition. Have everyone sit down.]


Last edited by Luanne Payne

Elijah carried up to heaven Drama/Puppet idea

From Neil MacQueen (moved to consolidate topic)

Students are going to re-create the key scene from the story using a leaf blower, crunchy material for fire sounds, small cloth mantles (one for each student), and their own paper cutout Elijah.

1. Have each student cut out a small Elijah figure on lightweight paper. Let them "dress" him quickly with colored markers.

2. Give each student a small piece of cloth representing his or her "mantle." Using permanent markers, have them write the names of five or six people in the church and their family who teach them about God.

3. Give each student a piece of crunch paper or cellophane to make the “fire” sound in the story.

4. Position a helper on the floor with the leaf blower pointed toward the ceiling.

5. Gathered around the leaf blower, walk around in a circle retelling the story. Assume the role of Elijah and ask your young Elishas three times to stay behind. Have them respond as Elisha did "I will not leave you." Then stop the action and ask the important question: "What do you want from me before I go?" And have the children respond with Elisha's words, "I want a double share of your spirit. I want to continue your work." Respond by saying, "It will be yours if you stay with me, and if you see me go." Then say, "suddenly, a chariot of fire pulled by horse on fire came between Elijah and Elisha." At this point all the students should make the flame noise as loud as they can. Continue by saying, "And Elijah was taken up into heaven by a whirlwind." Have the leaf blower start up and one by one have the students release their Elijah cutouts and mantles into the air stream. Have each one shout, "My Father, my father, My Defender of Israel!"

After everyone has “caught” his or her mantle, turn off the leaf blower and pour a small amount of water on the table or in a shallow pan such as a cookie sheet. Then have the students strike the water just like Elisha did, saying, "Where is the God of Elijah?" Even a small amount of water will spritz just enough when struck. This is all very fun and memorable and you can bet they'll all want to try it several times. It will be a lesson they will never forget!

Close with a prayer such as:

Lord give us the desire to learn more about you. And help us each to grow up and be the kind of prophets Elijah and Elisha were. Pass their mantle to each of us. Amen.

Elisha Drama Script “Holy Chariots of Fire!”

From Rachel Haugland (moved to consolidate topic)

(II Kings 2: 1-22)

Characters: Narrator 1&2, Elijah, Elisha, student 1&2, man, (No speaking - group of men, mom, dad, chariot/whirlwind)

Props: Mantle/cloak, plates/cups, blue cloth for river, black tarp, cloth to tear, bowl/salt, spring/big bucket

Narrator 1: This is Elijah. (Enter Elijah) He is one of the Great Prophets of God. He was strong and true to our God at a time when most of the people worshipped a fake god named Baal. (Like Pail)

Elijah: Yes, sir-ree! God is God! Those other people need to stop believing in that fake god and believe in my God. My God is the one true God.

Narrator 2: God wanted Elisha to take over for Elijah and be a prophet.

Elijah: God told me to find Elisha, so I obeyed. (Leaning over in a whisper) Sure wish he had a different name. You know, everyone is going to get those names mixed up ‘cause they sound so much a like – Elijah – Elisha.

Narrator 1: God told Elijah he should anoint Elisha to replace him as a prophet. Elijah found him plowing in a field with 11 other team of oxen. (Elijah act this out) Elijah went over to him and threw his mantle on him – threw his coat across his shoulders – and walked away again.

Elisha: Hey! Wait! Let me say good-bye to dad and mom first. Then I will come with you and do what the Lord wishes.

Narrator 2: So Elisha and his family had a great feast. (Mom, dad, Elisha sit and eat) Then he followed Elijah and became his assistant.

Narrator 1: Now we move forward in the story. It came time for the Lord to take Elijah to heaven. But Elijah wasn’t going to heaven like everyone else – by dying first. God had a special plan for Elijah. He would not die, but go up to heaven by a whirlwind! (Chariot/whirlwind wind across the stage making ‘wind’ noises)

Elijah: Stay here Elisha. God wants me to go to Bethel.

Elisha: No way! I’m not leaving you.

Narrator 2: So Elijah and Elisha moved on together. This happened 2 more times. Elijah didn’t want Elisha to go to Jericho or to the Jordan River. But again Elisha said,

Elisha: No. As I live and breathe, I will not be separated from you.

Narrator 2: While they were at Jericho, the student prophets of the school came out to meet them.

Narrator 1: They all went together to the Jordan River (Place the river)– the 50 young prophets watched from a far. Elijah folded his Mantle (cloak), (Place mantle at river) struck the waters and they divided–(Place a black tarp over the river) so they could walk across the river on dry land. (Walk across, then remove the tarp)

Student 1: Wow! Did you see that? He just parted the river like Moses did!

Student 2: That was pretty cool!

Elijah: Elisha, if I could grant you one wish, what would it be?

Elisha: I pray for a double portion of your spirit – twice as much power as you have had.

Elijah: That is a hard request. But, if you see me taken to heaven, it will be granted.

Narrator 2: As they were walking along, suddenly a chariot of fire, drawn by horses of fire, appeared and drove between them, separating the two. (Chariot swoop to take Elijah away) Elijah was carried into heaven by a whirlwind. Elisha saw it and cried out,

Elisha: My Father, my Father! The chariot of Israel and its horsemen! (Elisha tears a cloth)

Narrator 1: Elisha picked up the mantle (cloak), went back to the river.

Elisha: Where is the Lord God of Elijah?

Narrator 1: And he struck the water with it. (Mantle to river) and the water parted so he could go across. (Replace the tarp) When the prophets of Jericho saw what had happened, they bowed down before him and exclaimed,

Students: The spirit of Elijah rests with Elisha!

Narrator 1: The men of Jericho came to Elisha with a problem. They told him of their beautiful city and natural surroundings.

Man: But we have a problem. Our water is bad. It causes unborn children to die and our women cannot have any babies.

Elisha: Bring me a new bowl with salt in it (bowl/salt)

Narrator 2: Then Elisha went to the spring of the waters and cast the salt in.

Elisha: The Lord has healed these waters. They will no longer cause death.

Man: (Takes a sip of water) Mmmm, that’s mighty tasty!

Narrator 1: And the waters became pure just as Elisha had said. Elisha was truly a prophet of God.

A script written by Rachel Haugland – for non-profit use

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