
Drama, Puppet, Storytelling and or Music Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for teaching Jesus Calms the Storm

Post your Sunday School drama, puppet, and storytelling lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for Jesus Calms the Storm.

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Jesus Calms the Storm - Boat, Disciples, Sea of Galilee. Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25.

Bible lessons and ideas about Jesus Calms the Storm -with Drama, puppets, scripts, skits, acting, newsroom, etc.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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Jesus Calms the Storm + Peter walks on Water

A Drama Workshop, or maybe a Storytelling Workshop!

Summary of Lesson Activities:

An interactive Drama/Storytelling workshop.

I COMBINED these two stories when I taught them to my kids. Unusual? Not really... because they are SO SIMILAR, and the SYMBOLIC ELEMENTS in them (that the Church has taught forever) are very much THE SAME:

Boat = Life or Church
Water/Wave/Wind = Dangers, trouble, fear, faithlessness
Disciples/Peter = O Ye of Little Faith!
Jesus = Makes the Save! He's not asleep and wont' let you sink.
Question = Is he a ghost? (Matt 14) Who is this man? (Matt 8)

Scripture Reference:
Matthew 8:23-27
Matthew 14:22-33

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather all needed props and costumes.


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Bible Study:

It's important to remind the kids that we have TWO different stories, but with extremely similar settings and meanings. In your Bible Study, make two columns and list the main things in each story. Both have a boat. Where is Jesus in the story? Both have danger. What kind? Jesus speaks to the disciples in both, what are the differences/similarities in what he says?

Matthew 8: Jesus is asleep in the boat and a storm arises, waves, Jesus calms it. Disciples say "who is this? ...that even the waves obey him?"

Matthew 14: Disciples rowing hard against waves, they see Jesus coming and (once again question 'who is this') say "it's a ghost!".

With younger kids, you can draw these story elements on paper and post them on the board, asking them to help you arrange them.

Now draw a THIRD COLUMN on your Bible Study Board.Title the third column "OTHER MEANING" (the metaphorical one). Go through the pieces of the story and ask "what could storms represent in YOUR life just like the disciples?" What's the boat represent? (the church, but some may know that!).... etc.

Now into the DRAMA...

We had prepared a cardboard boat with a cross-shaped mast and beam that had a sheet for a sail. Our mast was fastened to the ceiling so it wouldn't fall over. If you can't fasten to the ceiling, some heavy fishing line tied to three points on the wall can help you avoid a mast construction project Smile

Sticking out from the boat, we had two rows of tables sitting on boxes (so they would be lower than the boat) covered with a blue tarp, and with about 3 feet in between them so Peter could have a place to sink. At the end of the table, we had a chair covered in blue cloth for Jesus to stand on (not tarp, too slippery for even Jesus). Yeah, we could have left off the tables, but the kids liked our "set". The blue plastic tarps made a nice storm racket too.

1. The first time you simply "block out" the story...positioning the main props and kids and directing them through the motions of the story...where to go as you read the two stories. They'll think this is it...the poor things.

2. Now you're going to go through it a second time. Bring out a big bag or box of props you've kept hidden. You've prepped some "waves" that represent different things, have a leaf blower, and prepped a super soaker (see the list below). Tell the kids that the point of these strange props is to discover the secret meaning for these two stories for us today.

In summary: The Disciples are in the boat which is the Church and we're trying to get somewhere, become something better, serve God, help more people, follow Jesus, enjoy our lives, --but there are storms/forces. We try to be brave like Jesus, but fail because we have weak faith. Jesus knows! ...and so Jesus saves. He can calm the storm and pull us up from sinking. And he encourages us. In short: "Trust Jesus to guide, to help, to calm, to save." Kids: You think because you can't see him he's ASLEEP!?? Jesus knows.

The Drama Presentation:

This is dynamic. You do this with notes not a script. In the first dry=run, it was 'dry'. You just blocked the story. Now you're going to assign props, have the props do their thing, and TALK TO THE PROPS!

You'll tell the two stories and begin to combine them (reminding the kids you are combining their images).

1. Pick a student to be Peter who has a great sense of humor (and who you approach ahead of time and ask them to 'help you by playing along') It has to be someone who doesn't mind getting wet. Getting wet is an essential part of this story!

2. Have a student be Jesus, and a student or two be on the boat. Throw some costumes at them. You'll need your other students to BE THE PROPS or manipulate them. If you don't have many kids, get some teens to help you fill in the roles.

Assign Roles and Props.
Give a prop/role to certain students and a notecard with some thoughts about their prop. Give 2 minutes to think about what their prop might mean in a "metaphorical" sense. And how their prop will act, and what their prop will TELL the other kids when YOU ask them to "explain themselves".

Leaf Blower... You are the winds in a person's life that tries to blow them off course, on the rocks. What does the wind not want you to do? Who is the wind at your school? What is the wind within you that makes your going tough?

Super Soaker...You are the scary stuff in a disciple's life trying to get them to lose faith. What things scare people? What makes them feel stupid and embarrassed about coming to church? they just got their face full of water? What Holds them back from reaching out to Jesus' hand? Keeps them from trusting God?

Blue tarps/Waves....You are the tough times in a person's life. You rock the person's boat and make them feel unsafe, mortal, like maybe they shouldn't take risks, risk being called names or thought of as "soft" or "uncool" for putting God first, or for going to church, or for doing what's right instead of what's popular.

Jesus' Hand on a Stick... you've taped a large glove on a long stick that Jesus can reach out with. How does God reach out to us? What are Jesus' hands in our lives? What do we have to 'grab onto' so we don't feel alone?

Boat Ladder... this can be as simple as a big knotted rope. How does the church welcome and help others get into its boat? What are some of the "knots" we can grip on when Jesus brings us here? This wasn't in the story, but tell them it's a new metaphor for how we in the church help others 'get' here.

Several Cups of Water... these were extra kids who needed props, so we quickly improvised, but as it turned out EVERYONE wants to toss water into Peter's face, and we had picked the right kids to take it! Before tossing the water at Peter, the kids had to come up with something to say that was "rude" about the church and why someone would want to go there (or be in that boat). "Stupid bunch of fairytales" ..."Fake people dressing up to impress others". "Boring". It was both fun and poignant because the kids started to feel sorry for the kids who were suffering all these slights.

WALK THROUGH THE STORY AGAIN, this time letting the PROPS DO THEIR THING, pausing and talking to them to ask "what they represent".

Now follow me....
When we got to the water I added a few 'WATER SLURS' of my own and splashed water not only at Peter, but at Jesus (he too was buffeted by waves) and at the disciples and the boat (pretty much everybody).... "church is stupid, Jesus is weak, he's not really God...etc etc.", then I grabbed the leaf blower and dried Peter and the disciples and suggested they go "another way" ...such as "the way of the world" ...I mean, why follow a religious guy when it is much more fun to be bad and do what you want. I blew some wind at the other kids too. But then I shifted to the idea of "God's Wind...God's Holy Spirit.... drying us, guiding us, moving us by an invisible presence. I had the kids on the boat raise their sail/sheet and we talked about how we can raise our sails as individuals or as a church to catch God's Wind. ...And what we can do to NOT catch that wind as well. The point was awesome.

The Drama's Last Scene:
We dropped our props and gathered in our "boat". I asked: What is scary in your life right now? Then I said "Jesus is calling us to take some come to him where it can be a bit tough. To stick our necks out for our faith. We walked into the 'waves' and I asked: What's SINKING your faith or your best intentions to be a good person? How could Jesus help you? How can we help each other? As I asked these questions, I reached out with my "Jesus Hand on a Stick". We talked about how we grab onto Jesus, knowing he's not here in body. I had them grab onto the hand and grab on to each other's hands (that's a good metaphor for the church) and I directed them back into the boat (the church!) The kids picked up on this very quickly.

I had always wanted to add a craft at the end of this lesson ...having the kids stuff a glove and tack it to a dowel rod and write "Jesus saves" on it.... a "take-home prop" they would have to explain to surprised parents. Wish I had!

And as I post this, I wonder how this could also be a "stations" drama where ALL the kids get wet. The Trustees and Church ladies love that. Cool


End with a prayer.

Teaching Your Kids to See the Story as a SYMBOL... a metaphor for today, for life, for us.

You have to TEACH kids how to understand metaphors by "UNPACKING" metaphors with them. Read this Training Article here at our site for more about how to do that! You can do this by giving them simple examples, such as, "What is heat? ...But what would it mean if I said 'I'm putting heat on you to change?'". Concretely to them wind is moving air unless you reassign "wind" in their thinking as ALSO "a force in your life that tries to blow you in one direction or another". You parents are a wind. Your friends. God. And negative forces. But it depends on where you set your sails, which 'wind' you will let move you. (A good demonstration of this is a small sailboat in a pan of water).

Here's what I believe: Jesus did these miracles knowing they would have a lasting memory...that they would keep on teaching, that we would extract their meaning for our lives and the Church. (God is very clever.) That's exactly what our PROP DRAMA is going to do. They won't forget this lesson, and it's meaning will unfold as they grow.

I had a blast doing this lesson. Hope you do too.

A lesson written by Neil MacQueen.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Jesus Calms the Storm

Drama/Movie Making Workshop


Summary of Lesson Activities:

Interview the workshop leader (who is an experienced sailor)
Pose as disciples and interview each other with the same questions
Create scene vignettes of the story, captured with digital camera
View the photos in the “theater” workshop on the big screen and narrate the story

Bible memory verse:

"Be still, and know that I am God” … the Lord Almighty is with us …” Psalm 46:10-11

Lesson Objectives: Throughout the four-week unit, children will be helped to

  • Retell the story of Jesus calming the storm
  • Explore why the disciples were afraid
  • Identify with the disciples in the “storms” of their own lives
  • Recall the qualities of God and God’s faithfulness to us in all situations
  • Discuss and choose ways they will call on Jesus when they need help

NOTE: The workshop leader had a sailboat and was an experienced sailor. She brought some of her gear – life jacket, ropes, etc.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • Index cards with questions on them.
  • Pencils
  • Bibles
  • Camera
  • Fan
  • Spray Bottle
  • Costumes
  • Popcorn
  • Juice




Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction: 
Welcome the children warmly into the workshop. Introduce yourself and tell them that you are an experienced sailor. Engage in a very brief conversation about sailing, asking if any of them have ever sailed before.

Tell them that in order to get to know you better and more about sailing, you’d like them to become investigative reporters. Put them in pairs or groups of three and give each group an index card that you have previously written one of these question starters on: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How. You may need duplicates of some of the questions, depending on how many children. Invite them to create one question as a group they’d like to ask you about sailing using the question starter word on their card. Partners should agree on the question. Distribute pencils and have them record their questions on their card. [Example: Who do you like to go sailing with? Or What would you do if …?]

After a few minutes, gather them together and invite them to ask you the questions they’ve created. Answer honestly.

Let them know that they should keep these questions handy because they may want to use their question again for another interview they’ll be conducting shortly.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:
Distribute Bibles and tell children that the story about Jesus we’re discovering this month is found in 3 of the 4 gospels. Ask which section of the Bible stories of Jesus would be found in – OT or NT? Ask if they can name the 4 gospels. This story is in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Have them turn to the Mark account in 4:35-41.

Read the story together in whatever way you’d like – you read odd verses, children read even verses aloud together; girls-even, boys-odd; around the circle, etc. If this is the third or fourth week of the unit, you can use a toy sailboat and pass it from child to child, having them each add on a sentence from the story so they are retelling it in their own words.

Let them know that it’s time to put their investigative skills to work again. Have kids choose and put on “disciple” costumes from selection on the rack. Get back in pairs/groups of three with their question card and spread out in the room. This time they are all the disciples that were in the boat with Jesus in the story. They should see if the question that they previously asked you could be asked of each other now as disciples and answered, in character. For the above example: “Who do you like to go sailing with?” it could be answered: “Jesus and the other disciples”. If the question will not work to ask of a disciple for this story, have them flip their card over and come up with a new question using that word. As they interview each other, walk around and listen in on their conversations. Encourage and support. After the pair/threesome answers their question have them trade cards with another group and continue till they’ve answered one of each of the types of questions.

The shepherd will now play the part of Jesus and all the kids will be the disciples. Tell them they will be doing a freeze frame of the following 8 scenes that you will describe by reading from the story. After they hear you read it they will get into positions that describe what they heard. Be sure to remind them there is no sound so their facial expressions and body language have to tell the story. When they are frozen, you’ll snap a photo. You can use the electric fan and spray bottle to help them imagine with “effects”. Scripture from NIV:

  1. That day when evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side."
  2. Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.
  3. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion.
  4. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"
  5. He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!"
  6. Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
  7. He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
  8. They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"

After taking photos, give our “techie” the digital camera and USB cable. Have the kids put away their costumes, then quietly move to the movie theater. Popcorn and juice boxes will be pre-made and available as they enter.

At each photo, ask a different child to describe as best they can what was happening. You can follow what they say by reading the verses. Then pause before moving to the next photo and ask the following “I wonder” questions after each one:

  1. I wonder … do you always follow Jesus … even when you’re tired, or not having a good day, or angry.
  2. I wonder … what kind of storms are in your life right now … maybe having to do with your family, or school, or friends.
  3. I wonder … do you ever feel like Jesus doesn’t know what you’re going through.
  4. I wonder … do you go to Jesus when you need help with something, no matter how small or big the problem is.
  5. I wonder … do you realize how powerful and good and loving Jesus is.
  6. I wonder … do you know that Jesus can help you be calm even when things seem very chaotic and difficult.
  7. I wonder … does Jesus ever say to you “Why are you so afraid? Do you have no faith in me?”
  8. I wonder … how can you show yourself, God and others that you do trust in Jesus.


Conclude in prayer … inviting kids to add their thoughts from the “I wonder” statements. The shepherd can help lead this discussion if you prefer.

NOTE: We will print out the pictures and they will be available the following week for this group to use in the retelling of the story in the Science workshop.


A lesson written by Jan from: First Presbyterian Church, 

Napa, CA


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Drama Idea

An idea for a drama workshop... it with small posable characters and have the kids build a small set on a tabletop. Years ago we did this using those small posable superhero and star wars characters. One group created the set, while another group of "readers" rehearsed with the kids who were moving the characters.

We had Chewbacca as Peter on the boat with Jesus the Incredible Hulk.

A mist bottle of water provided the storm. A plastic boat was attached to a dowel and rocked by one happy child.

We put the posable figures on the ends of pencils and the kids sat under the table holding the characters up towards the camera and scenery. They were positioned in such as way as they could see the monitor to see how they're characters were doing.

Very effective at teaching the story, and very fun.
During discussion time, the kids with characters had to answer as their character.

<>< Neil


Another idea, added by member Luanne Payne, is to have the kids recreate scenes using Lego (see Lego - Story Table Workshop forum to learn more about this technique).

Lego Jesus Calms the Storm-1-with Speech Bubbles3Lego Jesus Calms the Storm-2-with Speech Bubbles2

In our photos above the "lightning and speech bubbles" were added using "Paint" (found on Paint's Home menu bar under Shapes,) select your colour fill for both, then add words with Text Icon (A), select transparent, adjust size and position until text fits inside your speech bubble, just remember to not click outside of the text box until it fits properly, or you will have to start again.

Modified to explain purpose of the top part of this post, which was moved here from another location.


Images (2)
  • Lego Jesus Calms the Storm-1-with Speech Bubbles3
  • Lego Jesus Calms the Storm-2-with Speech Bubbles2
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Jesus Calms the Storm

Drama Workshop


Summary of Lesson Activities:

This Storytelling lesson seeks to highlight (mostly by telling the story in three different ways) the two very different reactions to a scary storm. One reaction is from the disciples, the other, of course, is from Jesus. The lesson activities consist of watching a "movie" of the story (movie, here, refers to a "homemade" narration of slides - like a powerpoint presentation). The second activity consists of putting on a play that mirrors the events of the scripture story using popsicle puppets. An additional option is to video tape the puppet play and then let the class watch it after they've completed the puppet play.


Scripture Reference:

Luke 8:22-25 (with Mark 4:39 inserted)

To view the movie of the story and to download the supply document, click HERE (NOTE: The link will take you to the page specifically created for viewers of this post).

For the full lesson, download the attached Word .doc at the bottom of this post. Note that the first three pages of the document are "background" and that the actual lesson starts on page 4 (which is also where you will find the supply list).

From the attached lesson, here is the story script with some of the teaching comments (in first person) included:

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • DVD
  • Props
  • Costumes




Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Greet the children and introduce yourself.


Open with a prayer.


Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

  • We're going to watch a video now of the story.
  • In it will be some ideas of why the disciples waited to wake Jesus up and what type of boat they were probably in. These things are not in the story that you just heard. Instead, there is some pretending about what might have happened that day to help us better imagine what this story looked like as it happened. 



  • Are there things that you think you can do and so you don't want someone to help you with it? (for instance, maybe you like to comb your own hair and not have your mom, dad or sibling do it)
  • That seems to be what happened for the disciples, too. They thought they didn't need help, but then it turns out that they really did, didn't they?


  • Now we’re going to make our own movie.
  • We have two groups of disciples that need readers (two or more readers to read at the same time OR if you're short on people, just one reader per disciple role). There's Jesus. And then I need someone who can make a good wind sound.
  • There need to be holders for the wind, the cloud, the waves and the boat (if you have lots of students, readers and holders of puppets can be split up).
  • [If need be, you can assign an “audience” part to the less than enthusiastic students].
  • Our shepherd here will record our play (or maybe have a student help out here, too).
  • So we’re going to go behind the screen, here.
  • We’ll do a practice run through, where I’ll be the director, helping yall know what to do and when to do it.
  • Once we got through the practice run, then we'll film it. 

Do & Record Popsicle Puppet Play
Characters: Disciples, Other Disciples, Jesus and the wind noise-maker.

Non-characters that need to be held up: The boat, the clouds, the wind, the waves.


Jesus: We are going to the other side of the Sea of Galilee tonight.

The disciples: Aww man!

Jesus: Sailing is better than walking.

Other disciples: That’s a good point, Jesus…and why you are our teacher!

Jesus: I'm going to sleep now. [Jesus moves to the front of the boat and sinks off stage]

The disciples: The boat sure isn't moving very fast tonight. We need some wind.

[wind starts to blow (make blowing sound). Rock boat a little bit. Have the puppets move back a little bit, and have the boat move forward a little bit to show acceleration]

The disciples: Yay, we've got wind!

Other disciples: We're going to be in trouble....that type of wind always brings a storm.

The disciples: Maybe the wind will get us to the other side before the storm hits.

Other disciples: Not a chance.

[Put up rain cloud puppet above the boat]

The disciples: Ack! Rain!

[Put up wind puppet in front of the boat]

Other disciples: Whoa! That IS a strong wind. Should we wake Jesus up and tell him?

The disciples: Jesus is still sleeping. Besides, what can he do that we can't? The trip would've been better without the storm, but we'll be okay.

[Put up waves puppet in front of the boat]


The disciples: WE WERE WRONG! WE'RE NOT OKAY! JESUS WAKE UP! WE'RE DYING! WAKE UP! [All disciples go to front of Jesus to wake him up.]

[Jesus puppet pops back up]

Jesus: Wind, Waves and Storm, I rebuke you. Peace to you. Be calm.
[Remove wind and wave puppets]

The disciples: Whoa! That was cool. How'd he do that?

Other disciples: THAT’S why he’s our teacher!

Jesus: Instead of trusting God, you trusted yourselves. That's why you were afraid. Next time call on God for help like I do. Do not call upon yourself. You are not God. You cannot do what God can do.

The disciples: How did you do that!?!?! You must be a god!

Jesus: I just told you. God works through me, just like God can work through you. But not if you have no faith. Where is your faith? Trust God, not yourself.

The disciples: And then we'll be able to stop storms?

Jesus: Trust God and then the storms won't get inside of you and fill you with fear and panic. Trust God and you'll know what to do all the time, every time.




End with a prayer.

A lesson written by Nathanael from


A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


If you like this lesson, and are interested in more, visit


Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

The Story


The following story was posted by member Neil MacQueen. 


Tell the FAMOUS STORY of the man waiting for God to rescue him, and have the students practice telling the story on their own so they can share it with their family and friends.


Once upon a time, it began to rain and overflow the river next to a farmer's house. And pretty soon the raging river water was surrounding the farmer’s house and waves were coming up his front porch.


"O Lord," said the farmer looking to the heavens, "save me!"


As he is standing there praying, a boat came up. And the man in the boat says, “Jump in, and I’ll take you to safety.”


The farmer crosses his arms and says stubbornly, “Oh no thanks, I put my trust in God.”


The boat goes away. The water rises to the second story. Another boat comes up. The man  says to the farmer, who is now at the second floor window, “Hurry, jump in. I’ll save you.”


The farmer again says, “Oh no thanks, I put my trust in God.”


The boat goes away. Now the water is inching over the roof. As the farmer stands on the roof, a helicopter comes over, and drops a ladder. The pilot yells down to the farmer, “I’ll save you.

Climb the ladder.”


The farmer yells back, “Oh no thanks, I put my trust in God.”


The helicopter goes away. The water continues to rise and sweeps the farmer off the roof into the swiftly moving water. Unfortunately, he drowns.


The farmer goes to heaven. God sees him and says, “What are you doing here?”

The farmer says, “I put my trust in you, and you let me down.”

God says, “What do you mean, let you down? I sent you two boats and a helicopter!”




Sometimes when we're scared or in trouble, the ANSWER to our prayer has already been sent. Jesus has been with you, but maybe you've ignored him. Or maybe Jesus sent you a friend or parent, whom you have chosen not to listen to. Or maybe he is trying to tell you something through scripture or prayer, but you have been ignoring those ways of Jesus being with you.


God promises to be with us, even in times of trouble. But it's important to KNOW HOW God comforts us, and what God's presence feels like, so we can receive that comfort. 


This is one of the reasons we come to church and study the Bible together, to learn how God is with us, what his voice sounds like, and strengthen our faith so that we can withstand the times of trouble. 


Let's pray that we recognize the help God gives us BEFORE we need it!


Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

"In the Eye of the Storm" music video

-a great contemporary Christian song by Ryan Stevenson.

Good song with great lyrics that relate the storm to trouble we encounter in life. Some teaching suggestions below.

The above video is the official lyrics version. A fan has created a version with visual images that's a bit longer and includes a partial recitation of Ps 23 at the end.

Some teaching suggestions:

(Idea 1) On cards, write out these questions about the lyrics and deal them to students. Listen/watch and then have each student answer what their word meant in the song. Tip: duplicate each card so that two students are answering each question.

  • What is an "eye" in a storm? 
  • What are the "storms" a person can face?  At home, at school, financially? emotionally?
  • What kind of battles do people face in their life? Which ones are going to be the hardest?
  • What is the purpose of an anchor? And how does faith in Jesus act like an anchor?
  • What does a sail do? What is a person's sails? And what things can "tear" them?
  • How does Jesus surround us with love?
  • What does it mean to sing Jesus "guards" our souls? And why is that comforting?
  • Why did the song end with Psalm 23 ?? (Heard on the non-radio version at

(Idea 2) With your cellphone video-ing the whole thing, re-enact the "Jesus calms the storm" scene with the disciples wave tossed (a blue tarp shaking) in a (cardboard) boat (made out of cardboard or simply a tabletop), while this song plays. Have student prepare ahead and lift up posterboard signs of "troubles and problems" that people experience, plus a few signs calling out to Jesus (using lyrics). Have a student appear walking across the shaking waves. You don't have to use the whole song, just recreate a portion of it. You don't have to show Jesus "calming" the storm if you don't want to. Why? Because Jesus brings the calm we need even if the wind and waves don't stop. (That's something you can discuss with your kids.)

Lyrics excerpted below for teaching: 

Eye of the Storm
Ryan Stevenson

In the eye of the storm
You remain in control
And in the middle of the war
You guard my soul
You alone are the anchor
When my sails are torn
Your love surrounds me
In the eye of the storm

When the solid ground is falling out from underneath my feet
Between the black skies, and my red eyes, I can barely see
When I realize I've been sold out by my friends and my family
I can feel the rain reminding me
In the eye of the storm, You remain in control

In the middle of the war, You guard my soul
You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
Your love surrounds me
In the eye of the storm

Songwriters: Bryan Fowler / Ryan Stevenson
Eye of the Storm lyrics © Capitol Christian Music Group

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