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Drama, Puppet, and Storytelling Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for the Ten Lepers

Post your Sunday School drama, puppet, and storytelling lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for the Ten Lepers.

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Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers - Luke 17:11-19, The Thankful Leper, etc.

Bible lessons and ideas about the Ten Lepers -with Drama, puppets, scripts, skits, acting, newsroom, etc.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer
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Healing – 10 Lepers Drama “Your Faith Has Made You Well”


A puppet or drama script.


Part I posted by Rachel Haugland

Part II added by Neil MacQueen

Part I:

Narrator 1: Jesus was on his way to the Holy City, when he went to one of the villages.

Narrator 2: There, ten unclean men stood a ways away from Jesus. They had sores all over their bodies. (Red circles/tape on the back on the men) They yelled to Jesus.

Man 1: Oh, Jesus. Help us! We are sick!

Man 2: Master! Have mercy! We have Leprosy. Look at these spots and sores!

Man 3: We are living here on the outside of town. We can’t be with our families because people are afraid we'll make them sick. Help us! (Someone walks towards the lepers)

Man 1, 2, & 3: (Shouting) Unclean! Unclean!  You lepers back off!  

Narrator 1: (The person walks away from the lepers) The people with leprosy had to shout ‘unclean’ anytime someone came near. That way, the healthy people could stay away from the sick people.

Jesus: Your faith is strong. Go to the priests and make an offering. You will be clean.

Narrator 2: So the lepers went to the priest. And while they were going, they were healed.

Man 1: Yeah! I’m clean!

Man 2: Look! No spots!

Man 3: It’s a miracle!

Narrator 1: Ten men were healed. Ten men were happy.

Narrator 2: But only one man came back to say Thank You.

Man 3: Thank you, God! You are awesome! (Kneel at Jesus feet) Thank you!

Jesus: You are blessed. Get up. Go. Your faith has made you well.

Narrator 1: Only one man came back to say ‘thank you’ to Jesus.


Man 1:  Thank you Jesus! thankyouthankyouthankyou.


Narrator 2: The nine others who were healed didn't come back. 



Part II:  An imagined scene in the Temple...


Priest 1:  So, you say you are a leper? You don't look unclean to me. 


Man 2:  Yes I was a leper. Jesus healed me!


Priest 2:  Jesus? That travelling teacher?  


Man 2:  Yes, Jesus of Nazareth came to our village and had mercy on ten of us lepers. He told us to show ourselves to the priests, and while we were on our way, we were healed!


Man 3:  Yes, it was Jesus, and he healed me too!   He must be the Messiah!  The Promised Savior.


Priest 1: How can this be? He should come talk to our Council so we can question him. Maybe he is a fake!


Priest 2:  But if this Jesus IS the Messiah, then it is WE who should be going to HIM. I mean, look at these men, I have seen them, and I know for sure they used to be lepers.


Priest 1:  Bah!  The Messiah is a King. He would not hang out in small towns with Lepers!


Man 2:  All I know is that I was a leper, and now I can go back and live with my family thanks to Jesus. I can't wait to tell them everything he did for me and taught us.


Man 3:  Do you think that's wise I mean, what if he isn't the Messiah? What if we are seen with him, or they think we are his disciples? We could get in serious trouble.


Narrator:  The Priests and former lepers argued  and debated about what to do next.

Can you imagine what they said?

Can you figure out what they were worried about?  

What do you think the priests and lepers did next?  

And if they do go talk to Jesus, what do you think Jesus will tell them?

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

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