
In addition to these public lesson and idea topics below, be sure to check out the Writing Team's extra special set of lessons: Kingdom Parables ~ Seed, Leaven, Treasure, Pearl. Written for our supporting members, their lesson summaries and Bible background are open to all.

Drama and Newsroom Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for the Kingdom Parables

Post your Sunday School drama and newsroom lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for the Kingdom Parables.

  • Please include a scripture reference, supply lists, sources, suggested age range. age modification, etc.
  • Photos are much appreciated!  Click "attachments" and upload to your post.
  • Please be careful not to post copyrighted materials. Excerpting and paraphrasing is okay. Include attribution.

Parable of the Mustard Seed - Matthew 13:31-32
Parable of the Leaven (Yeast) - Matthew 13:33
Parable of the Treasure in the Field - Matthew 13:44
Parable of the Pearl - Matthew 13:45-46
"What is the kingdom of God like? And to what should I compare it?" Luke 13:18, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven, etc., etc.

Bible lessons and ideas about the Kingdom Parables -with Drama, puppets, scripts, skits, acting, newsroom, etc.

Follow up Notes ...added after we did the below New Broadcast:

  1. We read and discussed the scriptures first. Need to keep that short due our class time.
  2. The practice and actual videotaping took about 30 minutes.   Viewing = 5 min.
  3. The kids especially loved digging up the treasure while our camera floated above like a helicopter crew. "Hy Inaclowd" the reporter also made chopper noises by patting his stomach while reporting.  We didn't have time to make a treasure so simply wrote "Kingdom of God" on a piece of paper which the Diggums discovered.
  4. The teacher running the laptop (teleprompter) sat behind the news desk so that the backdrop actually looked like a news studio.
  5. Our microphone was a prop, which helped the kids get into the roles.
  6. The highlight of the broadcast was getting to dump real flour on the actor who was caught in the "dough-saster."
  7. Change I'd make to attached script for next time:  
    -Add "bush" prop.
    -Give "Jesus" fewer words and something to do, a prop maybe.

Kingdom Parables Video News Broadcast

Newscaster: SHIRLEY


Cast:  JESUS, PEARL, Lady, Diggum family, GOD

Props/Classroom setup:

A news table set along one wall.
Some pieces of fabric/costumes.
A playground ball (to be the PEARL)

A treasure chest
Some baking flour.
Microphone for interviewing.

Assign parts. Students without a speaking part in a particular scene can act in the background.



Good Morning and Welcome to the Peace Presbyterian Bible News. I'm SHIRLEY Speakwell.  Our Top Story Today: a small seed has grown into a monster bush.
For more about what it all means, we go to IMA Reporter outstanding in a field.

This is IMA Reporter and I'm standing here with JESUS of Nazareth, son of Joseph the Carpenter, whom some say is the new King of Kings, the Messiah. JESUS, is this true, are you the King?

Well, yes, that's what people are calling me.

So then  you are a king. Can you prove it? I mean, ...where is your throne?  your army? your Kingdom?

Well that's a little hard to explain. I'm not that kind of King.

Then what kind of King are you?

I want to be the King of people's hearts. I want to rule their actions.

So you want to boss people around, is that what you're saying?

No, not at all. I want people to believe in me, and let MY spirit grow within them.... like a seed.

Like a mustard seed? Kind of a strange little seed, don't you think?

Yeah, like a mustard seed because it starts out really really small. And when your faith grows into a big bush, then it can do great things for other people in my name, like a bush provides nests for birds.

Interesting, and a bit confusing. Now back to you SHIRLEY in the studio.

Full script attached to this post.


Shirley and Pearl


Dough-saster girl and Harry Baker


The Diggum family discovery.


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  • KofGbroadcast1
  • KofGbroadcast3
  • KofGbroadcast4
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Last edited by Luanne Payne
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