's Early April 2021 Newsletter
When our Sunday School classrooms reopen...
We'll need attractive and broadly-graded lessons that teach timely good news from great Bible stories. That's what our Writing Team gives us, and their new Jesus and Zaccheus lessons are no exception.
Everyone can read the Zaccheus Lesson Summaries and Bible Background. Supporting Members can print/modify any or all 6 different creative lessons.
Come see the Zaccheus lesson descriptions
Become a Supporting Member of and get access to every one of the Writing Team's Lesson Sets and more features and great content at our site. At $45 a year, it's also a timely budget-saver.
Coming this summer from the Writing Team:
Galatians 5 Fruit of the Spirit
Creative, broadly-graded, and timely lessons about being and growing
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness
generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control

Post-Pandemic Sunday School 
Discussion, ideas, challenges, and resources at
More Timely Resources at

Emmaus, Feed My Sheep, Great Commission, Ascension lessons and resources