Our stewarship committee is undertaking a big focus on stewardship of the earth in April and would like the church school to tie in to this. I am looking for either lessons or activites for kids ages 3 - high school (of course not the same lesson for the whole age range!)
Moderator move below post here, from elsewhere on the site, to consolidate topic.
Posted by Grace Funk (Guest)
Earth Month - April
"Being Stewards of the Earth"
The Federated Church, Paxton, IL
Grace Funk, CE
First Sunday
- Read "What Can I Do?" Story - by Kim Moon (Moderator notes this story does not appear to be online anymore - link removed)
Read Genesis 2: 5 - 22 (taking care of earth)
Have kids pick up trash from the church yard.
Make a list (flip chart) of things to help keep the earth clean.
Add to list items from printout on conserving energy in your own home.
(found on http://www.planetpals.com/partnerenergy.html)
Have leaves made out of construction paper, write each item on a leaf.
Set up a tree display (made out of whatever you have) and attach leaves.
Closing Prayer
- Announce in Church Service the youth will be recycling cans.
Second Sunday
- Read Genesis 1 and make a list of the 6 days of creation
Read Genesis 2: 1 - 4
Do Planetpals puzzle with the younger kids - (www.planetpals.com/pppuzzle.html) Do Planetpals crossword with the older kids - (www.planetpals.com/crossword.html) Closing Prayer
Third Sunday
- Read Genesis 8: 20 - 22 and Genesis 9: 8 - 17 (Covenant with Noah)
Make a mural with the 6 days of creation (suggest one kid at a time draw)
Sun, moon, stars
Kids can color animal pictures while others work on the mural.
Have younger kids put the animals on the mural.
Color rainbow over the top!
Closing prayer
Fourth Sunday - Read Genesis 2: 5 - 22 (taking care of the earth)
Pick up trash again - if needed.
Make "Whole World in His Hands" foam craft
Finish mural
Closing prayer