Below is a list of links to some great Pentecost Lessons and Ideas that we've gleaned from our Act 2 Forum ~ here at We originally chose them for their "ease of use" for at-home or in-church during the 2020-21 COVID pandemic, and now continue to share them for those wishing to have some "at home" lessons or who need things a little simpler than usual.
Many of these ideas and mini-lessons would be great to use all summer long as we help families and kids REKINDLE and CELEBRATE their relationship with the church. After all, Pentecost is a season and a mindset, not just a day.
The blue arrow links go to Writing Team lessons and require a supporting membership. Join!
The orange links point to resources in our public forums.
Easier & At-Home Pentecost Lesson Links
This great Art Project in our Writing Team's Pentecost Art Workshop features a "paint blowing" activity that can easily be done at home. One of the things I love about this lesson is how the "art action" mimics and reinforces the idea of "breath" (spirit) and how the Spirit inspires and moves us.
Fun "Mighty Wind Leaf Blower" Demonstration and Game from our Writing Team's Pentecost Games Workshop. This fun lesson can also be adapted as a children's sermon.
Yum... Here's a tasty "Fruit or Cheese Blintz" Cooking lesson from our Writing Team's Pentecost Cooking Workshop. This traditional sweet dessert is eaten on the Jewish festival of Shavu'ot —the holy day also known as "Pentecost"
. The ingredients remind us of the Spirit's goodness to us. Easy to make.
Sidewalk Chalk "Pentecost Walk" --an idea for creating a gallery of Pentecost images and messages at church or at home.
"We are One in the Spirit" Color Spinning Wheel craft and lesson idea. This uses an easy-to-make-at-home "Newton Spinning Wheel" toy.
Pentecost Flame Temporary Tattoos for Kids! --as highlighted by Cathy in our Treasures of forum.
Printable at-home and easy-in-church Pentecost Art Project that reflects on the Pentecost art of Edgardo Guzman.
Four YouTube Pentecost Videos to Share at Home or Online:
Day of Pentecost animated presentation for younger children (from Tommy Nelson publishers)
The excellent What's in the Bible? series has a good 2-minute retelling and explanation of the Story of Pentecost for elementary-age children.
Saddleback Kids' Animated Video of The Story of Pentecost: God Sends the Holy Spirit.
A Great Music Video to Share and Discuss with older kids and adults
Start a Fire in My Soul by Unspoken was one of the most popular Christian contemporary songs of the past few years. Share the music video and some questions, like,
- The scenes in the video reflect the lead singer's real-life desire to have a more fulfilling life, one that's more pleasing to God. So in the video he leaves his coffee shop job and collects other members of the band who also want to make a difference in the world.
- What difference would you like to make in the world?
- What are you "on fire about" in your soul right now? (or would you like to be on fire about?)
- What changes could you make in your life to begin to make more of a difference in the world?