
Our Epiphany Program was a small (20 minute or so) part of one of the Sunday services in January.  Our rehearsal time was during our Sunday School time for several weeks before the date of the program.  We did the program in late service, so that we had the Sunday school time that day to get into costumes, run through things, etc. Our ages ranged from PreK through high school.


Light of the World

An Epiphany Program by the Students of the Sunday School Ministry

Procession from Darkness to Light

In the beginning, God created the world and it was good; but sin—and darkness—soon entered our world.  God sent His Son, who comes to us as Light and Life.  Jesus is the Light that shows the way to hope and eternal life.  The Lord is my Light and my Salvation.

In His Word, God promised that “the people living in darkness have seen a great Light”.  God has brought us out of the darkness of sin and despair into His wonderful light—a Light that no darkness can overcome.  Jesus Christ is the Light of the world.

Your Light shines in our hearts, so that we might know and believe in Jesus.  Teach us your way, Lord, so that we may walk in your truth.  Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.  We do not belong to the darkness.  We are children of the Light.

God is with us in our dark times.  Dawn on our darkness—the darkness of sin, pain, sickness, sadness, and troubles—and give us your help.  The Lord is our Everlasting Light.

God loves His whole creation.  Your Word says that You are a light for the Gentiles, bringing Your Salvation to the ends of the earth.  God also calls us to be light in the world—to let our light shine so that others may know and praise God.  Let Your Light scatter the darkness and illumine your church.  The Lord is my Light and my Salvation.

(The high school students narrated the candles-g8e711539a_640above from the front of the church.  Different students/groups spoke the various phrases in turn. The church lights were dimmed.  The Sunday School students processed in, all carrying battery operated candles.  They stood at the front of the sanctuary and sang the below song.)

“Shine, Jesus, Shine” (sung by the students)

Hymn        “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light”       
(The congregation sang this hymn, which gave us time to set up for the drama)

Follow That Star—an Epiphany drama by  Jeffrey E. Burkart
(The play can be found in the book "Sure Can Use a LIttle Good News: 12 Gospel Plays in Rhyme" by Jeffrey E. Burkart.  It is out of print but easy to find copies online.   Characters include narrators, Wise Men, Herod, Herod's sages, Mary, Joseph, child Jesus, Wise Men's Servants, Star of Bethlehem.  The vast majority of the dialog is by the narrators, so the students playing the various parts did not have a lot of lines to learn.)

Music Video                  “One King”  by  Point of Grace

Narrator:   A popular phrase states “Wise men still seek Him”.  In reality, it was God who sought them—He brought them to Jesus using the star.  God also seeks us out and brings us to faith in Jesus.  The important king in this Epiphany story is not one of the wise men bringing gifts, it is the One King—Jesus Christ—who brought hope and salvation to the world.   The Senior High Bible Study created this music video based on the song “One King”, sung by Point of Grace.

“This Little Gospel Light of Mine”   (sung by the students)


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  • candles-g8e711539a_640
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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