Here's a fun Epiphany children's sermon from my personal archive. This could be a drama lesson too with a little scripting along the lines of "what is there behind the Epiphany blanket to discover?"
Epiphany Children's Sermon
Shout it Out Loud!
by Rev. Neil MacQueen
Epiphany Sunday is first Sunday after January 6th -which is the traditional date of Epiphany. Often it is called “Three Kings Day.” In this children’s sermon, we’re going to focus on the word “Epiphany” through a fun demonstration. Preparation, your energy, and clue-ing in a few older kids is the key.
Epiphany means “insight” or “revelation” …but those words are too hard for kids. Instead, we’re going to use “exciting discovery you want to tell others about.” Jesus’ parents, the shepherds, and the Kings made an exciting discovery and wanted to tell others. We do too (i.e. share the Epiphany).
Ahead of time, pin a posterboard to a very large heavy blanket and write this sentence on it" "As soon as you read this SHOUT the WORD “AWESOME!”
Also ahead of time, write on the flip side of the sign the sentence: When "Jesus is our King"
Also ahead of time, tell one of your children that they are going to be "in on the joke." They will get to "go first" to see behind a blanket, and when they do, they will see the sign that says, "Awesome" and should shout it out loud when they do.
Go over this children’s sermon with two teens who will be holding the blanket. Tell them to prompt the kids going behind the blanket to do the shouting (in case any are shy) and to shout with them!
Here’s how to present this:
After welcoming the kids, invite your two teens to stand to the side holding the heavy blanket like a wall so that the kids and congregation cannot see the posterboard pinned to the back of it. (Update: The second time I did this we attached the word "Epiphany" to the front of the blanket for all to see.)
Tell them about Epiphany and that it means "surprise" or "revealing." Then tell them you have a surprise for them behind the blanket, and that you're going to let them all go see it, one by one, and that when they do, they get to stay behind the blanket.
Next, invite your "pre-picked" student to go behind the blanket, see the sign, and shout Awesome! as you have pre-arranged. Then, one by one invite the seated younger children to go stand behind the blanket.
As you send the kids one-by-one behind the blanket, they stay back there until everyone is behind the blanket. As you hear each kid shout, talk to the other kids about what could be so exciting.
Once all the kids are behind the blanket, go with them and stir it up a bit. Ask the kids “What’s so exciting back here? What have you discovered?”
…At that question, have your student helper FLIP OVER card on which you have written in big letters: “When I say shout, I want you to Shout Together as loud as you can: JESUS IS OUR KING!!” (You need to quietly whisper the instruction for non-readers.)
Now say "shout" to them and point to the words on the card, "Jesus is our King!"
Say, "I can't hear you," and point to the words again. Shout it a third time.
Now have your helpers drop the blanket. As they do this, the kids will have big smiles on their faces, as will the congregation.
You can provide some concluding remarks now, or use this EXTRA part. I did it the second time I used this children's sermon and it went over big:
Split up the kids, half in front of one side of the congregation, and half in front of the other side to lead a cheer. The first half shouts: "Jesus is Our King" and the second half shouts, "Awesome!" Do that a couple of times and have fun with it.
They will shout it out loud, guaranteed!
Wrap it up by saying, “The gift Jesus wants from us, is to not HIDE our love for him. Now you could shout about it, but that would get pretty annoying very quick! So here's the idea: Instead of shouting your faith with words, I want you to...
- PUMP UP THE VOLUME on your love and generosity,
- PUMP UP your compassion and care for each other,
- PUMP UP your worship attendance, really make it SCREAM!
- and do a gigantic HUGE SILENT SHOUT by spending time in prayer and reading the bible.
Those are the kinds of "wise and loud gifts" Jesus would really like.
AMEN? --- I can't hear you. AMEN??? (Wait until they shout AMEN!!!)
(Note: This is what I "approximately" said, as I wrote this down afterward. Feel free to word monger it.)