There are some wonderful historic costumed figures available from Playmobil that would be wonderful on a Story Table (see the diorama or story table workshop description here )
The people from Ancient Rome and Egypt plus their scenery and props could be incorporated into so many different Bible story retellings! I'm not certain how often Playmobil comes out with new sets, but it would be worth taking a peek at this page occasionally:
This Roman chariot could be used in the story of Elijah (just take off his helmet; and he already has a mantle to pass on, too!):
And this is labeled as an Egyptian House, but it looks like all the Bible picturebook houses I have seen... Plus, the roof comes off for the Four Faithful Friends/Down through the Roof story! And it has a well for other stories! (See detailed assembly info here: http://playmobil.a.bigcontent....on?locale=en-US,en,* )
So many possibilities for creatively using the story table workshop! And don't forget to check for old discontinued figures and sets online, as suggested in this post about Martin Luther: