
Here is a complete set of lessons for…

The Fruit of the Spirit

Summary of all workshops in this Rotation:

  • Cooking: Create a "Fruit of the Spirit” Salad.
  • Music & Games: Discover a new song of faith from the church in Africa and learn about how the Spirit shares its fruit everywhere. (The activities are intended to highlight the diversity of the fruit of the Spirit and how each gift is special and important to the people of God.)
  • Art: Create “Bean Bag, Teddy Be With You Bears.” Teach students that like teddy bears, the Holy Spirit and its gifts are there to comfort us and to be with us.
  • Computer: Use word games software -- Crosswords and Word Games CD and Play and Learn CD is now out of print (only works on Windows Me/XP/Vista, and Windows 7- 32 bit.)

    (Editor's Note: The Crosswords and Word Games CD is out of print. See this post for an alternative idea using Cal & Marty’s Scripture Memory Game CD.

Scripture Reference: Galatians 5:22-26

Key Verse: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5:22, 23a

Overview: A “Spiritual Salad" - A Healthy Way To Feed The Body of Christ
The study is based on the Apostle Paul’s teaching on the gifts of the Spirit. The “Fruit of the Spirit” passage from Galatians 5 is an example of a loving pastor and powerful teacher sharing lasting, lifegiving truth with his friends in faith.

Galatians in one of Paul’s earliest letters to the churches he has founded or visited. Like all of the “epistles” or letters of the New Testament, Galatians is written to confirm faith, address controversy or false teaching and to support the new Christians communities.

Chapter 5 Paul teaches the Galatians and through them the whole church that Christ Jesus is the source of true freedom. In verse 16 he declares “live by the Spirit." In verses 19-21 he cautions against how “acts of the sinful nature” can take our freedom away. In verses 22-26, our lesson, Paul list nine great gifts or fruits of the Spirit. He urges Christians to not only live by the Spirit but to also “keep in step with the Spirit." (vs.25) In this study we will celebrate the fruit of the Spirit and encourage Christians young and old alike to share these gifts freely.

Key Themes: Share Good Fruit with Others
The Apostle Paul offers to the Church the gift of seeing and receiving the special gifts of the Spirit as if indulging in the finest fruit salad ever. In response to the every present pressures and temptations of this life Paul declares that the Spirit of God will be made know in us as life nurturing, fresh for the picking, fruit. The fruit he describes are life experiences and personality strengths. He encourages our being open to receive these gifts. The main themes include:

1. Open yourself to the Fruit of the Spirit;
2. Learn about these gifts and encourage their growth in you and others;
3. Celebrate the giving and receiving of the fruit of the Spirit
4. Seek to keep in step with the Spirit. (vs. 25)

Theme Music:
Songs from the musical “Music Machine” (based on the fruit of the Spirit.

Theme Prayers:
Lord God, thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit and all of the special gifts of the Spirit. Teach us how to learn and share these gifts. May the fruit of the Spirit feed us every day. As we grow in faith may we grow in love. Amen.

Share in a prayer reflection time. Slowly say the lists of the fruit of the Spirit. As you say each word ask God for that gift to come to you, to your family, to the church. Then give thanks for all of the fruit of the Spirit.

Example: “Dear God, may love come to my heart, to my family, to our church…
…May patience come… “

Spiritual Leadership Preparation

  1. Read and reread the Key Lesson: Galatians 5:22-26
  2. Imagine yourself at a fresh fruit market. What fruit do you see? What is your favourite fruit? What do you like about it… taste, texture, appearance, etc.? What fruit would you select for a fresh fruit salad? What fruit would you not include? Why?
  3. Consider the following list of the “fruit of the Spirit.” What is your favourite “spiritual fruit”? Why? What ‘spiritual fruit’ do you possess? How do you share it? What ‘spiritual fruit’ do you need to shop for and take home?
  4. Imagine receiving this letter from Paul, a respected church leader, and trying to understand what his message is for your life? For the life of our church? For the world?
  5. How do we teach, gather and share the fruit of the Spirit?
  6. Choose one of the “fruit of the Spirit.” Who have you met who possesses and shares that gift? How have you experienced that gift? How could you teach others of the importance of that fruit of the Spirit?
  7. Share a favourite fruit (banana, orange, grapes, etc.) with others. Consider the gift of hospitality experienced in this offering of gift. Now consider sharing spiritual fruit with others. Be thankful for the gift and the privilege of sharing it.
  8. Seek the peace of Christ with all you meet.

The Fruit of the Spirit

Cooking Workshop


  • Read and reread Galatians 5:22-26.
  • Review the Cooking Workshop lesson outline. Consider how you could modify it to help share the story of the fruit of the Spirit.
  • Gather the ingredients… shop for fruit! Be creative using common and exotic fruit varieties. You will need nine different fruit for this special fruit salad.
  • Have bowls, cutting boards and utensils ready.
  • Create “Spiritual Fruit” name cards for each of the fruit use are including in your salad. The cards will name the nine spiritual fruit described in our Key Lesson. (i.e.; love, joy, etc.) Display the name cards and fruit on the counter or a table in the kitchen.
  • Set-up a table and chairs for sharing the salad.
  • Pray for the young learners and for the gift of peace… one of the spiritual fruit.

Lesson Plan


Welcome the young chefs to "Sam’s Place" (what we call our cooking workshop).
Help them to put on their aprons and remind them of the health and safety rules of Sam’s Place.

Share with them a brief description of the delicious salad they are going to make.


Good News
Read the Key Lesson from Galatians 5:22-26.

Show them the nine fruit of the Spirit fruit they are going to use to make fruit salad. Highlight the variety of colour, size, shape, texture and we expect taste.

Talk briefly about the nine spiritual fruit. How the Spirit of God is the gift giver of these spiritual gifts… how we all have some… we have different ones.

Invite the chefs to create “Spiritual Salad.” When they help cut a fruit have them begin to describe that fruit by its spiritual fruit name. (i.e.; apple is love, banana is goodness, etc.) You are encouraged to reinforce the names and qualities of these nine gifts of the Spirit.

Once the fruit salad is prepared, share the first theme prayer (Editor's note: see above, under "Overview") as a grace and enjoy the fresh fruit treat.

For older classes try more unique fruit varieties. Invite the older chefs to do questions 2 – 6 from the Spiritual Leadership Preparation list as they cut and prepare their spiritual salad and while they eat and enjoy it. (Editor's note: see above, under "Overview.")


Invite the young chefs to help clean up Sam’s Place. As we celebrate and share the gifts of the spiritual salad, we also come to learn that the gifts of the spirit are to be put to work in the body of Christ and in the world.

Give thanks and go in peace.

The Fruit of the Spirit

Music and Games Workshop


  • Read and reread Galatians 5:22-26.
  • In the Apostles' Acting Company (what we call our this workshop) we are going to use music and games to celebrate the great variety of gifts or Fruits of the Spirit. The activities are intended to highlight the diversity of the Fruit of the Spirit and how each gift is special and important to the people of God.
  • Review the Workshop lesson outline. Consider how you could modify it to help share the story of the fruit of the Spirit.
  • Gather the material and supplies you will need to lead these activities.
    • 9 large Bristol board (or other sturdy material) signs
    • Chairs (at least enough for one per student)
    • Music to play (Editor's Note: A suggestion is "Holy Spirit Fruit" from Bryan Sirchio's Bugs for Lunch CD -
    • Blindfolds
    • A large drawing (an outline) of a salad bowl
    • Pictures of the Fruit of the Spirit -- at least one per student; if more than 9 students repeat a fruit (Editor's Note: it would help to laminate these pictures)
    • Masking tape
    • Write the name of one “Fruit of the Spirit” on each Bristol board piece (or draw a picture)
    • Label the chairs with the Fruits of the Spirit.
    • Hang on the wall the "salad bowl." Prepare loops of masking tape and place them on the backs of the pictures of the fruit.
    • Scatter the fruit name signs around a hall, a field, a room like you were tossing salad.
    • Enjoy some pre-workshop experiences with neighbourhood children, families, etc.
    • Pray for God’s presence and peace.

Lesson Plan


Welcome the young actors to the Apostles’ Acting Company (what we call our this workshop). Greet them by saying: “May the Fruit of the Spirit always be with you."

Tell them about the games and songs we will be sharing with them. Invite them to have fun.


Read the Key Lesson: Galatians 5:22-26.

Invite the young performers to share in the following activities:

Fruit of the Spirit Mixed Up Salad:
Point out the large Bristol board sized signs located strewn about. Call out one of the fruit of the spirit (i.e.; patience, peace). All of the players must run and put a foot on the “fruit of the Spirit” sign. This is a cooperative game – every one should help the others to find their way to the salad piece. Try to have everyone visit all nine spiritual fruit gifts.

To make it harder: for older groups: Have someone time how long it takes to get to the name boards. Or have the group stay together as they move from each fruit board bringing along the fruit salad name boards so they can make a salad at the end with all nine fruit.

“JOY Songs” --
learn about the many gifts of the Spirit and how the Spirit shares those with Christians around the world as you share JOY songs from our sisters and brothers in the churches of Africa.

Adapt popular children’s games to the fruit of the Spirit theme:
Play musical chairs with chairs labels with the nine fruit of the Spirit names. When the music stops, call out a name of one of the fruit, if someone is sitting on the chair with that name they are out. Allow these students to choose the next fruit to name.


Pin the tail on the donkey could become “Put the Fruit in the Salad Bowl." The young actors could blindfolded pin or tape named fruit of the Spirit fruit on a large salad bowl.


Be creative. Have fun!!!


Give thanks for the fruit of the Spirit. Share one of the theme prayers (Editor's note: see above, under "Overview"). With older actors use the second prayer reflection idea.

Go out in peace celebrating the gifts of God’s Spirit.

The Fruit of the Spirit

Art Workshop


  • Read and reread Galatians 5:22-26.
  • Review the Workshop lesson outline. Consider how you could modify it to help share the story of the fruit of the Spirit.
  • a sample teddy bear made from a sockReview the design for the “Beanie Bag Teddy Be With You Bears." (The size and style of the bears can be alter/adjusted.) Create a model bear. Try making one with yours or friends children. Remember we hope this workshop focuses on the fruit of the Spirit as it celebrates the presence of God’s Spirit.
    (Editor's Note: Directions for these bears were not included with this lesson. We found this pictured bean bag bear online, but then that link eventually went dead.  Do an internet search for bean bag animals for possible directions.
  • Prepare the design studio for the young crafters. Gather the following materials:
    • Large Men's Socks - one per student, any colors or patterns
    • Dried beans or rice
    • Yarn
    • Scissors
    • Felt - to make ears and paws
    • pom-poms for nose
    • Glue
    • Needles and thread (optional - to possibly sew on the ears and paws)
    • Wiggle Eyes (or optional: make from felt)
  • Pray for God’s blessings as you welcome the young learners.

Lesson Plan


Welcome the young artisans to Disciples Designs (what we call this workshop).

Share with them the Key Verse from Galatians 5:22,23a.

Show them your “Be with You” bear and introduce the project to them. Tell them that we are inviting the craft persons to make these teddy bears to help teach them that like teddy bears the Holy Spirit and its gifts are there to comfort us, and to be with us.


Invite the crafters to create their own bean bag bears. Younger learners will need more assistance. Give older learners more freedom and responsibility.

As the arts project is going forward, talk with the crafters about the nine fruit of the Spirit, how Jesus promised that his Spirit would be with us, what they feel like when they feel close to God. Talk about their favourite stuffed animals and how unique and special they are.

Encourage the crafters to name their “Be with You Bears” after one of the fruit of the Spirit.


Share one of the theme prayers (Editor's note: see above, under "Overview").

Share a group hug as they hug their bears. (Be careful not to scare little children. Be gentle!)

Go out in peace knowing that God’s Spirit is with you.

Osborn, Sherri. "Bean Bag Bear Craft." (dead link removed)

The Fruit of the Spirit

Computer Workshop

Summary: Uses word games software -- Crosswords and Word Games CD and Play and Learn CD.

Editor's Note:
- The Crosswords and Word Games CD is out of print. See this post for an alternative idea using Cal & Marty’s Scripture Memory Game CD.
- Play and Learn is now out of print (only works on Windows Me/XP/Vista, and Windows 7- 32 bit, but left here for churches who own that program.


  • Read the scripture reading from Galatians 5:22-26, and reflect on the key themes and prayers. (Editor's note: see above, under "Overview")
  • Review the workshop lesson outline. Consider how you could modify it to help share the story of the fruit of the Spirit. Consider ways to adapt the workshop depending on the age group of the participants.
  • Review the software in advance to assist children in working on the computer (Crosswords and Word Games for children in grades 1 and up and The Play & Learn Children’s Bible for the younger children).

Lesson Plan


Welcome the “explorers” to the Parables Power Centre (what we call this workshop). Introduce yourself and have the children introduce themselves to ensure that new children are able to get to know others (and you get to know everyone too!).

Encourage each class member to share the keyboard and mouse with fellow “explorers” at his or her computer station.


Read the scripture lesson from Galatians 5:22-26.

Review the Key Verse and have the children repeat it with you.

Ask the children what each of the “fruits” listed means to them. Ask them to define them. What does love mean? What does joy mean? What does peace mean? Enjoy the answers that each age group provides.

For older Children (Grades 1 and up) use the Crosswords and Word Games CD.

  1. On the main desktop menu, hit “Start” button
  2. Click on “Programs”; “Expert Software”; “Crosswords and Word Games” and again, “Crosswords and Word Games."
  3. These games have been customized with words that relate to the lesson, and can be found in the Word Groups under “Fruit of the Spirit." The titles are in alphabetical order, so you will have to scroll down to title “Fruit of the Spirit." If you are practicing this at home first, you will not be able to find “Fruit of the Spirit” as this has to be entered on each individual computer. Practice at home with a different game so you can understand how it works, and try to get to the church early the first Sunday to familiarize yourself with the game.
  4. The fruits of the spirit have been entered into the following games: Search A Word, Hangman, Word Scramble, Crosswords and Word Matches. The first three games have the words only. These would be best for the children from grades 1 to 3. The crossword game and word matches require that the children match the word to the definition. The crossword puzzle being the most difficult. All games can be used for all ages though – see what you think.
  5. If you choose Word Search, click on Fruit of the Spirit. This is a timed game. Have each person in the group try. Use a new word search for each person and have a contest to see who can get the word search done first. After it has been done once, click on modify. Then click on create and a new one is made. Save the puzzle and play it again.
  6. Hangman and Word Scrambles are also timed games. These are good to play with teams. Have each team on a computer. The first team to win the whole round wins. Have fun, and enjoy looking for the words. All three games can be played to ensure everyone gets plenty of turns. Again, stress the importance of the key words, as the games are played.
  7. The crossword puzzle and word match also is timed but may require a little more thought. This one maybe should be done first with the two oldest groups and then move onto the easier games.

For younger children, use the Play and Learn CD.

  1. Insert the Play and Learn CD. Click on the games marker. There are three different areas that can be linked to the story.
  2. Click on the coloring book. Choose a picture that reflects one of the fruits of the spirit. Jesus shows love, patience and kindness with many of the pictures. Have the children pick which picture shows love (or whichever fruit the wish) and have them colour it. Unfortunately we are unable to print the pictures after they have been coloured.
  3. Click on the puzzle place. Again let the children choose a picture which reflects one of the fruits of the spirit. Have each child at the computer take turns doing a puzzle which reflects love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness or self-control. While they are doing the puzzle ask them why they think that the attribute shown on the puzzle would be a good thing to have.
  4. Click on the music box. Let the children choose a song that reflects one of the fruits of the spirit and sing it with them.
  5. This is obviously very informal. Enjoy the time with the children and stress why each of those nine attributes is wonderful to have.


Share one of the theme prayers (Editor's note: see above, under "Overview").

Ask the learners which their favourite “spiritual fruit” is, and why.

Wish them much love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (or whatever their favorite fruit is) as they go to join their families.

This lesson set is the copyrighted property of Rev. Dr. Lonnie Atkinson.

Permission is granted to copy this material only for non-commercial use.

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Images (1)
  • sample bear
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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Hi Rhonda,


The attachment was never posted. I've updated the lesson with an idea that may work. 


If you use this lesson, take some photos and please come back and post them by using the 

"Post Reply" button below.


-- Carol

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