Additional Fruits of the Spirit ideas...
posted by rhondab
To start the creative ideas flowing, these sites might help:
posted by Jaymie Derden
We're in the middle of a 13 week unit on Fruit of the Spirit for our Wednesday night children's ministry. It's been great fun. We don't do full-fledged rotation for this, just games and art, with occasional cooking or movie thrown in for variety. I found a song that the kids are doing during their choir time (also Wed. night) on Fruit of the Spirit. It's really helped them memorize the verse. It's found on Group's Sing and Shout Songs for Children's ministry, Volume 4.
Wishing you "fruitful" planning!
posted by JanS
Quite a few years ago there was a musical for children based on the fruit of the spirit called "Music Machine". Great songs! You might want to see if you can find it, or if any of your local churches have a copy. Your local Christian music supplier might be able to help also.
Also, One Way Street (Dale and Liz VonSeggan) Puppet Ministry had a teaching unit on Fruit of the Spirit.
Good luck!
Jan Snell
posted by Judi Leaming
We used the Gospel Light Fruits of the Spirit VBS program intergenerationally last summer with good results. The music is excellent ... especially "God Provides". HOWEVER, let's be fair ... don't borrow and use this without paying for the rights to use that music.
I was the "crafts" leader but was really disappointed with what they suggested so I improvised. The big "surprise success story" was stamping t-shirts using the cut side of various pieces of fruit and acrylic paints. No two shirts were even remotely alike ... it was amazing!!! Don't expect most kids to wear this in public SO buy adults sizes and encourage them to wear them as night shirts. See or some other website for the "do-in-advance" preparations AND the paint setting instructions! Don't waste money on fabric paint ... ask at the craft store and they'll tell you how to turn regular acrylic paint into fabric paint! Good luck!
posted by RhondaN2
Hello there,
We did this as a rotation last summer. We wrote curriculum for two months on this subject focusing on one fruit in each room/activity. We were able to do the same fruit at least two times as we have several different rooms. Our rooms include drama, games, computers, art, cooking, carpentry, science, and movie room.
We used the book "Kid's Travel Guide to the Fruit of the Spirit" produced by Group as a guide to writing our stuff and found some very helpful things. We also ended the Rotation with all the kids together and had a fruit of the spirit carnival outside.
If you need any other more specific information, let me know.
Rhonda Noodam
posted by pvem
I ran Sizzling Summer Sunday School last summer featuring the Fruits of the Spirit. Each Sunday we took a different fruit and did a craft, or play a game etc. We made Fruits of the Spirit Salad, shishkabobs and pizza. We also planted a garden. We live in NJ so planting fruit was hard however we planted vegetables instead. We used peas for peace, gourds for goodness etc. We had a Holy Cow as our Scarecrow. We also used a book by Group Publishing "Kid's Travel Guide to Fruits of the Spirit" which was helpful. Good Luck. Amy
posted by Luanne Payne
We spent a Sunday on each fruit of the spirit and used the book by "In Celebration" that had simple songs, sung to familiar tunes, for each fruit and we found they worked great with all the children as they were easy to learn. The book is called Fruit of the Spirit: Lessons and Crafts, by Karen Franz, In Celebration, 9780742402775. Ages 3-8. Includes: stories, snacks, crafts, SONGS, memory verses.