
Share your ideas for Game Boards

Have you designed a game board for your Sunday school? Or perhaps you've re-purposed familiar game boards? Post here using the "Post Reply" button below. Pictures are great so be sure to include yours. (Read about how to post photos.)

Big game boards are often used to quiz students in the Rotation Model's Bible Skills and Games Workshop.

Kristin Jack at Central Christian in Waco Texas wrote a blog post about how she made her game board for their Rotation Model Bible Games Workshop.  She used a blue tarp and lots of colored/patterned vinyl and "duct" tape.


Last edited by Luanne Payne
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I recently found a description for a Concentration-type board...

Basically it describes a board with a series of cup hooks screwed into it in rows and columns. You attach index cards with holes punched in the top to the cup hooks and can easily turn them over to play the game. 



a concentration board game example


In this example from Fishers of Kids Ministry, two of the cards have the word "God" on them. (Two of the cards have presumably already been matched and taken down.)


Of course, concentration is easily played without a board just using the cards. 





Moderator added a photo.



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  • Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 5.57.37 PM
Last edited by CreativeCarol

Member Kim T writes...

Take a look at

We purchased the jeopardy & wheel of fortune gameboards & frames from them, and while the were not cheap, I am very pleased with them. Our youth and adult groups have wanted to use them too. This site has a bunch of other game supplies, including big dice, buzzers, prizes, spinners.

Member Amy C writes....


For a few of our Rotations, we have played a variation of Cranium. I guess we've done a bit of borrowing from Trivial Pursuit too. For each category of tasks (word puzzle, charades, drawing, humming)they earn one coloured card. When they have collected all the cards, the final task is to put the cards (which contain words from the key verse) into the proper order.

Our kids, and the leader of this game, have a blast. It is a bit of work coming up with the different activities, since I try to use activites specifically related to the story, but I think it is easier than coming up with Jeopardy questions. It is also easier to include more kids in the game, since you play on teams.

See a lesson that uses a "Cranium" like game for Joshua, written by Heather Jones from Thornhill Presbyterian Church, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada,

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

from Amy Siegert


I love the life-sized game board idea. Instead of a big canvas sheet or tarp, we have used individual carpet squares that we got from a local flooring company.  


They can be moved around for different games, colored, painted on.  You can also label them with TAPE letters, etc.

Last edited by Luanne Payne



We use different colored posterboards cut in thirds. You could cut in half for larger squares. Advantages we've discovered:

  • Inexpensive
  • Easy to stack and store
  • Write on them with a permanent marker
  • 2 sides in case you want to change anything for a different game or way to play
  • Configures to any shape or size of room simply by how you lay out the pattern (we've even laid them out in the workshop and down the hallway)

We have the kids take their shoes off which prolongs the use, but they're also easy and cheap to replace if need be (the poster board, not the kids!) Wink

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Moved to consolidate topic...

Posted November 01, 2004

  1. FUN FOAM SHEETS 12 X 18 - I am sure this is not my idea and I am unsure as to where I got it, but in the midst of creating a lifesized game board (a path like Candyland) I came across this idea. I am going to use 12x18 sheets of Fun Foam as the squares on which the children walk. I am not sure of what markings to put on the rectangles so that it can be used for many units.
  2. POSTERBOARD ROCK SHAPES - I did, however make a similiar game using posterboard which I spray painted gray, cut in 1/2 and cut into rock shapes. I then laminated them and put that rubber shelf liner stuff on the back so they didn't slip. I then used removable stickers (3x5 size) from Staples to print out symbols for the game. We were doing a game on Paul and Silas in jail and we used a ?, JAIL, Move forward/back 2 spaces and just left some of the "rocks" blank. The kids loved it and I wish I would have thought of the fun foam idea before all of the time and expense of the rock idea. Hope this gives someone some inspiration. Love to all, Anne.
Last edited by Luanne Payne



I would suggest using "generic" symbols to mark the squares so that all you'll change are the player cards, question cards, whatever. You could use Christian symbols: a cross, a dove, a chalice; or intermix with question marks, stars, smiley faces. Or just use different color sheets of fun foam to mean different things. Permanent markers will work fine on fun foam.

Last edited by Luanne Payne



We made a quick gameboard out of four sheets of butcher paper, laid in a square, on which we painted red, blue, and green stars and circles. Sometimes it's the stars that matter, sometimes it's the colors, sometimes both. We intend to make a more permanent game board out of painted canvas when this gets utterly destroyed, but so far (thanks to insistance on socks only) it's holding up. The nice thing is it is very light weight and can be rolled up and stored easily.



I agree with Kim. Definitely the key is thinking of interesting color/shape combinations so that the board can be used a variety of ways, for a variety of games.



An added fun thing we do when we play games is the children wear body socks upside down so their heads peek out. They look like giant colored game pieces. I wouldn't make body socks for this alone, but it's a fun way to get extra use out of them for those who have them. (Helps coordinate "teams," too.)


Last edited by Luanne Payne

Canvas Painter's Drop Cloth, Life-size Game Board

Here is  life-sized board game "Faith Journey" that we made out of two canvas painter's drop cloths (we found at Home Depot -- 12X15 feet).


Here is another game board made on a drop cloth:

The three boys in front are creating something from Play-doh as a part of a Cranium-like game.

Here's how we made our canvas game board:

I purchased two canvas dropcloths and sewed them together (this was the hardest part because it was so large!). Next I drew out a twisty, windy path on the drop cloth and divided it into sections. (I used a yard stick to help me keep the path even) I added three symbols: Cross, Questions and a Firecraker to some of the spaces. I used latex paint to paint the path and the symbols and the title of the game.

To play kids move through the game board as a team (adds to the fun that you have to squeeze a bunch of kids on one space)after rolling a large foam dice (purchased on-line).

When they land on a question, cross, or firecracker space, they draw a card from a pile (we created a space on the board for this). The cards reflect a variety of things.

  • Cross questions reflect situations where kids choose to do the right thing and they get to move ahead one space. (ex: you spent the night with a friend and stayed up late, but you made it to church on time).
  • Questions cards ask questions that help review the lesson.
  • Firecracker or explosion cards show situations where kids made the wrong choice (ex. you gossiped about the new kid in your class) and they have to move back a space or even go back to Start.

To make it more fun we also include lots of hands-on activities -- like going to the white board and writing the memory verse, finding a location on the wall map, building an altar from stones, digging in a bucket of sand for something, etc. Kids LOVE this game and ask to play it all the time! Finished size is about 15 X 24 feet so it takes up a lot of space. To store, we got an empty carpet roll and just roll it up and push to the edge of the room.

I'm the games lady at my church! GAMES RULE!!!!

Jaymie Big Grin

Directions attached for making Jaymie's canvas drop cloth game board.


Last edited by Luanne Payne

"CRANIUM" style game (CADOO)

A favorite game we use is life size kids cadoo. It's great for stories with lots of parts and sequences. Lay out 16 2x2 felt squares and provide markers for kids to make a cadoo (see regular game rules) use clay formation, drawing, quiz and charade questions and play 3 or 4 to a team

Cadoo instructions:
Exchange Volunteer added link to instructions.

Last edited by Luanne Payne


Supplies:Upstairs 2005 Pentecost Tic Tac Toe Game 1

  • 4 pieces of rope (or could use painters tape)
  • 8 cans of soup (use as weights to hold ends of rope in place)
  • Name tag Badge Holders with Neck Lanyard (set for each team (example Pentecost: Teams - Wind & Fire Symbols)
  • question set
  • white board / marker to track points

Game Play:

  • roll dice to see which team goes first
  • when a team gets a right answer a member gets to stand inside the tic-tac-toe board.
  • points could be 1 for each team on the board, 3 points for making a row on the board

GIANT PLINKO GAMEBOARD (like the one used on Price is Right)

Pictures and directions to build a Plinko Game
Directions with pictures:!/


Images (1)
  • Upstairs 2005 Pentecost Tic Tac Toe Game 1
Last edited by Luanne Payne


Posted August 29, 2008

I used a large clear, plastic painting tarp and hot-glued 4 different colors of paper in a gameboard pattern and then flipped it over.


Spray paint a large plastic dropcloth (outside) with squares, and 'scenery'/messages.

Update: Don't try painting a plastic dropcloth, see Jennie's experience below.

Last edited by Luanne Payne



We have two life-sized boards that we made ourselves.  One, for creation, is based on Twister, although with seven colours, each with a symbol related to a day in creation (we have used it for other topics with the colours representing different concepts). 




The second is a general path game, as described by others above.  In both cases, we used old sheets and curtains sewn together and then painted them.  This gives a less uniform look than canvas tarps, but is cheaper and more environmentally friendly.  Any project like this is a huge investment in time, so putting some thought into the board design so that it can be used for multiple lessons is advisable.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Connect-A-Mat™ available at Walmart and other stores.

Interlocking 4 square pack - each square is 24" x 24", 12mm thick, and made from Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA).

Comes in a multiple of colour combinations, such as:

  • black & white
  • red & black
  • grey & orange
  • purple & lilac
  • black & grey
  • red
  • blue
  • black
  • brown & blue
  • green, blue, yellow, red
  • pink & fuchsia
  • purple & fuchsia
  • turquoise & lime

Below is a photo, showing a portion, of one set-up at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Lindsay, ON.  The dice they made by covering a box with paper and drawing on the dots.  Can mark a start and finish or have kids start at all corners with no start and end.

Janice Game Board

Below is the one we set-up for our Last Supper games workshop.

Last Supper Board Game 2014


Images (2)
  • Janice Game Board
  • Last Supper Board Game 2014
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Here is a really fun and easy "tilting maze" board we made in our church for a rotation set on Paul and the Bright Light.

You'll notice that we labeled the holes/pitfalls and rails (helps), and added barriers (also labeled) to represent ideas in the story we wanted to teach. We used post-it notes so the kids could quickly adhere labels and remove them to change the game. We had a roll of tape to stick the barriers on after the kids labeled them. The young girl is holding the larger of two balls we played with. The table is balanced on large ball until they lifted the board and started to tilt.

Such a maze board can be adapted for many stories and talking points. Lots of variations! It can even be used to memorize a verse (by labeling each hole with a word from the verse, and then rolling the ball into the correct next hole).

Read a few more notes here about the game board.

See my Paul and the Bright Light game workshop notes here.

Amazon and game equipment sites sell pre-made "TARP BALL GAMES" and parachutes with holes in them.They tend to require more players than the typical Sunday School class, BUT you can also roll and tape a broomstick on all four sides so that one person can control an entire side of the tarp.

See the Writing Team's "Micah 6:8 "Do Justice" Bible Skills and Games Workshop lesson where the KIDS help create the "holey tarp" and use it to remember and discuss justice, kindness, and walking humbly.


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Create a giant game board using a tarp and duct tape

giant game board

How I made this?

I measured the classroom where we will primarily use this game board and bought the largest tarp to fit.  This one is a 10’x20′ tarp and I think it was around $20.

Then you’ll need duct tape….about 4 rolls of each color. Yes, that is a LOT of duct tape!

Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 4.58.39 PM

Make the outline of your game path first.

Then simply fill in your squares with solid colored duct tape.

Now, all you need is to create different types of trivia questions based on your Bible story.  

Assign each category of questions a color, so that when kids land on that spot, they know what type of question or activity they will have to answer or do.

Make one color a penalty color with scenarios that send the kids backward instead of a certain number of spaces forward.

We had a set of oversized dice on hand already. I’d love to get some giant dice at some point, just for the novelty of seeing the kids roll them.


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  • giant game board
  • Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 4.58.39 PM
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Tip: Don't paint a plastic tarp

Not having seen all these ideas before I created my own game board, I thought I was being smart and cost-effective by purchasing a plastic tarp at Lowe's and painting it with latex paint.

After spending several hours painting and letting it dry, I discovered that the paint will peel right off if you aren't careful.  

Since I needed to use the board that Sunday, I had the children wear socks when playing which worked fine, and then I rolled up the tarp on a carpet roll.  However, I'm pretty sure that the paint will start to peel off when unrolled.  Therefore, i plan to salvage our board following the duct tape suggestion above unless we decide to invest in a painted canvas drop cloth, which is sure to be more durable overall.

Last edited by Luanne Payne
Jennie Shirey posted:

Not having seen all these ideas before I created my own game board, I thought I was being smart and cost-effective by purchasing a plastic tarp at Lowe's and painting it with latex paint.....However, I'm pretty sure that the paint will start to peel off when unrolled.


Thanks for also sharing what DIDN'T work--you may very well save someone from dealing with the problem that you had!

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