Jesus' Birth through the Eyes of the Shepherds,Angelic Host, and the Stable
Bible Skills and Games Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:This story will be familiar to most of the children. The major focus for this workshop involves the shepherds and angels. The interaction between shepherds and angels tells us a lot about how we are to respond to God’s call, why Jesus was sent to us, and the role of angels. Other parts of scripture will be used as well. In this specific workshop, the children review the story of Jesus’ birth. They will then play a game with the question cube to see who can answer the most questions about the story. They will be allowed to use their Bible to find the answer.
Scripture Reference:
Luke 2:8-20
Memory Verse:
Praise God in heaven! Peace on earth to everyone who pleases God. Luke 2:14 (CEV)
Lesson Objectives: The children will:
- Locate the story in the Bible
- Learn that God sent Jesus because God loves us.
- Learn that God cares for people even if they don’t have an important job.
- Learn that God communicates with people through messengers (angels).
- Learn that the shepherds heard the message about Jesus, believed it, looked for and found Jesus, praised God an told people, which is a model of behavior for us.
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture and background materials
- Go over the questions
Materials List:
- Bibles
- Bookmarks, several for each Bible
- Question cube: This is a cube shaped box (6-8 inches is great). Each side should have one of the following:
- Who
- What
- When
- Where
- Why
- Free Points
- Question cards (end of lesson)
Filler Materials:
- Two baskets or buckets
- Two beanbags
- Masking tape
Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Wear your nametag.
Dig- Main Content and Reflection
Bible Story:
Distribute Bibles to each child or every two children.
Say: We are learning about the birth of Jesus. We are focusing a lot on the role that the shepherds and angels played in the the Christmas story.
Ask: Where in the Bible would we find this story? New Testament, Luke has the story of the shepherds. Matthew has other parts of the Christmas story.
Have the students find the book of Luke, chapter 2, verse 8, in their Bibles. Make sure it is noted that Luke is in the New Testament. Have the children put a bookmark at Luke 2 because they may need it for the game.
Read scripture together. If children are old enough, you can let them read it. Otherwise read it to them.
Game: Question Cube
Say: Today’s game is going to test your memory about the Bible story. The questions will be specific about the story, as it is told in the Bible not as you may remember it from story books, videos, or songs.
Divide the class into two teams.
Say: Each team will take a turn rolling the Question Cube. You will then be asked a question beginning with the word on the Question Cube. If you answer it correctly, your team gets 10 points. If you answer it incorrectly, the other team gets a try. If they get it correct, they get 5 points. If you roll a “Free Points!” you get 5 points. The team with the most points wins.
Filler Time: Basket Relay
Point out the Bible verse on the bulletin board. You may even want to write it in bigger letters on the white board.
Read the verse with the children.
Ask: How can you obey this verse? What are the most important words in the verse?
Put a masking tape line on the floor.
Say: Line up behind the tape line and take turns tossing the beanbag into the basket.
As you do so, each person must say the next word of the Bible verse.
I’ll keep track of the number of tries it takes to get through the verse.
Repeat the game with the words of the verse covered. You may make this a competition if you choose.
Prayer: Thank you God for keeping the promise of long ago to send the Savior of the world, a prince of peace. Thank you for the poor shepherds who brought this great message to the world. Thank you God for sending us Jesus. Help me to be a shepherd and share the good news of Christ.
Tidy and Dismissal:
Ask children to help tidy up. Close the door and turn off the lights. Store your materials back in the cabinet.
- Christmas: Shepherds and Angels; Kirk of Kildaire Faith Quest Rotation Lesson Sets, Cary, NC; Antioch Arcade (Games) Workshop,
- "Middler/Bible Story Review: Question Cube." Big Book of Bible Games. Ventura, CA: Gospel Light, 2002. Print.
A lesson written by Ann L. Wright from: Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Raleigh, NC
Question Cards
WHO Luke 2:1-7 Who was Jesus’ mother? Mary | WHO Luke 2:8-20 Who was Jesus’ earthly father? Joseph |
WHO Luke 2:1-7 Who sent Mary and Joseph to the stable? The Bible doesn’t say | WHO Luke 2:8-20 Who were the first people to hear the news of Jesus’ birth? Shepherds |
WHO Luke 2:8-20 Who told the shepherds about Jesus’ birth? An angel | WHO Luke 2:8-20 Who sent the angel? The Lord (God) |
WHO Luke 2:8-20 Who joined the angel after he told the shepherds the good news? Many other angels or a multitude of heavenly hosts | WHO Luke 2:8-20 Who was the good news from the angel for? Everyone |
WHO Luke 2:8-20 Who is the Savior, born for all? Jesus | WHO Luke 2:8-20 Who did the shepherds go to see when the angels left? Jesus |
WHO Luke 1:26-38 Who told Mary she would have a child? Angel (Gabriel) | WHO Luke 2:1-7 Who was the ruler when Jesus was born? Caesar Augustus or Quirinius |
WHAT Luke 2:1-7 What town was Jesus born in? Bethlehem | WHAT Luke 2:8-20 What frightened the shepherds? An angel |
WHAT Luke 2:8-20 What were the shepherds doing when they heard about Jesus’ birth? Watching sheep | WHAT Luke 2:8-20 What was the first thing the angel said to the shepherds? Don’t be afraid! |
WHAT Luke 2:8-20 What did the angel bring the shepherds? Good news | WHAT Luke 2:8-20 What was the sign that the shepherds had found the right baby? He would be lying on a bed of hay |
WHAT Luke 2:8-20 What did the group of angels say? “Praise God in heaven! Peace on earth to everyone who pleases God.” “Glory to God and peace on earth” | WHAT Luke 2:8-20 What animals were in the stable? The Bible doesn’t say |
WHAT Luke 2:1-7 What is a manger? Feeding trough | WHAT Luke 2:8-20 What did the shepherds do when the angels left? Went to Bethlehem and found the baby |
WHAT Luke 2:8-20 What did Mary do after the shepherds left? Kept quiet and thought about everything that had happened
| WHAT Luke 2:1-7 What is another name for Bethlehem? City of David
WHEN Luke 2:1-7
When was Jesus born (what month)? The Bible doesn’t say | WHEN Luke 2:8-20 When did the angel appear to the shepherds? At night time |
WHEN Luke 2:1-7 When did the angel say Jesus had been born? This very day; today | WHEN Luke 2:8-20 When did the shepherds go see the baby Jesus? After the angels left |
WHEN Luke 1:28, Matthew 1:20 When did angels appear earlier in the Christmas story? (This was covered in the video) To Mary and to Joseph | WHEN Luke 2:8-20 When did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem? (Not a specific date but during an event) During a census |
WHEN When did the shepherds see the star? The Bible doesn’t say. The Wise Men saw the star after Jesus’ birth. | WHEN Luke 2:8-20 When did the shepherds tell others about Jesus? After they had seen him; on their way back. |
WHEN When did Mary and Joseph leave the manger for a better place to stay? The Bible doesn’t stay | WHEN When did the Wise Men arrive? The Bible doesn’t say. Most likely Jesus was several months to possibly a year old. |
WHEN Luke 2:21 When was Jesus named? The eighth day | WHEN Luke 2:8-20 When the shepherds saw Jesus, what did they do? The Bible doesn’t say. Afterwards they went and told everyone. |
WHERE Luke 2:1-7 Where (what town) did Joseph and Mary live? Nazareth | WHERE Luke 2:8-20 Where (what town) was Jesus born? Bethlehem |
WHERE Luke 2:8-20 Where were the shepherds when the angels appeared? In the fields | WHERE Luke 2:8-20 Where in the Bible do you find the story of the angels and the shepherds? Luke |
WHERE Luke 2:1-7 Where in the Bible do you find the story of Jesus being born and laid in a manger? Luke | WHERE Matthew 2 Where in the Bible do you find the story of the Wise Men Matthew |
WHERE Luke 2:1-7 Where was the baby Jesus laid? In a manger | WHERE Luke 2:8-20 Where did the shepherds go after the angels appeared? To Bethlehem to see Jesus |
WHERE Luke 2:1-7 Where did the shepherds go after they saw Jesus? To tell others about Jesus | WHERE Luke 2:8-20 Where did the angels go after they sang praises to God? Back to heaven |
WHERE Luke 2:1-7 Where was the manger? The Bible doesn’t say. Possibly a stable or a cave. | WHERE Luke 2:8-20 Where were the angels when they appeared to the shepherds? The Bible doesn’t say. It says the angels came down to them. That could mean they were on the earth or they could have been in the sky above the shepherds. |
WHY Luke 2:1-7 Why did Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem? To be counted or taxed; because Joseph was a descendant of David. | WHY Luke 2:8-20 Why was the angel so scary? The glory of the Lord shone around it |
WHY Why do you think God let Jesus be born and laid in a manger? No wrong answer. | WHY Luke 2:8-20 Why do you think the shepherds were the first people to be told about Jesus? No wrong answer. |
WHY Luke 2:1-7 Why do you think angels delivered the message to the shepherds? No wrong answer | WHY Luke 2:8-20 Why did the angel appear to the shepherds? To announce Jesus’ birth |
WHY Luke 2:1-7 Why do you think Jesus was born in Bethlehem (hint: City of David)? No wrong answer since it is their thought. However, Jesus is a descendant of David. The birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem was predicted in the Old Testament. | WHY Luke 2:8-20 Why was Jesus laid in a manger? There was no room in the inn. |
WHY Luke 2:1-7 Why do you think we celebrate Jesus’ birth? No wrong answer | WHY Luke 2:8-20 Why did shepherds praise and glorify God? Because of all the things they had seen and heard. |
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