Editor's Note:
Here's a good discussion we have saved about a problem that never seems to go away. Your thoughts are welcome.
Our Sunday School starts at 9:45 and runs to 10:45 however, 1/2 of our Sunday School (adults and kids) typically don't show up until 10:00. When we started rotation in January, we knew that now more than ever it was important that the kids arrive on time, because the rotations are packed with information and activities and children wandering in the classroom every few minutes for the first 20 minutes of class is disruptive. So our policy is that if you arrive after 9:50 you have to wait in the check in area with all other stragglers and you will be admitted all at once into class at 10:05.
At first, this seemed to be working, we had kids telling their parents they had to get to church on time. I guess after the initial 'honeymoon' period though, I started having kids arriving late again. I held to my policy and made them wait. Now a few of these habitually late families apparently aren't even trying to make it to Sunday School because they haven't been in weeks although they are there for the service which starts at 11:00.
I guess I wonder if my arrival policy is too strict. How do others deal with the 'habitually late'?