
Trinity, God, Grace, "Church," "Worship," Salvation, Holy Spirit, etc etc. The following topics often began when someone asked for or came up with a lesson resource "about Grace" for example, or had a good idea for teaching "about the Church." Some of these discussion threads began as a question in our Teachers Lounge and were later moved and expanded here.

If you are looking for a subject that is typically associated with a BIBLE VERSE OR STORY, we suggest that you look up that Bible story in our Bible Story Lessons Forums.  For example, there is some "baptism" material posted here in this "Church Words & Theological Subjects" forum, but the Bible story forum about Jesus' Baptism has many more resources on that subject.

If you need help finding or coming up with a lesson resource, post your question in the Teachers Lounge.

This topic is for general teaching ideas on the topic of "GRACE"

Grace defined for children WordCloud

If you're looking for a specific Bible story about Grace, there are many! ...and they can be found in our Bible Story Lesson Forums under that story.

We've also created a short list below of major Bible stories where GRACE is a major theme!

Kicking off the topic is an excerpt from "How to Do Bible Word Studies" which uses "Grace" as an example of how to also find creative ideas when you're doing word studies!

Do your kids know what it means to "Grow in Grace" like Jesus did?

Doing a Bible Word Study of that phrase in Luke 2:40 will reveal some really interesting possibilities you can share and do with your students.

LESSON IDEAS for THIS WORD STUDY:'s word study feature is a webpage that your older kids and youth can easily access on a tablet or classroom computer to discover the deeper meaning of "grace" for themselves!  When they've done their study, send them over to look up "synonyms" for grace at  You can also have them draw a WORD CLOUD on paper or use to do it.

The phrase "grow in grace" is how Luke describes the childhood of Jesus. It is wedged in-between the Manger story and Jesus the Boy in the Temple.

Below are two graphics you can click on to enlarge. They are screenshots from's Luke 2:40 word study page where we learn that the boy Jesus "grew in grace." What does that mean? What "traits" can you grow into in order to grow like Jesus did?  Click the graphics of the Word Study to see the answer!

Grace 1 - The link to the definitions


In addition to the helpful definitions of "grace" that we can grow into, those words also spurred a creative "growing in grace" activity:  potting some "joy," "affection," "gratitude," plants. That's one creative idea from one word. And there are many other words in the passage.

GraceFlowerPotContinue reading the full "Bible Word Studies" article
for more ideas about how Word Studies can stoke creative thinking...


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Bible stories in our lesson forums about "Grace"

Grace (undeserved forgiveness and love) figures into A LOT of Bible stories. Here are a few that come to mind.

Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers (grace), One Returns to say Thank You (gratitude)

View our public lesson forum on the Ten Lepers  story, and check out the Writing Team's terrific Ten Lepers lesson set!

Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers lesson for children

Peter "tries" to walk on water and sinks, Jesus saves him (act of grace)

Peter couldn't do it by himself, like him, we receive God's help (which is the definition of grace) to teach him about faith (that it's not enough, we still need grace).

View our public form on this story, and don't forget to check out the Writing Team's "Peter Sinks, Jesus Saves" lesson set.

Peter and Jesus Walk on Water lessons for children

The Parable of the Lost Sheep -- the shepherd going out after the one sheep reveals the tenacious and unrelenting character of God's grace.

View our Lost Sheep, 99 Sheep Forum with lots of Lost Sheep lesson ideas.

Check our the Writing Team's "Lost Sheep, Lost Coin" lesson set!

Parable of the Lost Sheep lesson for children

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

This is the quintessential parable about GRACE -- welcoming the unworthy and restoring them to your family -- not because of what they've done or said, but in spite of it!  The fatted calf, ring, and shoes are signs of grace to the son who only expected to be a hired servant. Will the older son be gracious?

See our public Prodigal Son forum!

Check our the Writing Team's "The Parable of the Prodigal Son"

Yes! The Story of Adam and Eve is a story of GRACE.

Everything they were given was unearned. And when they sinned, God went looking for them and called out to them (knowing exactly where they were and what they had done). When they pointed fingers rather than confess their sins, God sent them out of the Garden -- but did you notice the GRACE NOTE at the end of the story? God made them clothes to cover their "nakedness" and went WITH THEM into the world.

Our Writing Team Adam and Eve lesson set teaches this gracious ending to the story and encourages kids to stand up and confess rather than hide and refuse God's grace.

Adam and Eve lesson set for children

If you're not a supporting member, check out the Adam and Eve story resources in our public forum.

What other major Bible stories can you think of that teach about Grace?

Post your suggestions below!

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Bible Verses about Grace with teaching ideas

Here are a couple of "grace" scriptures with some teaching ideas along with them.

John 1:16–17

From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Define what "grace" is. Note that John says it is something we receive!  Kind of like a package. How many packages?  Who brings them? (Jesus). (You might do a quick improv of a student playing Jesus who is delivering a package of grace to another student's door ("bing bong, Jesus here! ...and he keeps coming back.)
Grace Upon Grace game at

Then play the "Grace Upon Grace" game that will help them vividly remember the phrase "grace upon grace." To do so, collect a dozen or more used shipping boxes of various sizes (like Amazon boxes). Hand out sheets of paper to students and have them write in large letters a "synonym" for the word "grace" -- one per sheet (use a thesaurus! or go to Then have them fix their "grace synonym sheet" to a box in preparation for the following game:

Game 1: Split into two teams. Give each team 3 minutes to stack as many boxes in a teammate's outstretched hands. See who can make the tallest tower of "grace upon grace."

Game 2: Split into two teams and place one teammate ten feet away standing with their arms outstretched. At "go" their teammates pick up one box, race to the teammate and hand it to them, and then return to get another box. When all five boxes are stacked, the person holding them must then race back to their teammates without dropping a box. If they drop one, a teammate can try to put it back on the stack.

Adjust rules and # of boxes accordingly.

Further reflection:

Does our game fully explain how much grace is given us? No, we couldn't bring in an infinite number of boxes!  You can further explain and demonstrate this "full of grace" idea by pouring water into a cup and making it overflow (my cup runneth over). Makes a great visual that the kids can participate in.

What is the truth about grace? The truth is that God's final word isn't "the Law and punishment for failing to keep it." Rather, we are saved from our failure by God's grace, and grace upon grace! .... more than you need!

Ephesians 2:1-10

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 3 All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh[a] and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. 4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Teaching Ideas:
1. Circle the words in Ephesians 2:1-10 that explain what "grace" is. Search a thesaurus or for synonyms of "grace" and "mercy" and read those verses again using the synonyms.
2. What is  "God's handiwork"? (you are!)
3. How do we DISPLAY, show, demonstrate God's handiwork?
4. Use the shiny side of aluminum foil to create an Illustration yourself as someone who is "shining handiwork," "reflecting," "sharing" God's grace with others. (Consider how grace shines on us and we reflect it.)  Paste shiny foil streaming down from the heavens and then reflecting to others around you.


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Demonstrating the Surprising Gift of Grace

The following idea was used as a demonstration for a lesson about Grace (see Romans 3:24-25) on Reformation Sunday. Originally submitted by member Ellen G, it was improved by one of our editors.

God's Grace is like a GIFT that jumps out at you like a surprise.snake in can surprise

Everybody loves the "snake springing out of the can" gag. Even if you know it's coming it creates a reaction, laughter, and a big smile. It can also be found as a "can of salty nuts."

Cover the can with a paper that is marked "God's grace."

You can find packs of them for under $15 online. A different message about Grace could be attached to each one!

Here are some people in the Bible who were "Surprised by Grace" (forgiveness, mercy)

  • Jonah (and he didn't like it!)
  • Mary (who probably thought Joseph would reject her)
  • Simeon who got to hold the Christ child in the Temple
  • Zaccheus
  • The Prodigal Son
  • The people of Nazareth (Luke 4:22)
  • The thief on the cross

Who else can you name?


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