Cooking Workshop Idea
submitted by member "Jeanine"
Hannah made Samuel a new robe as a gift each year to wear to the Temple.
We're going to make a "Hannah Cake in a Jar" as a gift to give to someone special who worships with us.
The following is a cooking workshop we used for Hannah and Samuel. It worked out very well, the children enjoyed making a gift for someone special in their life. It is relatively inexpensive to make these gift jars if you ask for donations from your congregation.
What you will need:
Memory verse written on tag board, one 1-quart canning jar with lid per student, flour, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder, granulated sugar, dry measuring cups, measuring spoons, funnel or paper plates to shape into a funnel, round pieces of decorative fabric, raffia, rubber bands, crazy cake baking instructions.
Children will discover that Hannah was a woman of strong faith. She prayed to God and her prayer was answered. Hannah made a promise to God which she kept. Samuel was a prophet chosen by the Lord. He was faithful to God and obeyed his laws. Hannah showed her love and honor by giving a gift.
Scripture Reference:
Please read the scripture references before beginning this unit. 1 Samuel 1-4:1. This Bible lesson begins with Hannah barren, then praying to God for a son. She is given Samuel whom she gives back to the Lord. We will stop where God speaks to Samuel and Samuel is proclaimed a prophet of the Lord. This scripture is quite long and not all of it is appropriate to present to a children’s Sunday school class. Therefore most of your Bible story lessons will be with edited text or just touching on the main events of this scripture.
Memory Verse Study
Matthew 21:22 “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
Please spend about 5 min. of class time learning this verse. Have students play Group Response Memory Verse Game. Split the class into two groups. Lead the first group in saying the first part of the verse. Have the second group respond with the rest of the verse. After a few times, have the groups switch phrases. After a few more times, have the children say the whole verse.
Ask students if they know if the book of Matthew is in the Old or New Testament? (New) Review the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. How does this memory verse relate to our Bible lesson? (Hannah prayed to God for a son and she received Samuel.) A question you may receive from students regarding this verse:
• “I prayed for something and didn’t receive it”
– God hears all of ours prayers but he doesn’t always answer them the way we would like him to. When we ask God for something sometimes his answer is “no” or “wait.”
Ask: How many of you know what you want to do for a living when you get older? Today we have a choice as to what we are going to do when we grow up. In Bible times that wasn’t always the case. Today we’re going to learn about a boy named Samuel who was chosen by God to be a prophet. Can anyone tell me what a prophet is? (Someone whom God uses to talk to his people through. Someone whom God uses to do his work.) I am going to read you today’s Bible story, it starts before Samuel is born. Today’s Bible lesson is found in First Samuel. Is 1 Samuel found in the Old or New Testament?
Take turns reading the following summary in a lively way as if reading a favorite story. It is based on "The Message" version of scripture.
1 Samuel 1 - : 4 -1
from the Message by Eugene H. Peterson
Hannah Pours Out Her Heart to God
1 There once was a man whose name was Elkanah. 2 He had two wives. The first was Hannah; the second was Peninnah. Peninnah had children; Hannah did not. GOD had not given Hannah any children, because of this Hannah was very sad. Peninnah teased Hannah cruelly, this went on year after year. One day Hannah was in the temple crying.
10 Crushed in soul, Hannah prayed to GOD and cried and cried.
11 Then she made a vow:
Oh, GOD,
Hear my prayer,
Look upon my misery,
Remember me,
Please give me a son.
If you do, then I will give him to you.
As Hannah prayed, the temple priest, Eli was watching her closely. 13Hannah was praying in her heart, silently. Her lips moved, but no sound was heard. Eli thought that she was drunk.
14 He approached her and said, "You're drunk! Sober up, woman!"
15 Hannah said, "Oh no, sir--please! I haven't been drinking. The only thing I've been pouring out is my heart, pouring it out to GOD. 17 Eli answered her, "Go in peace. And may the God of Israel give you what you have asked of him." 18 "Think well of me--and pray for me!" she said, and went on her way. 20 Before the year was out, Hannah had given birth to a son. She named him Samuel, explaining, "I asked GOD for him."
21 Hannah’s husband, Elkanah, took his family to Shiloh to worship GOD once a year. 22 When it was time, Hannah didn't go. She told her husband, "After the child is weaned, I'll bring him myself and present him before GOD-and that's where he'll stay, for good."
23 Elkanah said to his wife, "Do what you think is best.”
So she did. Hannah stayed home with her son and when it was time she took him to Shiloh and presented him to Eli the priest.
26 Hannah said, "Excuse me, sir. Would you believe that I'm the very woman who was standing before you at this very spot, praying to GOD? 27 I prayed for this child, and GOD gave me what I asked for. 28 And now I have dedicated him to GOD for life."
Then and there, they worshiped GOD.
1 Then Hannah prayed a beautiful prayer.
I'm bursting with good-news! I'm walking on air.
I'm dancing my salvation.
2 Nothing and no one is holy like GOD,
6 GOD brings death and GOD brings life.
9 He protectively cares for his faithful friends.
After she prayed, Hannah left, and the boy stayed and served GOD in the company of Eli the priest.
Every year Hannah returned to the temple with a new little robe that she made him. 20 Eli would bless Elkanah and Hannah, saying, "GOD give you children to replace this child you have dedicated to GOD."
21 GOD blessed Hannah. She had three more sons and two daughters! The boy Samuel stayed at the temple and grew up with GOD.
Ask the following questions:
1. Hannah had one of the most difficult decisions to make about her son Samuel, to give her son to God. Why did she do this? (Because she made a promise to God.)
2. What did God do for Hannah in return for keeping her promise and giving up Samuel? (He gave her more children, three sons and two daughters.)
Life Application:
Samuel was twelve years old when he went to live with Eli at the temple. How do you think Samuel felt when he was brought to the temple to live? How do you think Hannah felt? Hannah visited Samuel once a year and gave him a gift. What was that gift? (Each year Hannah brought him a new little robe.) Even though Hannah had more children after Samuel, she never forgot the little boy she brought to the temple. By bringing Samuel the gift of a new robe each year, Hannah showed Samuel how much she loved and cared for him. Samuel’s entire life was devoted to serving God at a very young age. Do you think God uses young people to do his work today? Do you think God uses you? What could you do to work for and honor God?
How is one of your parents like Hannah in their hope that you will serve God?
Closing Prayer: Dear God, help us to be filled with love and devotion for you. Help us to honor your name and to do your good works. Amen.
Preparing for the Hannah Cake:
What You Will Need:
- One (1-quart) canning jar per student
- Flour
- Cocoa powder
- Salt
- Baking powder
- Sugar
- Measuring cups
- Measuring spoons
- Funnel or a paper plate made to form a funnel to help students put the ingredients into their jars.
- Canning lid and ring.
- Round pieces of decorative fabric
- Raffia
- Instruction tags for gift jars
- Rubber bands
What You Will Do:
1. Give each student a clean 1-quart canning jar.
2. Add the ingredients below to jar in order in layers starting with the flour and ending with the sugar.
• 2 c. flour
• 2/3 c. cocoa powder
• ¾ tsp. salt
• 1 ½ tsp. baking powder
• 1 1/3 c. granulated sugar
3. Secure with a lid.
4. Have students use a piece of round fabric and raffia to decorate the top of the jar. You may need to use a rubber band at first to help keep the fabric in place while you put the raffia around the lid of the jar. Attach the baking instructions to the jar using the raffia.