
This topic is for adding ideas and resources for Misc Healing stories that do not already have their own TOPIC in this forum.

Before adding to this list, please check the rest of the MIracles forum to see if your story already has a thread where you can post.

Including: The Healing, Raising of Jairus' Daughter
Mark 5:21–43, Matthew 9:18–26, and Luke 8:40–56. In Mark 5 and Luke 8, the story of Jairus' daughter is "interrupted" by the story of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' robe.

Videos for
Raising of Jairus' Daughter and Woman who touched Jesus' Robe

There's something compelling about this stop-animation video -- especially the emotions on the characters' faces.  Could this be supplemented with a clay-expressions art project or a "pose" photo tableaux of the scenes representing different emotions/parts?

Video Lesson on Jairus' Daughter, uses “Miracles of Jesus” from Nest Entertainment by Kirk of Kildare can be found here

Preview of Nest's "Miracles of Jesus" video:

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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Illustrations for miscellaneous healing stories from the Annie Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection

These are images that don't relate to one story in particular. See also individual healing stories in the Miracles forum for other images that can be used.

Crowds follow Jesus as he teaches and heals (Matthew 4).


Link to a larger and higher resolution version of these illustrations and a color background option in our Vallotton Bible Images Forum (Supporting Membership required,   get one today). Copyright and usage information here.


Images (2)
  • Jesus-Sermon-Mount-Matt5-Vallotton: Sermon on the Mount
  • Jesus-teaches-heals-Matt4-Vallotton: Crowds follow Jesus
Last edited by CreativeCarol

Illustrations for the healing of a woman who touched Jesus' cloak and the healing of Jairus' daughter  from the Annie Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection


In Mark 5, Jairus finds Jesus in a crowd and asks him to come heal his little girl.


On their way, a woman who was very sick touched Jesus' cloak.


Jesus asked "Who touched my cloak?" and tells the woman her faith has made her well.


Messengers tell Jairus his daughter has died, but Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid, only believe.”


Jesus tells Jairus' daughter, “Talitha cum,” which means, “Little girl, get up!”

  Link to larger and higher resolution versions of the Vallotton illustrations and color background options as well in our Vallotton Bible Images Forum (Supporting Membership required, become one today). Copyright and usage information here.


Images (5)
  • Jesus-Jarius-Daughter-Mark5-Vallotton: Messengers tell Jairus his daughter is dead
  • Jesus-Woman-Cloak-Faith-Mark5-Vallotton: Jesus tells the woman who touched his cloak her faith has made her well
  • Jesus-Woman-Touch-Mark5-Vallotton: Bleeding woman touches Jesus' cloak
  • Jesus-Crowd-Girl-Mark5-Vallotton: Jairus asks Jesus to come heal his daughter
  • Jesus-Girl-Tabitha-Get-up-Mark5-Vallotton: Jesus tells the little girl to get up

Attached are two lessons for teaching the Healing Jairus' Daughter

A Video Workshop

The "Miracles of Jesus" (Nest Family Video) introduces the theme of Jesus as a compassionate healer by sharing vignettes of several healing miracles, including that of Jairus' daughter. The lesson plan has setup, questions, and discussion.

tzitzit1an Art Workshop lesson

Art Project: Making a "Tzitzit" (the tassel or fringe traditionally tied to a prayer shawl). Students will make a tassel they can take home and use as a reminder of the lesson.

Excerpt from the Word doc lesson plan: The children will each make a tassel "Tzitzit" --like Jesus would have worn on his robe. (Pronounced tsee-tseeth)  While on the way to heal Jairus’ daughter, Jesus was stopped by a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years.  She touched the hem of Jesus’ robe and was healed.  His robe or cloak had a tassel or fringe on it and this is most likely what she touched.

There are many ways to braid or knot a Tzitzit. The lesson plan doc walks you through a way of "wrapping" string to create a Tzitzit. Numerous tutorials are found on YouTube. There are complicated "orthodox" ways of doing this, and ways that are easiest for kids and good reminders. Most are tied to a prayer shaw. In some cases, the 'fringes" are tied to clothing as another way of remembering your prayers and to whom you belong.

Here's one that includes a "Jesus strand":

(Additional explanation of these two lesson resources were provided by Wormy)


Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Attached to this post is the Word Doc file of this Sunday School Cooking Workshop lesson about Raising Jairus' daughter.

Raising Jairus’ Daughter – Jesus Does the Impossible!

a Mary and Martha’s Kitchen-Cooking Workshop Lesson Plan posted by First Presbyterian Church-Jackson, TN

This lesson created and copyrighted by State Street UMC, Bristol, VA.  Permission granted for non-commercial, local church use, provided credit is give to the source.

Cooking Activity: Making Faith Pudding

Scripture References:   Mark 5:21-43, Matthew 9:18-26, Luke 8:40-56

Memory Verse:  “With man, that is impossible.  But not with God.  All things are possible with God.”  Mark 10:27

Themes:   Jesus had power and authority to heal.  Faith often necessary for healing.

Objectives and Life Application:

  • Children will locate the story in the Bible.
  • Children will identify the gospels.
  • Children will retell the major events of the story in their own words.
  • Children will identify the major characters: Jairus, his daughter, Jesus, Peter, James and John, the suffering woman.
  • Children will identify some of the biblical Jewish burial customs.
  • Children will identify Jesus’ power and authority as coming from God.
  • Children will recognize that Jesus healed the sick out of compassion for them.
  • Children will identify ways they can help others and show compassion.
  • Children will identify faith as a necessary component of Jesus’ healing miracles.
  • Children will acknowledge that all things are possible with God.
  • Children will Mark 10:27.
  • Children will create and eat Faith Pudding.


  • Read lesson materials and Background Information in preparation for teaching.
  • Gather necessary supplies.


  • 3 Resealable plastic sandwich bags
  • cutting board
  • wooden spoon
  • 2 mixing bowls
  • measuring cup
  • sugar
  • rolling pins
  • vanilla
  • hand mixer
  • plastic spoons and clear plastic cups
  • napkins
  • 3 large boxes instant pudding (any flavor or combination – enough to serve 15 children)
  • 3 kinds of cookies (wafers, graham crackers, sandwich cookies)
  • whipping cream – 1 cup

Important Note for Cooking Workshop Leaders:

Children LOVE to cook and create various concoctions in this workshop.  But occasionally the cooking activity does not have as obvious or concrete a connection with the lesson as do some of the other activities.  Help the children make that connection by intentionally discussing the way the activity relates to the lesson of the day.  Discuss during preparation, eating and clean-up times.

Please start on time!

Time Guidelines:

          Welcome and Introductions               5 minutes

          Bible Study          10 minutes

          Faith Pudding Activity          20 minutes

          Feather Pushing                      10 minutes

          Reflection/Closing          10 minutes

Welcome and Introduction: Welcome the children and introduce yourself. Remember that teachers rotate often and children may not know you.  Tell the children that today they will be learning how the faith of two people in Jesus brought healing and miracles.

Opening Prayer:

Dear Father, Thank you for this time together with our friends. Be with us today as we learn more about faith and how it can change our lives.   In Christ’s name we pray,  Amen.

Bible Study:  Mark 5:21-43, Matthew 9:18-26, Luke 8:40-56

Each workshop begins with the Bible story.  One of our primary goals is to improve the children’s Bible literacy!   If children did not bring their Bibles from home, use the classroom Bibles. Use the Background Information to prepare you to introduce the story.

Important Teacher Notes:

Each workshop begins with the Bible story.  One of our primary goals is to improve the children’s Bible literacy!   If children did not bring their Bibles from home, use the classroom Bibles. You should help the children locate the stories. Use the Background Information to help you introduce the story.

Remember that as the rotation progresses; the children will become more familiar with the story.  When this happens, allow the children to tell you what they know.  The children should still locate the story in their Bibles every week. Use the bold headings in their Bibles to guide your discussion.  You may want to review some of the Bible notes as well.  Be sure to fill in any missing information and add additional details using the Background Information to help you.  One of the greatest advantages of this model is that children who come regularly learn the story in great depth.

Introduce the Story:

We know that Jesus traveled around a lot, teaching and spending time with people. Quickly, Jesus’ reputation spread. Here was a man who taught amazing things and did wonderful miracles! People were soon flocking to him.  Everywhere Jesus went, crowds of people followed him.  They brought their sick friends and family to him for healing. One of the most special things about Jesus was that he cared so much about other people.  Jesus had compassion for people.  What is compassion?  (feeling others hurt and pain and wanting to help them). Sometimes Jesus’ compassion for others got him in trouble with the religious authorities…

Often as Jesus traveled around he was invited to speak in the synagogue of a town.  What is a synagogue?  (a place of worship and study, similar to our church today – synagogues were built because it was too far for people to travel to worship in the Temple in Jerusalem – there was only one Temple, but most towns had a synagogue.  Synagogues had leaders or rulers.  These were elected officials who were in charge of all the details of the synagogue.  Many of the synagogue rulers opposed Jesus.  Jesus didn’t follow some of their rules – he spent time with sinful people and people who were “unclean.”  The Jewish people had many rules about cleanliness.  If you were sick or bleeding or worked with certain animals, you were considered “unclean.”  These people had to go through elaborate rituals to make themselves clean again.  The religious leaders were very concerned with being “clean” so they wouldn’t have anything to do with these “unclean individuals.”  Jesus knew that many of these rules were meant to keep the religious leaders in power and were not pleasing to God.  He knew that loving and caring for people were more important than man’s rules. For Jesus, often the more “unclean” someone was, the more compassion he. Jesus used his authority from God and his power to heal the sick. He taught us that in order for these miracles to happen, people had to have faith.  Today’s story is about two people who, despite the impossible odds, had great faith in Jesus.

Bible Lesson for Grades K-2:

Ask:  Where in the Bible would we find a story about Jesus healing?  (New Testament).  Today’s story is in three of the gospels in the New Testament.  (Do they remember what the gospels are?  Matthew, Mark, Luke, John).  Help the children locate today’s story in Mark 5:21-43.  Read as the children follow along in their Bibles, or have a volunteer read the passage.


Use the Background information and some of the questions below for classroom discussion.

  • Who was Jairus?
  • Where did he work? (in the synagogue as a leader)
  • Why did he go to see Jesus?
  • What happened on the way to Jairus’ house? (the bleeding woman touched Jesus’ clothes)
  • Why did Jesus stop? (he felt power leave him)
  • What happened to the woman? (she was healed)
  • When Jesus arrived at Jairus’ house what was happening? (daughter had died, people were mourning)
  • Discuss mourning customs during this time.
  • What did Jesus do? (told mourners to leave, went into her room, told her to get up)
  • What happened? (she sat up)
  • How do you think the mother and father felt?
  • What about the disciples who were with Jesus?

Bible Lesson for Grades 3-5:

Today’s story is found in the New Testament in the first three gospels. What are these?  (Matthew, Mark, Luke) Have the children locate Mark 5:21-43.  Read as the children follow along in their Bibles, or have a volunteer read the passage.


Use the Background information and some of the questions below for discussion with the children.

  • Jairus was a synagogue ruler. Why do you think it might have been hard for Jairus to come to Jesus?  (he was a part of the religious establishment, most of whom opposed Jesus)
  • Why was it so crowded around Jesus? (people wanting to hear him teach, bring their sick friends for healing)
  • Who touched Jesus in the crowd? (the suffering woman)
  • Why did Jesus notice her? (he felt the power go out from him when she touched him)
  • Why was the woman afraid? (it was against the law for someone bleeding to touch someone – it made them “unclean”)
  • Was Jesus angry that the woman touched him? (no)
  • What did Jesus tell the woman? (her faith had healed her)
  • Meanwhile what happened to Jairus’ daughter? (she died)
  • What did Jesus say to Jairus? (don’t be afraid, just believe)
  • What do you think Jairus was feeling at that time?
  • When Jesus and Jairus arrived, what was happening? (mourning)
  • Why did biblical people bury their dead so quickly? (because of the heat)
  • How do you think everyone felt when Jesus raised the little girl?

Memory Verse:  Each rotation we ask the children to memorize one scripture verse.  Have the chidren locate the verse in their Bibles and review it with them at this time

“With man that is impossible.  But not with God.  All things are possible with God.”

Mark 10:27

Do you think the mourners believed that a dead girl could be raised?  Jesus proved that with God nothing is impossible.

Cooking Activity:  Faith Pudding

(Adapted from Gobble Up the Bible, Legacy Press 1998)

Have the children wash their hands and gather around the work area.  If there are enough children, divide them into three groups (pudding, cookies, and whipped cream). Let each child participate in the preparation.


  • Place the ingredients on the table in front of the children.
  • Would they like to eat pudding mix before it is prepared? How about the whipping cream – would they like to drink it plain?
  • What will happen when they combine all the ingredients together?
  • Do they have faith that a tasty snack will be created?

Cookie Crumbs:

  1. Put several of each type cookie in a resealable plastic bag and seal it up.
  2. Place the sealed bags of cookies on the cutting board or other hard surface and crumble them by crushing with rolling pins.

Prepare the Pudding:

  1. Prepare pudding according to package directions.

Prepare the Whipped Cream:

  1. In the chilled bowl, combine 1 cup of whipping cream, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla.
  2. Beat with chilled beaters on medium speed until soft peaks form.

Put it All Together:

  1. Spoon a layer of pudding into each cup.
  2. Sprinkle one kind of cookie crumbs over pudding.
  3. Add another layer of pudding and then use a different cookie crumb.
  4. Continue layering until the cups are full.
  5. Put a spoonful of whipped topping on top.
  6. Sprinkle on a few extra cookie crumbs.

As you are assembling the Faith Pudding, discuss the following:

  • Each of the people who were healed by Jesus showed faith first. Is faith a necessary thing for healing to occur?
  • Why do you think Jesus didn’t let the others come in? (they did not have faith – Jesus said faith was necessary for healing)
  • What kind of faith do you think it took for the suffering woman to come forward and touch Jesus?
  • What about Jairus?
  • What kind of faith do you have?

When the Faith Pudding is ready, have the children take their pudding and sit at the table.

As everyone is eating, discuss the following:

  • Who has been sick or injured before?
  • How did it feel to be ill or injured?
  • How could you tell when you were getting better?
  • Who took care of you while you were sick or injured?
  • Why did they take care of you?
  • Have you ever felt hurt on the inside?
  • Did someone help to make you feel better?
  • What are some ways that we can help people who are sick or injured?
  • What can we do to help people who hurt inside?

Let everyone help clean up.

As this is being done, discuss the following:

  • Why do you think Jesus healed people?
  • How do you think the woman in the story and the father felt before their encounter with Jesus? After?
  • Do you think their lives changed after their encounter with Jesus?
  • Tell them:
  • Jesus taught the disciples and Jairus’ parents that even the worst can be faced with God on your side. Jesus took the scornful skepticism of the nonbelievers and displayed the awesome, limitless power of God.  What is impossible for humans to accomplish is never impossible for God.  

Extra Activity:  Feather Pushing


squeeze bottles-in metal cabinet in supply room

feathers – in supply room

  1. Have each child place a feather on the table or floor.
  2. Let each one try to move the feather by using the bottle
  3. to squeeze air at it.
  4. Let them try to blow the feather.
  5. Let them try to move other things with air (hair, leaves, paper, and pencils)

Ask them:

Did the air move the feather?

Can air move anything else?

Is the air strong? Does it have power?

What else has power and strength? (gasoline makes cars, trucks, mowers go.

batteries make radios, cd players, flashlights work. Etc.)

Who do you think is the strongest and most powerful of all?

How did God show his power in today’s story?

Reflection/Journal Time:

The last 10 minutes should be reserved for Journal and Reflection time. This is an opportunity for processing and reflection about what the children have learned.  Pass out the journals and pencils/pens and the journal sticker for the day.  Put the date in the journals.  Workshop leaders should sit down with children in small groups to facilitate discussion and writing in Faith Journals.  Memory verse stickers are also included for each lesson, give one to each child to take home. Children may also copy the memory verse and illustrate.

Journal Questions:

Grades K-2: Draw a picture of Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter.

Grades 3-5: Describe a time when someone showed you compassion.

Extra Activity: If you have extra time before parents arrive, review the memory verse with the

children in the following way:  Stand in a circle – arms length apart.  Repeat the verse several

times together (don’t forget the scripture reference.  Then go around the circle one at a time and

have each child say one word of the verse.  Did everyone remember all of it?  Repeat having

children squat down and jump up when they recite their part.  Repeat several times adding

different actions as you say the verse.  (turning around, jumping up and down, whispering,

shouting, etc.)

Closing prayer: Gather the children together in a circle holding hands.  Encourage them to come back next week and to bring a friend, especially a friend who does not have a church home.  Remind them to bring their Bibles. Close with a circle prayer. Tell the children that you will start the prayer and pass it on to the next child, if anyone does not want to say a prayer, let them squeeze the hand of the next child to pass it on.  When it comes back to you finish the prayer.


Files (1)
Cooking lesson for Raising Jairus' Daughter
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

The John 4 story of Jesus healing the official's son is one of the terrific presentations found in the SunScool Bible App for Kids.

"The Boy Healed" can be found in all four levels of the program under the "Miracles" story menu.

49 The royal official said, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” 50 “Go,” Jesus replied, “your son will live.”

The App is free, ecumenical, and can be downloaded for use on tablets, smartphones, Windows, and Mac!    Get the download link and look up the story you need in our Outline of all 170+ stories in SunScool. That page also includes app helps.

SunScool Bible App for Kids

There's a children's sermon with a lesson option about "Healing instead of Hurting Others with our Words" over in the topical forum: Helping Children Understand and Cope with the News of War and Conflict.

It uses a clever and very visual trick with a balloon and the making of "casts" that kids sign for each other with positive affirmations (words that heal).

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,
but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs...."
Ephesians 4:29

Healing Casts and Positive Affirmation Lesson

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