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We did a gardening workshop as part of an Easter unit based on John 12:24 "Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."

Our activity was extremely simple. We planted zinnia seeds in little peat pots. We used some library picture books about plants, planting and gardening to fill out the workshop and encourage the kids to participate in gardening at home. We even had some earthworms to observe. The kids took their pots home, but we kept extras at church which we re-potted, watered and enjoyed all summer.

There's a wonderful hymn by Natalie Sleeth "In the bulb there is a flower; in the seed an apple tree." The refrain is "unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see." You can find it on the web at It's also known as "Hymn of Promise" and is published in a number of hymnals and children's song books.

The best thing about our gardening workshop, though, was that it attracted a grandmother as workshop leader. She was terrific and would never have volunteered if it hadn't been gardening. She continues to volunteer at least once annually, taking on new assignments, most recently cooking.

Anne Camp, Pittsburgh

Last edited by Luanne Payne
I saw a nice project for a garden theme:
give each child an egg carton and ask them to create a "garden scene" on the inside of the cover. Paint, markers, or collage- whatever.
Then put potting soil in each of the "cups" and plant a small seed. Send these home with the children by putting a rubber bamd around the carton. Remind kids to water their seed and wait for it to grow.
Jan Snell

You could cover the days of creation and when plants were created, and their importance to our very existence. How God gave Adam the job of caring for the Garden, and how all their food was from plants at the beginning, even all the animals ate only plants, because before sin all of creation was in perfect harmony. You could have a special sunday school plot to then design and plant your own garden.

You could talk about the parable of the sower and the soils, and how important the right kind of soil is, and the cultivation of the "soil" of our hearts.

You could even talk about composting. How garbage breaks down to make compost which is good for plants. But garbage that enters our hearts is not good. God calls us to protect our hearts and think on those things that are lovely, pure, etc.

You could have a worm farm in your compost pile, or build ladybug houses and buy some ladybugs.

You could use the book, THE SECRET GARDEN WALK, and talk about how God transforms our lives.  You could create a 'secret spot' in the church garden with a 'secret entrance' and inside have a bench, and stepping stones with Bible verses on them to contemplate.

You could create an indoor or outdoor FOUNTAIN... water garden using a baby pool and submersible pump.   Pool stores sell small fountain kits and inexpensive plastic fountain heads which can be attached to hose, or you can make your own  

-----Pools of water for the deer. Jesus is the living water. etc   You could PAINT LETTERS on FLAT ROCKS which can be arranged into short verses or keywords from a Bible verse.

Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Hi Amy,

How about doing Biblical plants in your garden rotation? There is a good book, "Consider The Lilies: Plants of the Bible", Katherine Paterson, 9780395888285, that is a good reference. 

Good luck!
Julie Burton

Last edited by Luanne Payne
We are making chia heads for one of our vbs sites this year. I always like to have one of the crafts be nature oriented. Also you could do terrariums out of pop bottles that are sliced in half and then put back together. If either of these interest you I will give directions. Both can easily be connected to various bible lessons.
Another simple gardening idea.
Soak a regular kitchen sponge in water. Ring out until damp. Place in a shallow dish. sprinkle with grass seed. Remind the children to keep damp. Grass seed is great because it grows quickly. You can cut the sponge into a shape if you wish.

Originally posted by Shannan Vance-Ocampo

"Earth" the Disney movie is a good resource for part of a green/environmental-oriented, Stewards of Creation rotation.

Feature-length version of the documentary TV series Planet Earth (2006), following the migration paths of four animal families featuring the journeys made by—the polar bear, African bush elephant and humpback whale—to highlight the threats of environmental change.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

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