
~ The following advice should not be overlooked ~

It includes how to make our programs fill more of your screen!

If you are not at least "somewhat" computer literate, please recruit someone who is to help you with downloading, installation, and adjustments. Connect them with the Guides and files that are found in the files that come with the program's downloadable zip file.

Operating Systems

  • SundaySoftwareLogoAll of the FREE downloadable Bible programs from Sunday Software available here at will run on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, 10, and Windows 11. In some cases, you may need to make an adjustment to get the (program to run on your version of Windows. Consult the program's tech notes or those at
  • None of the downloadable programs will run on a Mac, or Linux, or Android.  If you want a "Kids Bible app" for your tablet, see our app article.
  • Always install and run the software while logged in on your PC as the main admin user on your PC and not in a limited user account.
  • Windows will throw security screens at you regarding the download and installation of the software. You can safely select "run anyway" and "yes."
  • If you have an overly protective third-party security program installed on your PC, it may try to interfere with one of these programs' installation. Go ahead and temporarily disable the security software to see if that solves your problem. These downloads and installs have been scanned and can be trusted!

Read each Software's "README" File!

Each program's downloadable "Zip" file has a README text file in it. View that file and the Game Guides for your software's latest tech helps.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the installation programs may have out-of-date "usage and copying restrictions" language since Sunday Software is now giving these programs for your local teaching use. They may not otherwise be distributed or shared beyond the Supporting Member's congregation.

softwarehelpdeskGOTONeed help? Ask Ron, Luanne, and Neil, our software teaching and tech help desk!

Many of the Programs Require the Installation of Quicktime 7.7.9 for Windows

Check the program's README file found in the program's downloaded zip file.

If your menus or animations aren't working, or the program installation hangs up looking to install QuickTime, it probably means you need QT 7.7.9.

Quicktime is the utility many multimedia programs use to run their media and animations. It is made by Apple for Windows PC and it's free at While some programs traditionally came with a version of QT preinstalled, you'll want to make sure your Windows 7, 8 or 10 computer has the latest (and last) version of Quicktime for Windows. If you need version 7.7.9, get it at:

Note: The "Interactive Kids Bible Series" programs (Life of Paul, etc), require you to install Quicktime version 2.1 on your computer. This older version's installation file is found in installed folder for those programs on your computer.

Important Tip: How to Make the Program Appear LARGER on Your Computer Screen

Several of Sunday Software's software programs have a "fixed" windows size of 800x600 -- which on larger resolution monitors (such as 1900x1200) can make the program appear "small" on the screen with a lot of unused space around it. You'll notice it when you see the installed program running on your screen the first time. Windows has a "scaling" feature that makes those programs fill more of your screen.

Read and print the article here, or continue reading below.

The Windows 10 and 11 display “scale" option is found in the Display Setting App and not in the Windows Control Panel for some dumb reason. To find the Settings app, right-click any empty area on your desktop and select Display Settings. Try 150% to begin with.

In Windows 7 and 8 the Display Setting is found in the Windows Control Panel. Try 125% or 150%.

Here's what the settings app menu looks like in Windows 10 and 11 when you right-click a blank area on the desktop. Click DISPLAY settings to adjust the scaling.

As well, some of Sunday Software's "3D style games" (like Galilee Flyer) may appear "stretched wide" on your wide aspect monitor IF your video chip's graphic properties are not capable of automatically adjusting the game's proportions. Depends on the quality/capability of your computer's graphics chip. Solution: Open the Graphic Properties options in Windows and select "fixed aspect" or "center display" to control the stretching.

Here's what the Graphic Properties control panel looks like on one person's computer:


Print this handy article to share this display sizing advice.



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  • softwarehelpdeskGOTO
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Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

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A fix for Broderbund's Kid Pix 4

Broderbund's Kid Pix 4, the fun and versatile illustrating software, has been a mainstay of many Sunday School computer labs.  At one point in its development, it stopped fully working on newer versions of Windows and Broderbund went out of business without fixing it --leaving the animated stickers in Kid Pix no longer functioning.

During my days, I developed my own "patch" to make Kid Pix 4 work on Windows 7, 8 and 10. I've attached my patch to this post for those who might be looking for it. It substitutes a working exe file for the one that came with the program on the CD and no longer fully works on W7,8,10.   Install it only if your animated stickers aren't working.

After downloading and unzipping my file, you need to copy the KP-Sunday.exe file into your installed KP program folder (which is Programs(86x)/TheLearningCompany/KidPixDeluxe4). Then, simply delete the existing kp.exe file in the KP4 folder, andrename KP-Sunday to kp.exe to make it Kid Pix's new and fixed executable application file. This will fix the animated stickers problems and keep your KP desktop shortcuts functional.

Please note: Kid Pix also requires the latest and last version of Quicktime for Windows 7.7.9 to be installed if you're going to run KP on Windows 10. See my Quicktime notes in the post above here.


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Hi Neil,

I apologize if this is not the appropriate place to contact you and ask for help concerning Kid Pix 4. But I've been having trouble with trying to remove old users or "save files" from the start menu. I read the user manual, tried un-installing the game and deleting files, re-installing, searching through .txt files to see if I could edit out the old users and searched Google for any possible answers... nothing!

If you can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time!

Hi Carmen,

Where are the Kid Pix 4 User files stored?

Windows - File Explorer

C:\  Program Data  \ The Learning Company \ Kid Pix \ Users

selecting User "Testing 4" - any files saved to this user will be found under Testing 4, example I created and save a picture as a test and found it under Testing 4 / My Pictures.


Let us know if this was helpful.

Oops forgot to add here is the link where to ask for Software Help:

Software and Teaching Tech Help Desk ~ Questions Asked and Answered Here!


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Last edited by Luanne Payne

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