Introducing Three New Board Members at 
Samantha Corcoran, Dena Kitchens, and Laura Loving
Samantha Corcoran --"Sam" is a Bible teacher at Northside Church of Christ in Wichita, KS. Her expert interest in Biblical archaeology has led her to create the "Geo Logos" channel on YouTube. Sam is an engineering professor at Wichita State University and has been part of several Writing Teams. Sam will be heading up our Communications Team.
Dena Kitchens is a long-time United Methodist Church Educator with an expert interest in ministering to and teaching neurodiverse kids. She lives in the Atlanta area and has served on various Writing Teams and content improvement projects at our site. Dena will be heading up our Content Team which includes our Writing Teams.
Laura Loving is a UCC pastor serving the children's ministry at the United Church in Los Alamos New Mexico. In addition to playing the tuba(!), Laura has served on several Writing Teams here at and was a writer for the Whole People of God curriculum. Laura will be part of our Membership Team.
Sam, Dena, and Laura join Board members, Amy Crane (LA), Ron Shifley (TX), Carol Hulbert (MI), Robin Stewart (GA), Ian Grimm (TX), and Luanne Payne (Ontario) along with Neil MacQueen (OH) our Lead Writer and webmaster.
We also want to say a big "thank you" to Beth Tobin whose service on our Board ended last month. Thanks Beth for your enthusiasm, creativity, and contributions to the Board and community. is a volunteer-led, non-profit children's resource ministry founded in 1997. Learn more about our history, board, past leaders, and what makes unique.
Timely Resources:

Jesus the Boy in the Temple
Temptation in the Wilderness
Call of the Disciples
Lent 2025 Lessons and Great Ideas
The Writing Team's Micah 6:7-8 Lesson Set

Our newest Writing Team lesson set: six creative, broadly-graded, workshop-style Sunday School lesson plans about doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with your God. Activities in the set include Bible Games, Art, Baking, Rhythm & Music, Scripture Memory, Video & Drama. Come see the Micah Lesson Summaries!
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