January 2017
Rotation.org Newsletter
New Resources and Posts
- Member Cheryl is looking for a Moses & Plagues Drama or Puppet script.
- "Thought Bubble" dry-erase board, a new resource find....ideas on using it as a discussion helper in various workshops.
- Video & Activity for Making and Digging the mud roof in the "Man Let Down Through the Roof" story.
- Art Project Idea for 5 Loaves, 2 Fishes.
- Family Event Celebrating Pentecost.
- Video suggestions for the Jesus the boy in the Temple.
- Cooking-Food suggestion for Jesus the boy with "the right stuffing" in the Temple.
- Online computer activity "Make Me Like Jesus" for Jesus the boy in the Temple lesson.
- Carpentry project suggestion for Jesus the boy who wanted to be in his father's "house".
- Creative Ideas for Communion Instruction -a Writing Team resource for Supporting Members.
New from the Writing Team
Last Supper ~ Lord's Supper
"WT" lesson plans are open to our Supporting Members
Everyone can view the Lesson Summaries and Bible Background docs.
Workshops in this Set:
- Art: Sew a special Communion table cloth.
- Bible Games: Fun story contest and "Do this..." memory verse game.
- Computer: Help the robots get the story right and learn about the connection between Passover, Last Supper and Communion.
- Passover-Seder Drama Meal: Students help set the Passover table and participate in an abbreviated Seder meal that fits into a typical class time.
- Music: Students use a helpful handout to come up with Lord's Supper-inspired lyrics to one of the most well-known hymns of all time.
- Puppet: A funny script highlights the various ways Jesus taught with bread in his ministry.
- Science: Students progress through a series of memory activities to learn the meaning of "Do this in remembrance."
- Video Workshop: After previewing many videos for this story, we've found ONE that's modern, kid-friendly, AND strong on life application.
View Complete Summaries of All the Lessons in this New Set
About the Writing Team Sets
Writing Team Lesson Sets are the premiere benefit of being a Supporting Member. Supporting Members pay for our site and the professional shepherding and writing that's part of the Team's renewed efforts. In return for their $30 donation, they get access to some of the most creative lessons at our site, and access to many helpful site features.
In 2015, we began a renovation of the WT's 34 sets. About half the sets have now been re-written and re-posted, ...and new sets are coming out every month.
Coming January 31: "Peter do you love me? (Then) feed my sheep!"
Adapting Lessons for Younger Children
Adapting Rotation-style Lessons to Traditional Sunday School
Read the new article: Adapting WT Rotation-style lessons to younger children and traditional Sunday School style classes This article has some important insights for traditional Sunday Schools using WT sets, and those using the WT lessons with younger children.
Related Article: Adapting Lessons to "Short" Lesson Times
Easter is on April 16th in 2017
See Rotation.org's extensive HOLY WEEK lesson resources and add your great ideas.
The Rotation.org Board is holding it's annual meeting January 12-14 in St Pete Florida, where it's warm! ...has cheap flights, and where several Board members have family in the area. We meet face-to-face every other year and Skype in-between. Learn more about our Board, who's on it, and about our mission.
If you have suggestions, or want to get involved in leadership, email contact.rotation@gmail.com.