Jesus Calms the Storm
Bible Skills and "Calming the Storm Rain Stick" Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Children will learn the story and some Bible skills related to it, then create a "Calming the Storm Rain Stick"
Scripture References:
Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25,
Memory Verse:
“When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” Psalm 56:3
We can trust that Jesus is with us always and helps us in times of trouble.
- Children will find the story in the Bible.
- Children will be able to retell the story in their own words.
- Children will locate the Sea of Galilee on the map.
- Children will define miracle.
- Children will explore the concept of “storms” in their lives and how God can calm them.
- Children will explore the idea of trusting God even when times are hard.
- Children will recognize that Jesus is present with us always, even in difficult times and is able to calm us even in the middle of storms
- Children will learn Psalm 56:3.
Preparation and Room Set Up:
- Review the Background Information
- Print color copies of the attached topographic map
- Prepare the rain stick supplies (cut the accordion cardboard in advance as well as the can if using poster tube)
Welcome the children and introduce yourself and explain what they'll be doing and learning about today.
Opening Prayer
Awesome and Mighty God, Thank you for this day and for the amazing stories in the Bible that teach us about you. Give us open minds and hearts today as we learn and play together. AMEN.
Introduce the story by showing the attached topographic map and asking students to find various important things on it (which are not marked):
The Sea of Galilee
The Dead Sea
The Capitol City of Israel where the Temple that Jesus visited once stood.
The Sinai Desert crossed by Moses and the Israelites during the Exodus
The Judean Wilderness where Jesus spent 40 days and was tempted.
Note the high elevations around the Sea of Galilee which causes wind to sweep down across the Sea.
Share as you trace the map:
Jesus traveled around the land of Galilee, healing and talking to the people he met. It wasn’t long before great crowds followed him everywhere. Jesus took time to sit with the crowds of people and talk to them, teaching them about the kingdom of God. One evening, after spending the entire day teaching the people near the Sea of Galilee, Jesus and his disciples decided to get in a boat and sail to the other side of the lake, to rest and have some quiet time away from the crowds.
Now the Sea of Galilee is a VERY large lake, meaning, you can go so far out that you can't see the shore. And notice that it is surrounded by high plateaus and mountains. Because of this, fierce, violent winds and storms can sweep down from the mountains and blow fiercely across the lake.
Let’s read what happens to Jesus and his friends when one such storm suddenly blew up at night.
Read Matthew 8:23-27
Why were they afraid?
Why was Jesus asleep? Why wasn't he worried?
Why did he say they had "little" faith?
Is it okay to have little faith, in other words, "be afraid"? (Yes, Jesus is not accusing them and doesn't tell them to HAVE more faith, rather, he is sympathetic to their fear and not grasping who he really was. And he STILL calms the storm for them!
"Storms" in a person's life can mean things like hurricanes, but "storms" can also be personal storms like the fear we have when someonewe love is dieing, or the fear of losing your parents to divorce, or being afraid when the doctor tells you that you or a loved one has cancer, or the fear of moving and losing your friends and school.
What other kinds of "storms" can someone your age experience?
Does our story promise that Jesus will STOP ALL STORMS? Or simply that we should NOT BE AFRAID because JESUS IS WITH US?
Memory Verse
Help the children locate the memory verse in their Bibles, read it out loud, and then WRITE IT on a sheet of construction paper that they will then WRAP ON THEIR TUBE.
“When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” Psalm 56:3
Making a Calm the Storm Rain Stick:
There are many different ways to create a craft rainstick in a can. If the following description doesn't make sense to you, visit some of the craft sites online to see how others have done it. The following uses a piece of cardboard placed inside the tube to create the cascade effect. See
- Empty small or medium sized “Pringles” cans or other small container with a removable lid like a poster tube – 1 per child.
- A bag of small red beans or rice, about 1/3 cup per student
- A funnel to load the rice/beans in the tube
A piece of cardboard cut slightly narrower than the can and about half again as long as the can, then folded into an accordion shape (which the beans/rice will cascade over)- Colored paper cut to size to fit around the can with a small overlap
- Tape to seal the lids on the tube and to fasten the colored paper to the tube.
- Markers to decorate the colored paper with the memory verse and story images.
First, decorate the construction paper "wrap" with the memory verse and images from our story of Jesus and the disciples on the Sea of Galilee. Then wrap the paper around the tube and tape it there.
Next, create and place the accordion cardboard into the tube, then pour about 1/3 of a cup of rice or small beans inside the tube.
Temporarily close the tube and TEST the sound of the rain. If needed, add more beans/rice, then seal the lid using tape.
Rainstorm Reflection:
This is a great cool-down and a powerful way to close your session.
Seat the students in a circle holding their rain sticks silently. Then as you SLOWLY read the story again, have them follow you in making the rain stick provide the sound effects to our story. It should go something like this....
Jesus Calms the Storm
23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him.(It was a nice calm end of the day when they got in the boat, let's make the sound of calm water lapping against the side of our boat as we all take a rest from a day of teaching the crowds)
24 Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. (Let's start with quiet rain and wind and then get louder and louder.)
But Jesus was sleeping. (Silence our rain sticks and storms as we remember that Jesus feared nothing because he knew his life was always in God's hands. Now let's kick up the storm again! LOUDER!!)
25 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. (Total silence for a few moments.)
27 The disciples were amazed and asked, “WHO IS THIS GUY that even the winds and the waves obey him!”
So whenever you are afraid because life's storms are blowing in your life (Make those storm sounds!)
Remember... Jesus is with us (total quiet then start up the storm again),
and he is not afraid, (CALM THOSE RAINSTICKS to sound like gentle rain)
so no matter what storms in life are tossing us to and fro (LOUD storm again),
let's hold onto Jesus and trust in his saving and calming power (Hold sticks silent)
A lesson written by Jaymie Derden from: State Street UMC and improved by the Content Team