
Bible Skills and Games Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching the Story of Joshua, including the Conquest of Canaan - Fall of Jericho, in Sunday School.

Post your Bible skills and games lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for teaching the Story of Joshua, including the Conquest of Canaan - Fall of Jericho, in Sunday School.

Joshua, Battle of Jericho, Joshua 6, etc. Bible lessons about Joshua - with Games, Bible memory, Games that teach the Bible, Bible Activities, Bible Books, etc.

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Game Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

This game is a take-off of Cranium®, which has teams working together on different categories of puzzles and activities. Each team works to earn 5 different coloured tokens, which correspond to each of 5 game categories. When they have a set of tokens, they turn those in for a set of Memory Verse Cards that they have to them put into correct order. The first team to complete this task wins.

Scripture Reference:

Various portions of the book of Joshua

Memory Verse: “ Be determined and confident! Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9  (GNT)

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.
  • Prepare the game cards. Make each card within a category be a different colour card (example: all Humzinger cards are yellow).
  • Prepare Memory Verse cards: write the memory verse separated over several cards. (For older students, use more cards with fewer words on each card.) Memory Verse cards
  • Gather the following materials:

Supplies List

  • Bibles
  • 5 Game Tokens per team - one of each colour; have the colour of the tokens correspond to the game card categories
  • Play dough
  • A timer
  • Answer sheets (one copy; see below)

Lesson Plan: Opening

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

How to Play:
The game is played in teams – 2 people per team can work, if you have a really small group, but 3 is better; four or five works too.

There are 5 categories of questions: Humzingers, Art of Acting, Silly Sculptures, Un-Trivia, and Scrambled Words. (There are two levels of Un-Trivia questions: junior and senior.)

  • For the Scrambled words, the cards shown below, with a couple of letters included, were for our youngest class. For the older class I made up cards without those hints.
  • For the Humzingers, one of the team members has to hum the tune to the song (no actions, no words, no other hints!) and the rest of the team have to guess what the song is.
  • For the Art of Acting, it’s a bit like charades. Again, one of the team members performs the action while the others try to guess what the word is.
  • For the Silly Sculptures, we used play dough. Again, one member of the team sees the card, and has to try to form the item out of the play dough, while the other members of the team try to guess what the word is.
  • For The Un-Trivia and Scrambled Words categories the whole team works together.
  • Students may use Bibles.
  1. To begin play, find a way to decide which team will start.
  2. The players choose whatever category they want to try on each of their turns – eventually they all have to do every category.
    If the team is successful in the time allotted (we had timers from a board game; we used a longer time for the younger kids; a shorter time for the older ones), they earn a token of the colour of the category. (I printed each of the categories on a different colour of paper.)
  3. After one effort, successful or not, the next team takes their turn.
    Each team has to get a token of each colour. When they had a set of tokens, they turned those in for a set of cards that they had to put into order to read out the memory verse. (The verse was broken into five sections.)

(I hope this is clear. It seems to me that it is easier to play than it is to describe!)


End the class with a prayer.

Game Cards

CATEGORY: Humzingers
Write one song title per card. Obviously you can change these if you'd like.

Jesus Loves Me
Yankee Doodle
Kum Ba Yah
Amazing Grace
Skinnamarinky Dinky Do
The Barney Song (I Love You)
O Canada
Row Row Row Your Boat
I’ve Got the Joy Joy Joy Joy Down in my Heart
He’s Got the Whole World
It’s a Small World
Batman’s Theme Song

CATEGORY:  Silly Sculpturesa camping tent
Write one item per card. (For younger students may wish to use pictures instead.)

Snake    Rock    Trumpet    Pretzel    Fork    Bagel    Lamb    Bowl     Mountains    Tree    Chair    Tent

CATEGORY:  Art of Acting
Write one action per card. (May wish to use pictures instead, for younger students.)Trumpet Player

Playing baseball
Walls falling down
Brushing your teeth
Blowing a trumpet
Reading the Bible
Weeping (Crying)
Carrying the Ark of the Covenant
Climbing down a rope
Building an altar of rocks

CATEGORY:  Scrambled Letters
Write one puzzles per card.

1     H S J U A O

    J __ __ H __ __     

2     L L I G G A

    G __ __ G __ __

3     M S O I E D P R    N D A L

    P __ __ __ __ S __ __     

    L __ __ __  

4     O R J N A D     I E V R R  

    J __ __ __ A __     R __ __ E __

5     H A A R B

    R __ __ A __        

6     R E C H I O J

    J __ R __ __ __ __

7     S M S O E

    M  O  __  __  __

8     K  R  C  O  S

    R  __  __  __  __

9     P  S  V  E  O  A  S  R

    P  __  __  __  __  V  __  __        

10    W  V  E  E  L  T

    T  __ __  L  __  __

11    S  I  A  R  L  E

    I  __  __  __  __  L        

12    P  S  T  E  I  S  R

    P  __  __  E  __  __  __

ANSWER SHEET:  Scrambled Letters


CATEGORY:  Un-Trivia - Senior
Questions used (one per card)

1. What did the commander of the army of the Lord tell Joshua to do?
2. Who was the first person to say “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”?
3. Who was Joshua’s father?
4. Which of the tribes of Israel received no land as an inheritance?
5. What celebration did the Israelites hold at Gilgal?
6. How did the spies escape from Rahab’s house?
7. How long had the Israelites lived in the desert?
8. What qualities did God command Joshua to show?
9. How many times, in total, did the soldiers march around the walls of Jericho?
10. What food was no longer provided after the Israelites ate the harvest of Canaan?
11. How did Joshua’s soldiers get across the River Jordan?
12. Where did Joshua’s spies hide from the King’s soldiers?
13. What did the priests carry across the Jordan?
14. How many stones were set up at Gilgal? Why was that number chosen?
15. Who told Joshua how to defeat the city of Jericho?

ANSWER SHEET:  Un-Trivia Senior

1. (5:15) And the commander of the Lord’s army told him, “Take your sandals off; you are standing on holy ground.
2. Joshua (24:15)
3. Nun (1:1)
4. Levi (14:33
5. Passover (5:10
6. Climbing out the window and down a rope (2:15)
7. 40 years
8. Strength and courage (1:9)
9. 13 (6:14-15 Once a day for 6 days, seven times on the seventh day)
10. Manna 5:12
11. The priests stopped the water and they walked across (3:15-16)
12. On Rahab’s roof (under stalks of flax) (2:6)
13. The ark of the covenant (3:13)
14. 12 - One for each of the tribes of Israel (4:2)
15. The Lord (6:2)

CATEGORY:  Un-Trivia Junior

1. Who told Joshua he would be the new leader of the Israelites?
2. What was the first city that Joshua had to conquer?
3. Who helped the spies who first went to Jericho?
4. How did the spies escape From Rahab’s house?
5. How many times in total did the Israelites march around the walls of Jericho?
6. What instruments were played by the priests in the march around Jericho?
7. Who was Joshua’s father?
8. How did Joshua’s soldiers get across the Jordan River?
9. How long did the Israelites wander in the desert?
10. Where did the spies hide from the king’s soldiers?

ANSWER SHEET: Un-Trivia Junior

1. Moses (Deuteronomy 34:9, The Fall of Jericho, p. 2)
2. Jericho. (FJ p 2, Joshua 2:1)
3. Rahab (FJ p 8, Joshua 2:1)
4. Climbed down a rope (Joshua 2:15, FJ p9)
5. 13 (Joshua 6:14-15, FJ p 16)
6. Trumpets (of ram’s horns) (Joshua 6:6, FJ p 16)
7. Nun (Joshua 1:1)
8. The priests stopped the water and they walked across (3:15-16)
9. 40 years
10. On Rahab’s roof (under stalks of flax) (Joshua 2:6, FJ p. 8)

A Sunday School lesson written by Rev. Heather Jones from: Thornhill Presbyterian Church
Thornhill, Ontario, CANADA (north of Toronto)

Clip art is from Openclipart, licensed under a CC0 1.0 Public Domain.


Images (1)
  • Memory Verse cards
Last edited by Luanne Payne
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thanks for this fabulous game - believe it or not I was in the process of creating the same type of game for our Joshua rotation (great Canadian game!!) and just checked to see if anyone had a good list of questions for any other game - (answer to prayer???) We have done this game with other stories and call it 'PRAYNIUM"- kids love it.

Glad to know that someone else has been able to use the stuff!







  • Hide & Seek - If you have enough space, you could do a modified hide and seek where the two spies need to find Rahab without being seen by the guards. Or perhaps the two spies could be some big stuffed pillows that the children need to get to a safe place, hiding them as needed, so that an adult "guard" who periodically walks through doesn't see them.
  • JENGA WALL   Q & A - where a correct answer removes one block from the wall.
Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Follow the Leader - Especially for young ones, but could be used with older children, too. We played this while marching outside around the church building. You could also incorporate megaphones, kazoos, or other noise-makers to represent the trumpets.

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