
Computer Workshop: Software, Bible Apps: Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching the Story of Joshua, including the Conquest of Canaan - Fall of Jericho, in Sunday School.

Post your computer lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for teaching the Story of Joshua, including the Conquest of Canaan - Fall of Jericho, in Sunday School.

Software Suggestions:

Both the "Fall of Jericho" and "Cal and Marty" software programs are now free to the supporting members of!

Learn more

"Fall of Jericho" - is a quiz game themed on a race to Jericho to see the walls come down. You can create questions that go with any topic you want to teach including the stories of Jericho and Joshua.

I've put together a 36 question set in "Fall of Jericho" covering the following 3 stories:

  • Rabah/2 spies
  • crossing of the Jordan/Stones
  • Fall of Jericho.

This question set works with Fall of Jericho CD and is ATTACHED at the bottom of this post.

Review:  On Sunday we had 10 children ages 4-11 spread between the 4 computers. An older child sat at each computer to play, as well as, read the questions/answers for their group.   Also note: as we had children who had missed previous Joshua workshops we did review the story with discussion and a children's book prior to starting the game.

The 11 year old on the computer next to me said, "This is the coolest game ever, can we play it again!" This was after only 5 minutes into the game and he was the reader for that group and also it was his first visit to our church!

"Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game"

Joshua 24:15  
"As for me and my house, we shall follow the Lord."

If ever there was a memory verse, there you go.

In Cal and Marty, allow the KIDS to input the verse into the game. They can also add a comment and three question quiz. This program is now a free download to the Supporting Members of

"Play and Learn Children's Bible CD" (out of print but many Rotation churches have it)

it has this story in it. Windows Me/XP/Vista only.  Great for Pre-Kind through to Grade 2 - See next post for lesson plan by Wendy in Roch.

Kid Pix 4 or the newer "3D" version

Write the story and illustrate it in a software/app drawing program:

  • Kid Pix 4’s creative writing and drawing tools let your students create their own multimedia pictures and slideshows about any subject.
  • Kid Pix 4 can speak out-loud over the computer speakers whatever is typed on the screen using the text tool.
  • You can import graphics, including photographs, illustrate them and add captions.

Take your memory verse and illustrate in this software program to hammer it home. This program also reads back text (scripture) that is typed by your students.

"Ilumina Bible" (out of print) or "Glo Bible"
Or Google Earth

If you have a good Bible software program, such as Ilumina (out of print) or the GLO Bible, you could show the route, landscape and scenes in Jericho.  The town is strategically located at the north end of the Dead Sea along trade routes. It sits at the bottom of the Road to Jerusalem, aka, Road to Jericho.

Google Earth has some great closeups of "old" Jericho.


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Computer Workshop for preschool-2nd

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the Play and Learn software CD. ( Out of Print, only works on Windows Me/XP/Vista, and Windows 7- 32 bit ....but we've kept the lesson for those churches that still own a copy of this once popular software program!

Scripture References:

Joshua 1:1-9 & Joshua 6:1-16, 20

Lesson Objectives:
1. Be able to find the story in the Bible
2. Know that Joshua trusted in God to keep him safe
3. Know that God will be with us as we encounter all that life has for us.
4. Know that God’s power is greater than any other power we may encounter

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Explore the software.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • Play and Learn


Opening-Welcome and Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Use the Play and Learn CD

Click on Start
Click on Program
Click on Chariot Media
Click on Play and Learn
Click on Bible Stories
Click on God Helps People
Click on the Walls of Jericho
The students will be asked if they would like the story read to them.
Click on Yes.


First Page:

1. What sometimes had a wall, a moat and another wall?

Some cities

2. How long did it probably take for Joshua’s army to march around the city wall?

25-35 minutes

Second Page (need to find both question marks to get both answers)

3. How big were the walls sometimes?

Big enough to have room in them
20 feet thick and over 25 feet hig

Third Page: (questions 4 & 5 in same question mark, there are only 2 question marks with different answers)

4. On the 7th day, how many times did Joshua lead his army around the city.

6 times

5. What happen on the 7th time around?

The people shouted
The wall fell down

6. What was on to of the walls, and could see for miles?

Soldiers on guard

Fourth Page

7. What is the horn called, what is it made from?

Shofar, from an animals horn

8. Jericho is 800 feet below sea level, so how is summer the in Jericho.

Very, very hot

As time permits, provide the second graders with bibles and have them work on the questions from the Fall of Jericho.


End the Session with Prayer:

God our Father,
Through Abraham, Sarah and now Joshua we are now learning that nothing is impossible when we turn to you. Help us to trust in you and other. All this we ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.

A lesson written by Wendy In Roch from: Glory to God Lutheran Church
Rochester, MN

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

The stories of Joshua have several good lesson presentations in the SunScool Bible App for Kids. Look for it under the "JOSHUA" menu in the app.  Various stories and titles will appear/change depending on which of the four age-levels you preselect.  Level 3 is for grades 2/3 thru 5th, approximately.

Joshua - BibleTime

All four levels have the following Joshua stories (though the titles change):

  • C8-1 : Joshua becomes the new leader (Levels 1 and 2), Leading the People (L3), The New Leader - Joshua (L4)
    Joshua 1:1-11,16-18; Psalm 1; Proverbs 3:5-6; James 1:22-25; Joshua 1:9
  • C8-2 : Joshua and the New Land (L1 and 2), Spying the Land (L3), Sends out the Spies (L4)
    Joshua 2:1-24
  • C8-3 : Joshua and the Jordan (Levels 1 and 2), Crossing the River Jordan L3), Victory and Defeat L4)
    Joshua 3:1-17; 4:1-24
  • C8-4 : Joshua and Jericho (Levels 1 and 2), Obeying the Lord (L3), Victory and Defeat, Battle of Jericho(L4)
    Joshua 6:1-27 & 7:1-26

The App is free, ecumenical, and can be downloaded for use on tablets, smartphones, Windows, and Mac!    Get the download link and look up the story you need in our Outline of all 170+ stories in SunScool. That page also includes app helps.

SunScool Bible App for Kids

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

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