
Josiah the Boy King

4 Workshop Ideas:

  1. Storytelling: Read the story from a children's bible or story book, then play Memory Verse Hopscotch.
  2. Video: Older Kids  - "It's a God Thing" (Moderator: unknown video suggest using one or more of the suggested YouTube shorts noted here.)
    Younger Kids - “Heaven’s Troopers “ (Cherub Wings series) and create Bible Memory Cards to take home.
  3. Games: Read the story from a children's bible or story book, next play the game “Who’s Got the Word?”, then create a scroll story where the kids draw in the different suggested sections.
  4. Servant: Read the story from a children's bible or story book, then have children go into any worship area and clean it, end with Thank you God for.. Ball Toss.

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 34:1-33

Bible Memory Verse: Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey my commands.” John 14:15

Theme: God wants us to take care of his Holy House and his Word.

Lesson Objectives: Kids will:

  • discover who Josiah was.
  • discover God’s Word is important
  • put into action ways we can tell others about God.

Josiah the Boy King

Storytelling Workshop


Read the story from a children's bible or story book, then play Memory Verse Hopscotch.


  • index cards (to write memory verse, one word per card)
  • "Don't Get Wet Feet: And 50 Other Bible Stories for Preschoolers" (Just Add Kids Series), Abingdon Press, 2001, 978068704800.


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Tell the Bible story of Josiah in a fun way.

We used the script from "Don't Get Wet Feet: And 50 Other Bible Stories for Preschoolers" (Just Add Kids Series), found on pgs. 44-45.

Discuss with kids:

  • What are some of God’s laws that he wants us to follow? (Josiah probably found the book of Deuteronomy or the five books of the Law –Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)
  • What are some of God’s laws which are written in these books. . .have kids open Bibles to Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5.
    Kids might also like discovering more of God’s laws by reading the headings of some of the Bible chapters in these first five books of the Bible.

Learn the Bible Memory verse in a fun way with Memory Verse Hopscotch:

  1. Make a hopscotch board outside on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk or inside with masking tape on the carpet.
  2. Write the memory verse, one word at a time, on index cards.
    (Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey my commands.” John 14:15)
  3. Place an index card on each square of the hopscotch grid, in order.
  4. Have each child take turns tossing a small wooden block and hopping to that square.
  5. They may pick up the card and hop back.
  6. Kids should say the verse each time the child returns.
  7. As each child takes a turn, another card will be removed. . . at the end, kids should be able to say the verse without any cards to look at.

(The PK’s will enjoy hopping on the grid. . .say the Bible verse each time they return. Maybe each child would like a turn at saying the verse by themselves when they are finished hopping. . .or maybe, hop and say the verse with them with each hop?)

Have kids complete their Prayer Pocket take-home. Remember, the kids keep their completed sheet in their pocket, the additional copy is taken home to do with parents. (You will need to make prayer pockets for the 1st Grade class. Other grades should still have theirs from last year.)


Close in prayer.

Josiah the Boy King

Video Workshop

1st-5th grade


Older Kids  - "It's a God Thing" (Moderator: unknown video suggest using one or more of the suggested YouTube shorts noted here.)
Younger Kids - “Heaven’s Troopers “ (Cherub Wings series) and create Bible Memory Cards to take home.


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Before kids arrive, write: “you love, you will if my commands me obey.” John 14:15, on the chalk board. Have kids correct the memory verse using their Bibles and looking up the verse.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Explain to kids that it is important that they know how to use their Bibles. They need to use them and become familiar with then, so that God’s Word can teach them as they grow. Have them find:

  1. the table of contents
  2. Exodus 20 (the 10 commandments)
  3. Matthew 6 (the Lord’s Prayer
  4. the book of Proverbs . . .written by King Solomon
  5. the concordance (How is this used?)

View Video: “It’s A God Thing


How can God’s Word keep you from sin? How can God’s Word help you choose the right path? How can others know that you are one of God’s children?


Close in prayer.

The PreK’s –

Have kids view “ Heaven’s Troopers “(Cherub Wings series). After the kids have watched the movie, ask: What is another name for God’s Word? (the Bible) How can we tell others about God?

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Heaven's Troopers (Cherub Wings) Overview
- Doing the right thing when tempted to do wrong
"One, two, three, four! Reach for the sky then touch the floor!" Everyone knows that exercise and eating nutritious food helps our bodies grow strong! In the same way, reading the Bible and obeying God's Word helps strengthens our souls! Join Cherub and his friends as they take us through the fun steps of "Bible-fitness!"  Children see how God can use young people to serve Him just as Daniel, Samuel and Josiah did. The Parable of the Sower challenges children to think about the type of soil being used to sow God's Word in their own lives.
· God's Words, Guide Words - a Scripture memory song based on Psalm 119:105 "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
· Your Word Have I Hid in My Heart - a visualized song about the blessings of living in God's Word.
· The Farmer and the Seeds - a Bible story based on the parable of the Sower which teaches children how to receive the Word of God on receptive ground.
· Wordman! - a comical object lesson highlighting the strengthening of our spiritual muscles through obedience to God's Word.
· Super-Duper Heaven's Troopers - a visualized song about putting on the armor of God to help us do the right thing.

Note:  good overview of why reading our bible is so important.

Create Bible Memory Cards to take home: Fold index card in half with the memory verse inside. Place the black construction paper on the outside as a Bible cover. Have kids carefully staple to look like a book. Place a Bible sticker on the cover. Say the Bible verse together.

Sing the “B-I-B-L-E”.

Close in prayer.

Josiah the Boy King

Games Workshop


Read the story from a children's bible or story book, next play the game “Who’s Got the Word?”, then create a scroll story where the kids draw in the different suggested sections.


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

As kids arrive, have them sit in a circle on the floor during the story, encourage them to pantomime the actions.

Say:  "Today’s Bible story tells us that God’s Word is important.

Josiah was only eight years old when he became king. He was a good king who obeyed God. How can we obey God?"

Begin telling the Bible Story of Josiah from Faithweavers curriculum (Group Publishing), pg. 49, (Prek/K).

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

“Who’s Got the Word?” game

  1. Using the pocket-sized Xtreme Good News as told by John Bible.
  2. Look up the Bible memory verse for this rotation. (John 14:15)
  3. Discuss with kids what some of God’s commands might be?
  4. Then have the kids sit in a circle and cover their eyes.
  5. Give each child a Bible from the classroom and have them hold it on their laps.
  6. Choose one child who will hide the pocket-sized Bible and come back and sit with the others.
  7. Let the kids open their eyes and search for the Bible in the room until they find it.
  8. After the pocket sized Bible is found, have kids open their Bibles and find John 14:15.
  9. First one to find the verse gets to hide the pocket-size Bible again.

After several turns say, "How do you think King Josiah felt when his workers found the Bible in the Temple? King Josiah knew that God’s Word is important. Something so important had been lost, and now it was found! King Josiah and the people promised to follow God’s Word. We can follow God’s Word and love God, and we can love others and tell others about God."

Scroll Story:

Cut a 96” length of narrow newsprint from the roll provided. Divide into 12” sections. Have each child (or two, if you have more in the class) illustrate the following parts of the Josiah Bible story, starting from the left end of the paper.

1. Draw a small boy with a crown on his head.
2. Draw a young king reading a scroll
3. Draw the king breaking the altars and idols.
4. Draw a picture of a temple or a church
5. Draw an open scroll with a Bible verse printed on it.
6. Draw a priest holding the scroll with open mouth speaking to the king.
7. Draw a king reading the scroll to a large group of people.
8. Draw a crowd of people who are happy, having just heard the Word of God.

When the drawings are finished, roll up the paper. . .like a scroll. (Can tape dowels to the end and roll around if you wish.) Unwind as you review the story with the children.

Scroll Story Pre-K. Version:

Have the kids sit at the table and give each a 24” length of narrow newsprint from the roll and copies of the Bible story pictures. Paraphrase the story that they just heard, having the kids glue the pictures on the paper in the right order. (Use glue sticks!) If time allows, have kids color the pictures. Tape the left hand side of the length of paper to one of the dowel sticks and the right hand side to the other dowel stick. Roll the left hand stick up until you some to the first picture the child has glued. While you hold the left hand side of the stick still, have each child roll the right hand stick up to meet the other. Have the kids practice telling the story, unrolling the scroll at each picture. Encourage them to share the story with family members.


Close in prayer, thanking God for his Holy Word. Help us to tell others about His Word and about God during the week.

Josiah the Boy King

Bible Servant Workshop


Read the story from a children's bible or story book, then have children go into any worship area and clean it, end with Thank you God for.. Ball Toss.

Bible Memory Verse:

Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey my commands.” John 14:15


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Read: "Josiah’s Treasure" (pages 46-49) from "Kids-Tell-'em Bible Stories", by Susan L. Lingo, Susan Lingo Books, 2008, 9781935147053.

Read: “A Fine, Young King” (pages 58-61) from "Bible Hero Adventures-Old Testament", by Lois Keffer, Group Publishing, 1997, 9781559456074.

Have kids help “clean the temple” as Josiah ordered, by going into the church Sanctuary or other worship space and cleaning. Give kids dust cloths, dusting spray, damp wash cloths to wipe tables, chairs, blinds, window cleaner, vacuums etc. Encourage them to do a thorough job cleaning God’s house.

On yellow sticky notes, write: “Cleaned by:” then have kids write their names on the note. Place the sticky notes on the item that was cleaned and have kids stand next to the note when finished.

If time allows, begin tossing a soft ball from one child to another while each stands next to their sticky note. As each child catches the ball, have them say, “THANK YOU GOD, for -------(clean windows in your house! Vacuumed floors in your house! Etc.) Continue tossing the ball in the same sequence establishing a pattern. Once the pattern has been established, add a second ball to the game. Conclude the game when both balls reach the end.




If you don't have any of the reading sources suggested in the above lessons (and noted below) just used any children's bible storybook that has the story.

This story is also found in the "Beginner's Bible" and also in the Arch Book Series: "King Josiah and God's Book".

"Don't Get Wet Feet: And 50 Other Bible Stories for Preschoolers" (Just Add Kids Series), Abingdon Press, 2001, 9780687048007.

Faithweavers Curriculum (Group Publishing).

"Kids-Tell-'em Bible Stories", by Susan L. Lingo, Susan Lingo Books, 2008, 9781935147053.

"Bible Hero Adventures-Old Testament", by Lois Keffer, Group Publishing, 1997, 9781559456074.

Lessons written by member Nanette Goings

Lesson enhancements added by Wormy.

Formatted by moderator to improve readability add summaries, and update book info.

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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