Five Things You Probably Didn't Know We Had at 
1. Help for Small Sunday Schools and Small Broadly-Graded Classes
View our 2022 Zoom Chat Seminar: Advice for Small Sunday Schools and Classes. Our panel of educators shared dozens of practical tips. That seminar posting is part of our Small Sunday School resource forum.
2. Fresh Ideas for Recruiting Sunday School Teachers
Our teacher recruiting forum has lots of practical advice, dos, don'ts, and suggestions for looking beyond the usual recruiting pool. It also includes the free PDF: "Top Ten Reasons to Teach Sunday School" !
3. Children's Sermons!
Scattered across our Bible lessons are dozens of children's sermons and ideas for them. How can you find them? Use our powerful search engine. Here are the search results for "children's sermon." New children's sermons are always welcome. Just post them in their Bible story forum.
4. "How to" and "How not to" do Children's Sermons These two practical articles are part of a discussion about children in worship. If you're not the "children's sermoner" at your church, pass them on to whoever is! The topic also analyzes a bunch of children's sermon video clips.
5. Ways to Improve Sunday School Attendance This Year
The Improving Sunday School Attendance forum is full of fresh practical ideas and edgy recommendations, including ways to boost attendance on traditionally "low" Sundays (because every Sunday counts).
plus our Teacher Recruiting and Training resources
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