
  • 3 Creative Thanksgiving Celebration Ideas for Church and Home
  • 3 Particularly Clever & Creative Advent Celebration and Lesson Resources
  • 3 Takeaways for Every Teacher from our recent "NeuroDiverse Kids" seminar


Three Creative Thanksgiving Celebration Ideas for Church and Home

Here are three suggestions that stand out -- particularly because they can be done as an "all church" or classroom project, or done at home or taken home as great reminders.

1. Seeds of Thanksgiving Bird Feeder -- a great metaphor and simple project for home or class.

2. Gratitude Pumpkins -- a fun craft that promotes taking stock of what you're grateful for and sharing it with others. Can be done with paper or real pumpkins.

3. "Hello from the Other Side" -- a fun Discussion Starter Video. This hilarious Saturday Night Live Thanksgiving skit is appropriate for older kids, youth, and adults as a discussion starter on the subject of how we should react to and treat family members with different world views.  It uses the famous song from Adele to great comedic effect. Suggested discussion questions are included.


Three Particularly Clever & Creative Advent Resources

Ok, it was impossible to just pick 3 so we didn't . Instead, many of our favorites are in the these 3 convenient collections. And this is just scratching the surface of ALL of our recently updated Advent forums!

1. The Advent Resources Video ~ posted this a few years ago and all of its resources are still amazing and ready for home, intergenerational, and lesson uses. S.O. M.A.N.Y. G.R.E.A.T. I.D.E.A.S.! in one clever video and links page.  Use the video to pick a resource, or share the video with your families (whom it was also designed for).

2. The Magi Lesson Set from the Writing Team is EXCEPTIONALLY AWESOME. With Disney's "Moana 2" coming out soon, especially note the Video-Music Workshop that has the Moana clips in it. See also the "King Cake" Cooking Workshop (finding the baby Jesus), and The Magi Sculpture Art Workshop which is super good.

3. Four Fun Advent Children's Sermons/Sermon Series or "Mini" Lessons

A Picture of Baby Jesus’ Friends
What Would Jesus Give our Sunday School for Christmas?
The Four Candles and Gifts of Advent
Shout It Out Loud! (Epiphany)


Three Takeaways for Every Teacher from our recent "NeuroDiverse Kids" seminar

Dena gave us a lot more than 3, but here are 3 quick insights you can use right now.

1. Fidgets. Remember when they used to tell us, "Hold still!" We now know that's NOT the best way for everyone to pay attention and learn. Great lessons have creative media and hands-on learning, but some students may simply need something in their hands to pay attention -- especially during exciting activities and discussion. Link to the fidget discussion.

2. Furniture. Remember when they used to tell us, "Sit up straight!"  We now know that for some kids that's going to shut them down and shoo them away, when what they really need is to find a spot that's comfortable FOR THEM to participate and listen from. Link to the NeuroDiverse classroom discussion.

3. Fun. Remember when they used to tell us that "fun" was only a reward? Now we know from brain science and research into Neurodivergence that "fun" is often the key to teaching atypical kids because fun engages the students' brains, promoting attention and retention.

Everyone can now view Dena's Seminar Video and download the PowerPoint.

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Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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