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This new forum begins with the recording of our Sept 2024 Zoom Seminar, "Ministering to Neurodiverse Kids" and links to resources mentioned in that presentation.

This forum is also in the process of expanding to include more discussion, suggestions, and resources for welcoming, engaging, and teaching "neurodiverse" and "special needs" children and youth in the church. You are welcome to contribute your experience, links, and questions. The phrase "neurodiverse" includes those with learning disabilities, autism, Asperger's, bipolar and personality disorders, depression, and anxiety (to mention a few). "Special Needs" includes neurodiverse kids, as well as those with physical, medical, emotional, or mental challenges. See the post about "terminology" for further information.

This topic is collecting resources for teaching neuro-sensitive, neuro-informed, "inclusive" lessons.

While most lessons and ideas can be adapted for more inclusive and special needs, this topic's resources were specifically written for those needs.

Please share the publisher's/writers' details, links, and any pertinent information about your recommendation.

For more about the needs of neurodiverse and special needs children, view the other topics in this forum.



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  • SundaySchoolKids
Original Post

I came across Trueway Kids' free Preschool curriculum and what I saw of it I liked very much. Colorful, easy to follow, printable PDFS and video tutorials of key activities. This traditional "one story per week" curriculum covers a lot of stories and I haven't evaluated them all, but what I've seen I've liked for Preschoolers.

So I was excited to see that they've also created Bible lessons that emphasize the inclusion in our Sunday School lessons of what we sometimes call "neurodiverse" or "special needs" kids, AND a free guide to creating and teaching an inclusive vision for your Sunday School.



Here's a quick look at the free "SEND" guide they offer for creating an inclusive vision and classrooms. I've read the guide and it is really helpful and packed with practical tips.

Lots to love at their site especially if you're working with younger children.


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  • Inclusive-Sunday-School
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  • Inclusive-Bible-lessons-TruewayKids

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