Video Workshop
Summary: Uses two movies: "The Fox and The Hound" and "An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong."
3rd-5th graders
Here are excerpts from our lesson plan.
The Fox and The Hound - Overall run time is about 24 minutes.
This outline for the movie uses the CHAPTERS found on the DVD.
1.Start at Chapter 3. Pause after Copper goes to sleep – black screen Runs approx 3 minutes.
- Hound dogs usually track and chase a fox. They are natural enemies. These two are going to have a different meeting.
2. Skip to Chapter 6. Pause after “Don’t forget.” – black screen. Runs approx 5 minutes
- Now it’s spring and they haven’t seen each other for a while. Let’s see what happens.
3. Skip to Chapter 12. Pause on bridge (“I’ll get you for this. Runs approx 4 minutes.
- Are they still friends?
- Why did it change?
- Chief will be ok. You’ll see him at the end of the movie. This next part has a lot of action and parts might seem a little scary, but see how it ends
4. Skip to Chapter 18. Pause at pool. Runs approx 11 minutes
- What did Todd do for Copper? (saved him from the bear)
- What did Copper do for Todd? (saved him from the hunter)
- Why didn’t the Hunter shoot Todd? (Copper in the way, saw how much Copper loved Todd)
- Love is stronger than hate. It can change things.
5. Fast Forward to the Hunter on porch. Play to Credits. Runs approx 1 minute.
- What did you think of the movie?
How does loving others make you feel?
- When you do love your enemy, they aren’t enemies anymore. They turn into friends. That feels a lot better!
Chrissa Stands Strong - Overall run time is about 20 minutes.
- You’ll probably run into a bully sometime at school. They are an enemy and it can be hard to know how to deal with them. We’re going to watch a movie that talks about that.
This outline for the movie uses the CHAPTERS found on the DVD.
1.Start at Chapter 2 (getting off school bus). Pause when Chrissa is at the lunch line. Runs approx 3 minutes.
- Have any of you been a new student in class?
- How did the girls make Chrissa feel?
- How would Jesus want us to treat someone new?
- Chrissa has joined the swim team. Tara had been the best swimmer so she doesn’t like the competition.
2. Skip to Chapter 4. Fast Forward to pool after the music room scene. Pause when Chrissa is back home. Runs approx 2 minutes
- How did Chrissa react to Tara when they got out of the pool? (Just rolled her eyes and didn’t react to her mean comments)
- She didn’t say anything mean back to her. She didn’t push her or harm her in any way. Even better, she really acted like she wasn’t bothered by it.
- How does that reaction match up with how Jesus says to treat our enemies?
- How did Chrissa feel after Tara threw her clothes in the trash? (sad, scared)
- Have you known people like Tara?
3. Skip to Chapter 7 (scarves at school). Pause at Chrissa’s house. Runs approx 2 minutes.
- How does Chrissa react to Tara’s actions this time? (no threats, just tells her to stop)
- Do you think Chrissa will be able to solve this on her own?
4. Skip to Chapter 8 (art teacher). Pause at school room. Runs approx 5 minutes.
- What is the difference between tattling and speaking up?
- What kinds of bully behavior should you report to an adult? (harm to you or your things)
- Why do bullies act the way they do?
- What can you do to help?
- When you want to be mean to someone else, how keep from it?
5. Skip to Chapter 9 (swim meet). Pause after hugs. Runs approx 8 minutes.
- How does Chrissa treat Tara now? (encourages her, includes her)
- How does Tara react to her? (gives her advice)
- What do you think about how this story ended?