
Martin Luther (4 weeks)

Workshops in this lesson set:

  • Video: “Martin! God Loves You”
  • Drama: An interview with Martin Luther
  • Crafts: Shrinky Dinks of Luther Rose
  • Games: Martin Luther Jeopardy


The children will have an understanding of

  1. high points in the life of Martin Luther.
  2. Reformation and Martin Luther’s part in reformation
  3. the meaning of the Luther rose
  4. why we are LUTHERans.

Vocabulary: protest/Protestants, Luther/Lutherans, reform/Reformation; Indulgences, Luther’s Rose/Luther’s Seal

JOYful Journey: Martin Luther

Video Workshop


  • Video: “Martin! God Loves You"


  • DVD: “Martin! God Loves You” Creative Communications for the Parish, Inc. (30 min.)
  • TV with DVD player
  • Option: Vision Video Digital Download (Find out how to play an MP4 on your tv, you may need to hook a laptop up to your tv and play that way.)

Lesson Plan


Begin promptly at 9:30 with the lesson or you won’t have time to watch the video.
Introduce yourself to the children as they come in, and take attendance.

Say: (If first week) We are beginning a rotation today about Martin Luther. What do you know about Martin Luther?
(If 2nd week) How many of you were here last week to begin the rotation on Martin Luther? What do you know about Martin Luther?


Today we are going to watch a video about the life of Martin Luther who was a reformer of the church. Martin Luther was born a long time ago in 1493—over 500 years ago, but he made some very important changes or reforms in the church.
On the last Sunday in October every year, we celebrate “Reformation Sunday,” in honor of the changes that Martin Luther helped to make. Let’s watch the video now.

After the video ask: What did you learn about Martin Luther? (You can use these facts below, asking questions if needed to get answers—and explain as needed and as time allows--these questions will be included in the Jeopardy game they will play during Games Workshop)

  1. In what country was Martin born? Germany
  2. What were his parents names? Hans and Margaret Luther
  3. How old was he when he began school? 4 ½
  4. What did he love most of all his studies? Music
  5. What were children taught about Jesus? That Jesus was a stern (strict, demanding) judge who wanted to punish sinners
  6. When he was 15, what did he learn to read? The Bible
  7. Why was that important? Because there weren’t many Bibles and the people of that time didn’t read the Bible.
  8. What happened to cause Martin to promise to become a monk? He was in a storm and thought he was going to be killed.
  9. How did his parents feel about him becoming a monk? They were very angry
  10. What did Martin do to himself that he thought would please God? He punished himself.
  11. What did a monk who was worried about him tell him about God? God loves us and sent his Son to save us. Don’t punish yourself!
  12. What did he learn about God’s love by reading the Bible? He learned God’s love is a free gift and didn’t have to be bought!
  13. What did the Church sell to people? Forgiveness to escape punishments for their sins.(indulgences—A letter excusing someone from a penalty for sins, sometimes by giving extra merits earned by others. People thought this meant that the letters gave them forgiveness of sins. Martin Luther and others said that no one has the right to make up such letters—and certainly not to sell them.)
  14. What were some of what Martin wrote 95 opinions about and why? Selling indulgences and forgiveness of sins were wrong. God’s forgiveness is free. He believed the church was teaching wrong things to the people.
  15. Where is it said that he nailed his 95 Opinions (Theses)? On the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany
  16. Why was Martin summoned to see the Emperor? Leaders of the church had complained about him to the Emperor because they were afraid that the people would start to follow Luther’s teachings.
  17. In what city did Martin meet with the Emperor? Worms, a city in Germany—He went to explain his opinions and show that he was a faithful Christian.
  18. What did Martin find instead of a talk with the Emperor? A Trial
  19. What did they want him to do about his books? To say what he wrote was wrong.
  20. Where did Martin suggest the Emperor look to prove Martin’s writings were wrong? The Bible
  21. What did the Emperor call Martin? A “Devil”
  22. What did the Emperor pass a law saying Martin was? An Outlaw
  23. What was to be burned? Martin’s books
  24. How many books had he written? 25
  25. What happened to Martin after the trial? He disappeared/went in hiding
  26. What did the Emperor say anyone could do after the trial? Kill Martin
  27. What did Martin do while he was in hiding? He wrote books about God’s love and that people were free from rules that people have made and he translated the New Testament into the language of his people.
  28. What new invention made the writings of Martin Luther and his Bible translations available to the people of Germany? The printing press
  29. In what ways did Martin help to reform the church? People could read the Bible for themselves and they could hear the Bible in their own language; they learned that God loved them, and that we should be servants to each other because we love each other as Jesus loved us; during communion, people started to receive the bread and the wine; the people began singing hymns in the churches instead of just listening to choirs of monks singing
  30. What do we call this time of change in the Christian Church? The Reformation
  31. What were the people called who protested against the church of Rome? Protestants (write words on chart: protest-Protestants; reform—Reformation; Luther--Lutherans)
  32. What were the Protestants who followed the reformer Martin Lutheran and his teachings called? Lutherans
  33. Who did Martin marry? Katie


Dismiss class with a prayer at 10:15. Dear Father, We thank you for loving us so much, and we thank you for Martin Luther and how he taught your people about how much you love them. Amen
Tell them what workshop they will be in next week.

JOYful Journey: Martin Luther

Drama Workshop:


  • Drama: An interview with Martin Luther


  • Script for interview
  • Big book: The Adventures of Martin Luther by Carolyn Bergt Creative Communications for the Parish, Inc. (out of print - although still available in the smaller size.)
  • “The Message of the Reformation” bookmarks (green) (one for each child) Creative Communications for the Parish, Inc. (out of print)

Lesson Plan


Begin class promptly at 9:30. As children come in, introduce yourself and take attendance. Open with prayer: Dear Father, We thank you for loving us so much, and we thank you for Martin Luther and how he taught your people about how much you love them. Amen.

For the interview, see the post by "rtoulli" at


An Interview with Martin Luther

Use that material up until Luther leaves the room. Then continue with material below...

Leader: Wow, wasn’t that exciting to have Martin Luther here at our church?
Let’s read a book about Martin Luther.
(Read to the class the big book, The Adventures of Martin Luther by Carolyn Bergt.)

After reading the book, Say: Many things changed during Martin Luther’s time. Can anyone tell me what some of those changes or reforms were?
There are many different answers to this question – they may have learned some of these during other workshops.

1. how people believed
2. their faith in Jesus
3. people began to believe that Jesus was the only way to heaven – you couldn’t buy your way to heaven
4. Works were still important but not a way to heaven
5. People began to read the Bible in their own language

From video workshop: People could read the Bible for themselves and they could hear the Bible in their own language; they learned that God loved them, and that we should be servants to each other because we love each other as Jesus loved us; during communion, people started to receive the bread and the wine; the people began singing hymns in the churches instead of just listening to choirs of monks singing


End the class with prayer at 10:15, giving each child “The Message of the Reformation” bookmark, explaining the scripture on the front as time allows.

Tell them what workshop they will be in next week.

JOYful Journey: Martin Luther

Crafts Workshop:


  • Shrinky Dinks of Luther Rose


  • Luther Rose poster
  • Luther Rose bookmarks (red—one for each child)
  • Sharpie markers to color the plastic: Red, blue, yellow, green
  • Cardstock to color on top of
  • Shrink Film with Luther Rose (should already be cut out with a hole punched)
  • Oven or a toaster oven
  • Parchment paper, cut a bit larger than plastic roses
  • Small tray for Toaster Oven
  • Ribbon to put on cooled Shrinky Dink Roses
  • Crayola markers to color the coloring sheet
  • Luther Rose coloring sheets

NOTE: BE SURE THEY USE THE PERMANENT MARKERS ON THE PLASTIC AND THE CRAYOLA MARKERS ON THE PAPER!...I would hand them the crayola markers when they give you their shrinky dinks. Please check at end of class that Sharpie markers are closed.

Lesson Plan


Begin class promptly at 9:30. As children come in, introduce yourself and take attendance. Open with prayer: Dear Father, We thank you for loving us so much, and we thank you for Martin Luther and how he taught your people about how much you love them. Amen.


Introduction: (On October 30, start class with this question: Who can tell me what today is? Reformation Sunday)

Ask: Do you know why we are called “Lutherans”? (Because of Martin Luther) (If they don’t know ask? What do you know about Martin Luther? (If this is the first week, you may need to give some information) …don’t spend too much time, just cover the basics, so as to leave time to color and make crafts. Say in way summary or to add to what children have said:

Short Biography:

  • 1483 (November 10) Born in Eisleben
  • 1505 Monk in Erfurt
  • 1512 Earned Doctor of Theology in Wittenberg
  • 1517 Nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church
  • 1521 Outlawed and exiled to the Wartburg
  • 1522 Returned to Wittenberg
  • 1525 Married Katharina von Bora (Katie)
  • 1534 Published the complete Bible in German
  • 1546 (February 18) Died in Eisleben (this is on Jeopardy game!)

Martin Luther was born over 500 years ago in Germany. At the age of 23, he became a monk (or priest) in the Catholic Church. At that time most people could not read the Bible because it was written in Latin and only the priests read it and then told the people what they wanted them to hear. They also sold Indulgences--A letter excusing someone from a penalty for sins, sometimes by giving extra merits earned by others. People thought this meant that the letters gave them forgiveness of sins. Martin Luther and others said that no one has the right to make up such letters—and certainly not to sell them. Martin Luther helped to reform or change the church. He translated the New Testament into German so that the people could read the Bible for themselves and taught about God’s love and that Jesus died for our sins. People that protested against the Catholic Church were called Protestants, and the Protestants that followed Martin Luther’s teachings, became known as Lutherans.
Martin Luther devised as a personal seal to symbolize his personal theological beliefs. It is now generally used to symbolize the Lutheran Church and is also known commonly as Luther's Rose.
(Show the Luther Rose poster) Say: Have you seen this rose anywhere in our church? It is on the banner on the right side of the altar in the sanctuary. Here is a poem written to tell us what each part of the Rose means. Read the poem, then ask why each part is the color it is.

Craft Activity:
Say: For our craft today, we are going to make Shrinky Dinks of Luther’s Rose (show examples) I’m going to give each one of you a bookmark of this poem with the picture of Luther’s Rose to help you color on this plastic. We’re going to use these sharpie permanent markers, so you need to be careful and keep the plastic on top of the paper as you color. We’ll have to share the colors and take turns. Let’s review what each part needs to be:

  1. Don’t color the rose part so that it will look white when we finish.
  2. Color the ring around the outside yellow (gold)
  3. Color the leaves green (point on poster where leaves are)
  4. Color the area around the rose blue
  5. Color the heart red.

Be sure to ask if you’re not sure what color to use or look at your bookmark. When you are finished, write your name on this small piece of parchment paper and give to me. I’ll place them in the toaster oven a couple at a time to shrink them. While we’re waiting, you can use the CRAYOLA MARKERS (NOT SHARPIE MARKERS) to color the coloring sheet of the rose.

See package for directions to shrink using toaster oven.
Additional info about Shrinky Dinks: You will see the shrinky dinks curl up - shrink - then flatten. Remove immediately after they flatten. If they are a little curled press down with spatula immediately after removing. Shrinks to about half the original size.
BE sure to keep each child’s craft on paper with their name. May take craft and pictures home.
End class at 10:15. Kids should help replace markers and clean up before leaving. Close with prayer and remind them which workshop they will have next week and to look for Luther’s Rose in the sanctuary!

JOYful Journey: Martin Luther

Games Workshop:


  • Martin Luther Jeopardy


  • Jeopardy Board Game with Martin Luther answers covered
  • Paper to keep score
  • Pencil or marker to keep score

Lesson Plan


Begin class promptly at 9:30. As children come in, introduce yourself and take attendance. Open with prayer such as: Dear Father, We thank you for loving us so much, and we thank you for Martin Luther and how he taught your people about how much you love them. Amen.


(On October 30, start class with this question: Who can tell me what today is? Reformation Sunday) What do we celebrate on Reformation Sunday? The changes that were made in the church, etc)
Say: Today we’re going to play “Martin Luther Jeopardy.” I’m going to divide you into two teams. (Divide the teams and being sure to have both grades on each team.) Teams will take turns choosing categories and which section. Your team will be able to discuss the correct question for the answer. (You don’t have to be too strict about them giving answers as questions.) You will take turns answering for your team. You get to keep choosing as long as you get the answers correct. When you miss an answer or don’t know an answer, the other team gets to try to answer it OR can choose another category. I will keep the score for each team. Let’s get started. (Pick a number from 1-6, and ask one person on each team to choose a number. The one closest gets to go first.)

Categories are: A Rose By Any Other Name; Places; People; Lutheranisms; ML Numbers

As each category is chosen, place the cover card BEHIND the answer.
Play until time is up or all questions are answered. Be sure to give the correct answers as needed and discuss as needed. At the end you might review facts about Martin Luther if time permits.

Dismiss at 10:15 with prayer. After class be sure to put the game ready to use next time if Oct. 23. Remind them which workshop they will have next week.

Questions/Answers for the Martin Luther Jeopardy Game

A Rose By Any Other Name
100: What color is the cross in the center? (black)
200: What color is the rose? (white)
300: What color is the heart? (red)
400: What color stands for heaven’s sky? (blue)
500: What color stands for God always being my friend? (gold)

100: In what country did Martin Luther live? (Germany)
200: Where did Martin go to meet with the Emperor? (Worms)
300: Where did Martin post his 95 Theses? Castle Church (Wittenberg)
400: What did the Emperor call Martin to when he said he was going to talk to him? (Trial)
500: Where did Martin Luther die? (Eisleben)

100: Who was Martin’s wife? (Katie)
200: Who were Martin’s parents? (Hans and Margaret)
300: What were those who protested against the church called? (Protestants)
400: What were the followers of Luther called? (Lutherans)
500: Who did the emperor say Martin was? (A “Devil”)

100: What important thing did Luther do with the New Testament? (Translated it into German)
200: What did Luther teach about God? (God loves us!)
300: What did Luther post on the Castle door in Wittenberg? (95 Theses)
400: What did Luther make to tell about what he believed (His theology)? (Luther’s Rose/Seal)
500: Where did Luther learn about God’s Love OR What did Luther translate into German? (The Bible)

ML Numbers
100: How old was Martin when he went to school? (4 1/2)
200: In what year was Martin born? (1483)
300: How many children did Martin and Katie have? (6)
400: How many books had Martin written that the Emperor wanted to burn? (25)
500: How many Theses did Martin nail on the Castle door in Wittenberg? (95)

Children's Sermon on Reformation Sunday
My Pastor invited a member of our congretation to read a passage from the Bible in German (and in Spanish at the late service). He started by telling the children he had invited a special guest who had something really important to tell them. Their faces were priceless as scripture was read in an unknown language to them. Pastor: Wasn't that a wonderful message? Of course they said they didn't understand what he had said. He then asked what they knew about Martin Luther. I was so proud of them, at both services the children told of the things they had learned about Martin Luther and especially that he translated the Bible into German (at the late service he said Spanish...but at least he got the point!) They talked about how important it is that we be able to read the Bible for ourselves. This was a great exclamation point to our rotation!

Written by Mary Ann Bethea
For Joy Lutheran Church
Moore, SC

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Last edited by Luanne Payne
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