Make Hummus! It's hands on and a traditional Middle Eastern dish.
There are a multitude of "how to make hummus" recipes online, but note this secret about preparing smooth hummus that many leave out:
Chickpeas have a waxy pectin coating that needs to be removed before smashing the beans into hummus. When you don't remove this cover, your hummus will taste gritty.
Check out America's Test Kitchen's video on YouTube for a quick process.
1. Add some baking soda. 2. Heat the beans. 3. Roll between fingers in a bowl of water.
Here are a few thoughts about what the food and its prep can say to us about Mary and Martha. Please add your own!
As this recipe illustrates, making food for a room full of hungry disciples is a lot of work, right Martha? Martha chose to make food while Mary chose a different kind of "food" ---what Jesus was serving.
You might say that Jesus was the kind of teacher who rolled the Word in his hands to get the tough coating off and make it more appealing and tasty.
In this lesson activity, are you allowing yourself to see the deeper meaning of the activity (like Mary), or are you focused on "just making some hummus for class" (Martha). When we do the skits and art projects, are you focusing on "getting it done" or do you think about "what it means."
When you come to church (the group of disciples in the story), are you distracted by BEING at church? Seeing friends, catching up on news, getting your juice, doing this and that. Or do you see church as an opportunity to sit by Jesus' side and listen??
What's the point of having hummus, donut holes, juice, coffee for people? Is it to make sure they are not hungry? To have a good time? Or to encourage them to stay and enjoy learning from Jesus?