
In this topic we're collecting ideas and resources for Elijah stories that don't fit the other "workshop" categories already started (art, video, etc).

Anyone can contribute. (well, you do need to be a registered member which you can accomplish here.)

Use REPLY to add your thoughts.

-- Carol

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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In 1Kings 19, Elijah is afraid. He has just seen the power of God in his contest with the prophets of Baal yet he is afraid of the wrath of Jezebel. So he runs away and hides. He cries out to God "I've had enough, Lord... Take my life" (1 Kings 19:4).

God comes to him, nourishing him through an angel for a journey to Mt Horeb. There, Elijah hides in a cave. And the Lord asks him "What are you doing here, Elijah?" (1 Kings 19:9b) Elijah laments, then God asks him to "go out and stand in the presence of God" (1 Kings 19:11). What follows is a great wind, an earthquake, a fire - but God wasn't in any of those. Then then came a gentle whisper.

Elijah heard this still, small voice (he showed that he sensed the special presence of God, becuase he

immediately humbled himself when he wrapped his face in his mantle.


This final phenomenon was a marked contrast to the previous manifestations. God actually met Elijah in the quiet whisper of a voice instead of the earth-shaking phenomenon that had gone before.

(Quotes from a commentary at Enduring Word website ).

What are your thoughts on this story? What should our children learn from this story?

Looking forward to progress!

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Elijah Idea


I always feel a little guilty that I take ideas but rarely post our solutions. Well, here's what we did with Elijah a few years ago: 

We did 5 workshops on Elijah in 1 Kings 19:1-15 (with some editing to hit the major points without too much gore). We focused on the ways God sustained Elijah when he was really scared and wanted to give up. Sometimes doing God's work can be unpopular and even dangerous!

Memory Verse: Psalm 69:18
Answer me, O LORD, for your love is kind; in your great compassion, turn to me.

Food: Trail mix, easy sustenance when you're in the wilderness! They made their own granola too, with oats, honey, etc. Easy to find recipes for granola. Added dried fruit, nuts, M&Ms, etc. Each kid got a ziploc full.

Drama: Acted out Queen Jezebel’s rage and Elijah’s running away for his life. Using a tent for the cave (darkened with extra blankets) “Elijah” hides as the others recreated the “earthquake, wind and fire” and the “sheer silence” and quiet voice. (Discussion: Is there too much noise in your life to hear the quiet voice of God?)

Music and Movement: Older group listened to some tracks from Felix Mendelssohn’s oratorio "Elijah" (Part II covers this chapter of 1 Kings). More fun: Sing and dance to Hymn 536 (Episcopal hymnal) “God has spoken to His people; ask Elijah (Hallelujah)” (Hebrew melody). Good song for tambourines and shakers, too!

Games: Hide and Seek (Elijah / Jezebel). A scary mask for "Jezebel" helped them get into the mood! Bean-bag toss, aiming for holes into a cave that was painted on the target.

Art: We made messages from God with invisible ink. How do we figure out what they say? How do we know what God is saying to us?

God bless your efforts with Elijah -- it was a fun story to work with.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

"Listening to God"


RE: ideas on Elijah and hearing God...
Here is a link to an article entitled "Listening to God."

Included is the thought that perhaps we are wired to "hear" God differently.

So how has God wired you for listening? Does a sunset leave you breathless? The still, small voice is speaking--can you hear it? Does the swell of an anthem bring tears to your eyes? The still, small voice is speaking—can you hear it? Does the cry of a child in need call to you? The still, small voice is speaking—can you hear it?


Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

One of my favorite all-time stories!

I wrote a piece of software for this and other famous Elijah stories

Sunday Software's Elijah and Jonah software is now available FOR FREE to's supporting members for use in their church and church member homes. Learn more and download the program.



A Microphone Enhanced Discussion Technique

Years ago I did a sort of DRAMA workshop on this story using a guitar amplifier and a microphone. This is the hook: Kids love to hear themselves amplified.

(Note: I WISH I had had two amplifiers and microphones.)

We passed the microphone around after our study for the kids to answer the question "What would God's still small voice sound like to you?" It was fun, took some encouragement, but created a lot of discussion.

Then we asked the question, "What thing in your life do you think God wants to change the MOST about you" ...and passed around the microphone again to hear the kids respond AS GOD in a very small voice. 

After that we did a twist... After the person spoke 'as God' to the thing in their life God might want changed, the teacher then asked that students what EXCUSE they usually used not to change and had them shout that back at God over the microphone (like Elijah in the cave giving his excuse). (Some students couldn't think of an excuse, but others were ready to offer them and asked for the microphone.)

After they shouted their excuse, we passed the mike to at least two other students and asked them pretend to be God's still small voice addressing/challengin that EXCUSE. The microphone was the key, and the teacher had to encourage the students.

Then we passed the mike around again and had the kids whisper the names of people in their lives they know they can turn to for help with their problems. (I had the volume cranked! ...but encouraged the kids to whisper it very softly...which was a fun way to do it). This "Names of People" dovetails with God's whisper to "go annount Hazel and Jehu, and find Elisha to help you."

As a final bit of demonstration....we addressed how a person might FEEL when they felt God speaking to them, ...that a small whisper of God's voice can be a powerful thing in your life. To illustrate this, I had each child put their belly up to the amplifier as I turned up the volume and whispered into the microphone. They got a rumble in their belly.

As part of this demonstration, we also talked about "how God speaks through others to amplify his message". I had the kids stack their Bibles all over the amplifier, then we took turns passing the mike around so that each could say what they thought God MOST wanted us to here. Again, it took some priming of the pump, but it was VERY memorable.

<>< Neil

In a children's sermon I once did something similar which could have made a great ending to this "Amplified Drama" workshop.

I asked the kids "what would be louder... one person shouting into the microphone or a whole group of us shouting?" I sent a kid up to the lectern mike to shout the message "God Loves you and has forgiven your sins". I then asked the kids to shout it. Then I asked the congregation to really shout it. The congregation just about blew the doors off the place.

I then asked them all to whisper it, reminding the kids that God doesn't shout so much, but rather, like he did with Elijah he used a small voice.

File this under: "One great reason we come to church is to learn WHAT to shout and to COMBINE our voices so more people will hear the message."

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Free Bible illustrations by Richard Gunther contributed to and licensed for non-commercial teaching use. Good for teaching with non-readers and for using as "charade" or Pictionary clues, and for story-ordering games.

Elijah and the Ravens: https://www.freebibleimages.or...ns/rg-elijah-ravens/

Elijah and the Widow: https://www.freebibleimages.or...ons/rg-elijah-widow/

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal: https://www.freebibleimages.or...ions/rg-elijah-baal

To see all of his illustrations organized by Bible story go to https://www.freebibleimages.or...tors/richardgunther/

You can also see many of his Bible illustrations formatted by author Jill Kemp as FREE printable Bible story books for younger children and preschoolers at (NEW Testament stories) and (OLD Testament stories).

One-page storybook with illustrations on Elijah and the Prophets:


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Last edited by Luanne Payne

MP3 Sounds for Still Small Voice

Attached are MP3 sounds of Earthquake, Fire, and Wind for use with the Elijah story of the still small voice.  They are from some VBS a number of years back that had free MP3 downloads to go with story telling, puppets, etc.


Audio (3)
Last edited by Ron Shifley

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