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MISC RESOURCES and CREATIVE IDEAS for teaching Joseph's Story
Love to Teach
This discussion thread is a catch-all for workshop lessons and ideas that don't fit in the other types of Workshops (art, games, cooking, computer, drama, etc) found in the Joseph forum.
If your lesson or idea does not fit in any of the other topic under Joseph, then please add it here by clicking REPLY.
Posted by Stephen Johnson from Pecan Grove Church, Greenville, Texas
Gather several items to represent spots in the story of Joseph. Be creative here:
Spool of Thread: Used when making the coat of many colors.
Toy Handcuffs: Joseph was put in these when thrown into jail.
Silver Cup: The one "stolen" from Joseph by his brothers.
A ring: The ring Joseph wore and used for a seal.
Next you'll get a large container and fill it with sand. Hide all you items at different layers while you fill it.
NOTE: Sand is heavy so don't put all this together until you are in your teaching room. You'll also want to put down a blanket or tarp - as this may get messy!
Spend some time at the beginning of class discussing the science of Archaeology. You might find a good children's book about it so you can show them pictures of a real dig. Discuss how archaeologist are careful when unearthing new finds. Discuss some of the findings which support stories in the Bible.
Next tell them a brief overview of the story of Joseph - touching on each part of the story you have an artifact for.
Now hand out tools. You can use plastic spoons, toothbrushes, whatever you have that will work. Let the kids work one at a time removing the sand and putting it in another container until they find an artifact. When they find something have them switch to the toothbrush and carefully remove it.
As each artifact is removed - tell them more details of the story. Use the artifact to show them how it would have been used.
2005 is our first rotation year - and this was one of their favorite activities so far.
Making a Joseph's Coat to display (group project) Posted by Julie Burton
A local production of "Joseph and the Technical-Colored DreamCoat" was done here a few years ago. The "coat of many colors" was made from old neckties, and it was stunning! Perhaps for art you could give them a coat pattern, then have them use different colored papers or fabric pieces to decorate it with.
Or, for art, divide the children into groups. Give them a different piece of a robe pattern (one group gets a sleeve, another group gets one side of the robe, etc). These pieces could be felt, or other plain fabric. Give children colored pieces of felt, fabric, sequins, etc., don't tell them what their piece is - just tell them to decorate it however they wish. When they are finished, bring all the pieces together and pin on a bulletin board or attach to the wall. I did this at a workshop a few years ago and it was beautiful (and fun!) This could also be done on a banner.
Making a single Joseph's Coat from neckties Posted by Lisa M.
We are in the process of making a Joseph's coat of many colors from donated used neckties. The children cut the back seam of the ties, remove any lining and lie them flat. They also trace and cut out double faced interfacing. Then they decide where the fabric should go and an adult irons the ties in place. When all groups are done, a seamstress trims up the rough edges and makes a complete coat -- it's looking very interesting.
Wormy wonders out loud about the connection between JOSEPH's Cloak of Many Colors, and Harry Potter's Invisible Cloak that gave him the power of invisibility, and Superman's Cape.
Wormy wonders if Joseph had wished his father's favoritism was "less visible" and that maybe he could have disappeared when his brothers meant him harm.
Wormy wonders what WE would like to be able to put on to tell others TO WHOM WE BELONG, but also to warn others "who favors us".
Wormy notes that Elijah put his mantle/cloak on young Elisha (2Kings2). It was a symbol of authority. Elisha used it to strike the Jordan and make the waters part after Elijah was gone.
No wonder Joseph's brothers were jealous.
Why is our first impulse jealousy instead of thanksgiving?
Family at-home/response page for the Joseph's story, including coat of many colors
I have attached a page that I created for parents and families that has at-home activities and discussion starters, to help continue the conversation about the stories we are studying in Sunday school.
You may share these with your congregation or adapt as necessary for your community.
Due to the length of scripture involved in the story of Joseph here is a compilation of helpful resources for teaching the story of Joseph, whether you are telling the entire story or focusing on a particular event in Joseph's life. Suggestions have been compiled from lessons here at
Story Paraphrases
(by member Carol Hulbert from CEV and NIrV Bibles)
Has a wide variety of pictures sets (can download individual pictures or PowerPoint slideshows (story text included) from different artists, a screenshot of a few pictured below,
and several options for downloading.
2) Online Story Sequencing Picture Cards" -- really nice preschool story sequencing pictures - free download, scroll down to "Joseph Story Sequencing Cards". Created by Christian Preschool Printables
YouTube Video-Shorts on the Stories of Joseph
We have compiled a selection of Joseph Video Shorts found on YouTube and you can see these over in our Joseph Video forum.
They are great if you have access to the internet and a screen to view on. Lengths vary, but all are under 4 minutes.
Great for any workshop story opening. Some cover specific stories, others do a good job of condensing his entire story, like this one below. God's Story: Joseph by Crossroad Kids' Club (under 4 min)
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