
This topic is collecting "other" types of activities and lesson plans for teaching the Story of Creation not covered by our primary collection of art, games, software, drama, food, and video lesson ideas and plans.

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Originally posted by member Nicole Hartung, Westport, CT

Photography Workshop "Days of Creation" Scavenger Hunt Idea

We organized our kids with cellphones and had them go outside and take photos of things in creation according to what they read in Genesis 1.  They had to get create with "things that swim" since we didn't have any fish or bodies of water nearby. The kids invented their own oceans in sinks, bowls, and had to take a photo of them resting/worshiping on the Sabbath day.

TIP: Have the kids message their photos DURING the Scavenger Hunt to your "techie" so they can pull them up on their laptop and quick assemble them into a slideshow for playback when all the kids returned. Export the slideshow as a video file and post it to your church's Facebook or website.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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God rested on the 7th day - Ideas

For one of our "Creation" lessons, we talked about how God rested on the 7th day. We decided he probably didn't stay in bed all day!

We talked about the things we do to recharge and had each child come up with a short list (eg listening to music, reading etc) and had the kids PANTOMIME things from their list (i.e. play charades)

We then paired up the children, gave them a clipboard and they surveyed the members as to how they "rested," using our list as a starting point and letting people choose from the list or add something different. We came back together and created a graph to show the different ways and what was most popular, took turns colouring in the graph blocks and put the results on display in the church hall where we all gather for morning tea.

Last edited by Luanne Payne


Storytelling Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

The story of Creation as told by Wisdom (based on Proverbs 8:22-31) - a guided visualization (see script below).

Scripture Reference:

Genesis 1 - 2:4

Leader preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.

Supplies List:

  • Sound of the ocean CD
  • “Before All Time” from Gospel Light VBS 1998 and “Sonlight Island” songs.


Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction

Greet the children and Introduce yourself.

Dig- Main Content and Reflection

Lesson Plan:
Darken the room slightly, and play a tape of the sound of the ocean. Ask the kids to close their eyes, if they are willing, and listen. This monologue is based on Proverbs 8, Job 38, Wisdom of Solomon 7.

“I am Wisdom - the Wisdom of God who created you and all the universe. I am a breath of the power of God, pure spirit coming forth from God Almighty, a mirror reflecting all the work of God, an image of God’s goodness. I am the firstborn of Creation. Before the beginning of the earth, I was there. Before God shaped the mountains,

I was there. Before God drew a circle around the seas so that the water might not overflow its banks, God created me. God created the universe through God’s Wisdom, so that all Creation reflects the goodness of God. I was there when God made the earth with its fields.

I watched, while God made firm the skies above and established fountains of water in the depths of the ocean. I delighted in the humans God made and rejoiced in the beauty of the world. Sometimes you humans believe that you can know all the ways of God. Sometimes you think you understand God’s will. But I tell you, how can you understand al the ways of God? Were you there when God laid the foundation of the earth? Can you number the grains of sand, or the drops of water in the ocean? Is it by human wisdom that the hawk soars in the air, or the horse runs like the wind? God’s ways are not like human ways. And God’s thoughts are not like human thoughts.

Trust in God and follow the way of God’s Wisdom. Listen for God’s Word and respect everything that God has made. God created all things for good and for life. God mourns at the destruction of any living thing. Be happy that you are created in God’s image. God has made you humans to be caretakers of all things. Cherish the earth and all living beings. Everywhere you look in the world, you can see the reflection of God’s love. Remember that, and thank God every day for the great gift of Creation.”

Theme Song: “Before All Time” from Gospel Light VBS 1998, “Sonlight Island.” This song is beautiful and has hand movements to go with the words.


Have the children reflect on what they've just heard and close with a prayer.

Editor's Note:
"Wisdom" doing the speaking is a device used often in scripture and Jewish tradition.

Word is another way to say Wisdom. In the Gospel of John, Creation comes into existence through God's Word. And the Word became flesh.

A lesson written by Rhonda from: St. James Presbyterian Church
Mechanicsburg, PA

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Free Bible illustrations by Richard Gunther contributed to and licensed for non-commercial teaching use.


To see all of his illustration organized by Bible story go to https://www.freebibleimages.or...tors/richardgunther/

You can also see many of his Bible illustrations formatted by author Jill Kemp as FREE printable Bible story books for younger children and preschoolers at (NEW Testament stories) and (OLD Testament stories).

They also have a "one page" printable on the days of Creation...


Images (2)
  • mceclip0
  • mceclip1

Family at-home/response page for Creation story

I have attached a page that I created for parents and families to connect to the lesson with at-home activities and conversation starters. You may share these with your congregation or adapt as necessary.


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