
The "topical lessons and ideas" forum you are in includes resources for teaching about Peace, Justice, Prayer, Redemption, Women in the Bible, and some teaching resources related to holidays, such as Mother's Day.  This forum is something of a "catch-all" for Sunday School ideas and lessons that don't neatly fit into our Bible story-specific forums but are often taught in Sunday School.

If you already have a specific Bible story in mind, look it up in our Bible story forums. Members are welcome to share their ideas and reactions by "reply" in these topics. Questions should be posted in the Teachers Lounge where they are more likely to be seen.

Wormy Note: Though Mother's Day isn't a Bible story or thought of as a religious event, it is certainly never wrong to teach children to "HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." (Exodus 20:12) and to celebrate the women in our lives who "raise us in the way we should go." (Proverbs 22:6)

In that spirit, here are several Mother's Day Sunday School lesson ideas suggested by our members, beginning with the always creative Heather DeWitt!

Heather writes:
Here is a video for some really simple craft projects kids can do to honor their mothers. They are made with things many people will have at home and most Sunday Schools will have on hand.

We asked kids to think about some of the things God made special about their mom and include them inside the card. The tissue flowers are just for fun, though it would be easy to do a Bible lesson to connect them as well.

Here are the instructions for the card:

  1. Glue two pieces of different colored construction Mother's Day Quick Cardpaper together or color the side of one piece of paper. The idea is to have a page that has a different color on each side.
  2. Trace your hand onto the two colored page and cut out the hand shape.
  3. Fold down the middle and ring finger and glue them down so that the hand is in the “I Love You” hand shape from American Sign Language (see the picture.)
  4. Fold another piece of paper in half like a card and glue the hand onto the front.
  5. Write “I love you” on the front and inside write, “God made my mom special!” Then write some of the special gifts that God included with your mom like that she loves Jesus, she is kind, she is funny, she is a good cook, she likes to be with you, etc.


Images (1)
  • Mother's Day Quick Card: Video shows kids how to make it
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Some ideas for celebrating Moms that go a little deeper than making a "gift for mom."

Famous Moms in the Bible


I once preached a Mother's Day sermon about "Lessons from Moms in the Bible" and what we can learn from their stories.

Here's the gist of the list from what I recall of it:

  • Which mother in the Bible made a huge mistake with a snake but was forgiven by God? (Eve)
  • Which mom laughed at God and said she was "too old" to do what God wanted? (Sarah)
  • Which mom favored one of her son's over another?  (Rebekah)
  • Which mom was so beautiful that it made a king crazy for her?
  • Which mom dedicated her son to become a servant of God?  (Hannah)
  • Which mom suffered the unspeakable tragedy of watching her son die? (Mary)
  • This mother gave up her baby to save his life. (Jochebed/Moses)
  • This mother shared her faith with her daughter-in-law. (Naomi to Ruth)
  • This mother endured a great insult and separation from her family but became the mother of a nation. (Hagar, Ishmael's mom)
  • All the "unknown moms," like King Ahab's mom, why was he so cranky? And Jonah's mom, did he have a habit of running away as a boy? And Saul's mom when he came home calling himself "Paul," or Peter's mom who opened her house to her son's new friend and his companions.


Which "mom in the Bible" is your mom most like? least like?

If there was a Bible story about your mom, what would she do and say in it that would reveal her character and values and special qualities?  Write one!

Story starters...

Jesus came to my house and my mom did and said this...

When all the children of Israel were complaining during the Exodus from Egypt, my mom did and said this to them...


How do you "honor" a mom?

Make a list!

You can honor them by respecting their personal time, their work around the house (not un-doing it), by always speaking nicely to them, by comforting them when they are sad or stressed, by praying for them, by making it easier for them to get you to church(!), by doing something nice for them in secret, else?

These "honoring" ideas could be brainstormed onto posters, cards. Given to mom, or displayed at church in worship.

Making your mom happy she gave birth to you is as old as Proverbs 23:25...

"May your father and mother be glad;
may she who gave you birth rejoice!"

So what makes a mom truly rejoice?

What do YOU do or say that makes your mom happy?

How about asking some moms that question!


How about creating some "promises" in writing using art materials?


Images (4)
  • Mothers-Bible2
  • Mothers-Bible1
  • Exodus20.12
  • Proverbs23.25
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Some Mother's Day images and thoughts for Sunday School...

You can learn a lot about God by watching a good mother with their child.


Describe a time and how it felt when you received your mother's

  • comfort
  • guidance
  • forgiveness

What do you need God to "comfort" or "guide" in your life?

You can also learn a lot about what it means to be a "child of God" by watching children with their parents.

What do these two photos tell you about parents and their children?

What do these two photos tell you about God and his children?


Click the images to enlarge and save.


Images (3)
  • Isaiah66.13
  • Parents-child-God
  • Mom-and-children

A Mother's Day "Newsroom Interview" Skit

Posted by member "Landsend," aka Chris.

We created and recorded a Mother's Day News Skit in our Sunday School and showed it to the adults at the Mother's Day Fellowship Hour following worship. The skit included children from Pre-k, Elementary, Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers. The response was terrific!  Feel free to use it as you may.

We recorded the different scenes at different locations --using an actual video camera that allowed us to PAUSE the recording to set up each scene without creating a new recording each time we paused. (Cell phone's usually don't allow you to pause the recording, only stop it, so you end up with several different recordings which is a pain). If someone made a mistake, we had an offscreen person say their line and then the actor repeated it. (that was funny too).

You'll need to organize two moms to be "interviewed," and two dads to "protest."

(Begin with a closeup of the WWJD News graphic)

(Camera zooms in to reporters at News Desk)

Karen Harmen: “Thanks for joining us here at WWJD News, St John’s home for news, weather, and traffic. I’m Karen Harmen ….

Gil Gordon: “And I’m Gil Gordon. First, let’s get you caught up on the weather. Our own Chuck Dakota is standing by.”

(Scene is outside in the Rose Garden)

Chuck Dakota: We’re here outside in beautiful Wyandotte, and let me tell you guys, it is a bit chilly right now, but as soon as everyone gets home with their moms or starts thinking about their moms, the sun is sure to come out and warm you up. Rain or shine, hopefully you have plans to spend time with your mom, or call your mom, or think of your mom if she's no longer around, and may I also suggest doing something in her honor, like planting flowers, or cooking her favorite meal today.  Back to you guys in the newsroom!

(Scene is at News Desk)

KH: Interesting forecast, WOW!

GG: “Indeed, now let’s check in with Cam Cameron to get a look at the traffic conditions right now in your area….. Cam?”

(Scene is in the parking lot, with cars in the backround)

Cam Cameron: “Thanks guys! I’m on the corner of 4th and Oak Street, and looking at the roads right now, traffic appears to be at a standstill trying to get into the Bob Evans on Mother's Day! If your expecting to take your mom anywhere special, give yourself plenty of extra time, there’s nothing but Sunday driver’s out here! Back to you guys.”

(Scene is at the News Desk)

GG: “Thanks Cam.” (Looking over to KH), “Hey Karen, did you remember that today is Mother’s Day?”

KH: “What!?!?! Are you serious?!?!” (Grabs cell phone and dials)

GG: “That’s right! Mother’s are being celebrated all over the country today."

KH: (Talking on cell phone) “Hello? Fabulous Flowers? I would like to order one dozen roses for my mom. What!?!?! $55 for a dozen roses?!?! How much are your Carnations?”…………..”Well how much for one carnation?" ..... "Ok, how much for just the 'love you mom' card?"

GG: "Some people celebrate with gifts of flowers and candy, others celebrate with gifts of love and time. The important thing is that you celebrate the special people in your lives. We turn now to our field reporter Ron Jones who is at a local Sunday school to see why kids think their moms are so special.”

(Scene is interviewing youngsters)

RJ: “We’re here at St John’s Sunday school to ask these kids what they love most about their moms, let’s take a look.”

(RJ Interviews numerous kids- asking why mom is so special)

RJ: “So there you have it. Reporting live from St John’s Sunday school, I’m Ron Jones.”

(Scene is at the News Desk)

KH: “What a great bunch of kids! They should make moms everywhere proud.”

GG: “Speaking of moms, our own Danny Wilson had a chance to catch up with a few moms at a local gathering spot, Dan?”

DW: “That’s right, I’m here on the lookout for moms to see what they would like for Mother’s day, and here’s what they had to say.”

(Interviews of moms from Pancake Breakfast)

DW: “I sure hope our viewers were paying attention. Now you know what mom wants, and you heard it exclusively here on WWJD News. This is Dan Wilson reporting live. Back to you guys.”

(Scene is at News Desk)

GG: “Thanks Dan. Coming up next, we’ll check in with a group of dads who oppose this holiday.”

KH: “That’s right Gil, these guys are actually demanding that this holiday be canceled. (Shaking Head)

GG: “More to come on this story, but first let’s get a word from our sponsor.”

(Commercial Skit from 1-800 Fabulous Flowers.)

(Scene at News Desk)

KH: “We're back! And we now take you "live" to the site of the father's protesting Mother's Day with our field reporter Lisa Bates, Lisa?”

(Scene is outside with group of dads protesting with signs, chanting “NO WAY TO MOTHER’S DAY!”)

LB: “I’m here at the Mother’s day protest site, where these men are against celebrating the holiday for moms. Let’s see if I can talk to one of these guys……”

(Stopping Bob Tims for an interview)

LB: “Excuse me sir, can I have a word with you?”

BT: “Sure”

LB: “Sir, why are you out here protesting?”

BT: “We just want equality. We work just as hard as moms do, taking out the trash once a week, mowing the lawn once a week, fixing up the house after being asked again and again …….we feel we deserve the same recognition as moms do, that’s all.”

LB: “But sir, you are aware of Father’s Day, right?”

BT: <puzzled look> “What?” <Turns to other dads>”Guys, there's a Father’s Day!”

(Dad’s mumbling and throwing signs down, walking away.)

LB: “I think my job is done here, back to you guys.”

(Scene is at News Desk with both News reporters laughing)

KH: “Looks like those guys will be sleeping on the couch tonight.”

GG: “Yeah, smooth move guys! Well, that wraps up today’s edition of WWJD News. We hope you enjoyed our program. This is Gil Gordon….”

KH: “……and this is Karen Harmen signing off. And to all of you mother’s out there…….”

(Closing Screen – Everyone gathered around the news desk Shouting “Happy Mother’s Day!!!”)


Being Sensitive About Mother's Day on Mother's Day
in our Churches

...suggestions and a defense for celebrating Mother's Day in the Church

Mother's Day is a day of celebration for many, but not to everyone. For some it is a reminder of their pain and loss.

  • The loss of a pregnancy
  • The loss of a child to death
  • The inability to become a mother
  • The loss of a child due to estrangement
  • Being the son or daughter of a mother who didn't live up to hype
  • Feeling the guilt of giving up a child to adoption or abortion
  • Being abandoned or abused by a mother
  • Being an adopted child who wonders or grieves over their biological mother

I first became aware of the problem that some have with Mother's Day when a friend confided to me that his wife wouldn't be coming to church on Mother's Day because it was a "little overwhelming for her." They had lost a child in pregnancy and couldn't conceive another. Even as their young pastor and friend, I didn't know the details or the depth of their pain. Many people keep such things private. Until my friend clued me in, I had unwittingly taken part in more than a few "glib" Mother's Day celebrations at church, without making a safe and comforting space for those who needed it most on that day.

We can't always ease other people's pain or help them avoid it. But we can be sensitive to it, help them transform it (perhaps), and at the very least make sure that we are not adding to it or making them feel ignored or excluded.

Some pastors and churches simply ignore Mother's Day or relegate it to a passing remark in a prayer because "it's complicated" or because they deride it as a "Hallmark Holiday," aren't sentimental, have their own "mother issues," or they just don't like the competition "holidays" give them. Funny thing is, they don't have a problem with "sentimental" or "Hallmark" Christmas traditions. Maybe Mother's Day needs to be infused with medieval traditions and hymns.

If births are so important to celebrate in the Church, why would anyone not want to find time to celebrate the key relationships that bring us those births and celebrate the values that nurture the children we so sincerely baptize and pray promises over?

If we want children to grow up "in the way they should go," and want to bless married couples "on their way," why not find time to celebrate their role in raising children in the way? The culture around us already has. Why not take the time to celebrate and reckon with parent-child relationships when our members already are?  The only serious question is whether or not once a year is enough. And no, it's not enough.


What can we say and do on Mother's Day (and Father's Day) that will pay tribute to the gift and role of Motherhood without heaping coals and ashes onto others?

Here are some thoughts and suggestions I hope will stimulate your own...

1. In the midst of celebrating, we can also acknowledge the pain some people carry about motherhood and their own mother, offer humble pastoral insights, and invite them into prayer.

2. Expand your definition of what a mother "is" on Mother's Day. It can include a grandmother or aunt, a doting father, a teacher, a big sister, a culture that protects children. Mother's Day speaks to the universal hope that every small soul will grow up protected and nurtured by nurturers and comforters in their life. And if they did not find that comfort in their childhood, it can still be found in the deep end of friendships, marriage, and faith.

3. Include notes of grace and confession. All mothers leave a psychological legacy that affects every child no matter how old they are (older adult children included). We honor our mothers by treating them like the children of God that they are (or were). People who are just as broken and as complicated and as imperfect as we are.

We honor our mothers by admitting what we were like as their children, asking forgiveness, and forgiving ourselves. We honor our mothers by becoming the better version of themselves they hoped for in their best moments (a hope almost all parents have). We honor them by asking them about their story and by many other small acts of kindness.

4. Watch your language. Don't be sexist. Motherhood is not "a woman's role." It's not only defined by DNA.

5. Don't single out mothers-with-children either verbally, visually, or with gifts to the exclusion of those without children. Be discreet. Keep the focus on honoring, not applauding.

7. Don't pander to unrealistic descriptions of motherhood. (Mothers themselves will thank you for your honesty, especially if it is delivered with humor.)

8. Remember that some women CHOOSE not to have children, or cannot, but are often just as wonderfully nurturing to others as this world desperately needs. Honor the nurturers, not the plumbing.

9. Raise up the issues in your community that especially affect moms, including wage justice, access to healthcare, child-care, child support, and spousal abuse. Find those who need extra help and give it.

10. Connect the aspirations of motherhood to the example of God "who gave you birth." (Deut 32:18).   See more motherly images and allusions to God here.

Some helpful resources:


Images (3)
  • Mothers-Day-in-Church
  • mceclip0
  • grandmother
Last edited by Luanne Payne

More Ways to Celebrate Moms at Church on Mother's Day

that are inclusive, not exclusive...

Invite parishioners to plant and deliver a flowering plant to one of the moms in your congregation, especially grandmoms who may be alone this day.

Create a giant "Moms Prayer Wall" and invite everyone to write a name and either write or say a prayer to their mom or significant woman in their life. Invite them to take a selfie by the wall and send it to that person.

Have trusted people tell stories that illustrate the beautiful and sometimes strained relationships between children and their moms.

Support your local women's shelter or women's ministry by collecting a donation.

Call your local women's shelter and ask what personal care products they need that can be collected and given.

Buy gift cards to the local big box store and restaurants to be quietly given to struggling moms in your congregation or those deserving of special recognition or an expression of support. Invite members to secretly nominate a recipient to their pastor.

Here's a story about one woman's gifting of self-care items that shared a message of care.


Images (1)
  • Recognizing Moms in Church on Mother's Day
Last edited by Luanne Payne

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