This Mother's Day Skit has been moved to our Mother's Day Sunday School lesson ideas topic at
Mother's Day Skit
We created and recorded a Mother's Day News Skit in our Sunday School and showed it to the adults at the Mother's Day Fellowship Hour following worship. The skit included children from Pre-k, Elementary, Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers. The response was terrific! Feel free to use it as you may.
We recorded the different scenes at different locations --using an actual video camera that allowed us to PAUSE the recording to set up each scene without creating a new recording each time we paused. (Cell phone's usually don't allow you to pause the recording, only stop it, so you end up with several different recordings which is a pain to either edit together or play them one after another to your audience). If someone made a mistake, we had an offscreen person say their line and then the actor repeated it. (that was funny too).
You'll need to organize two moms to be "interviewed," and two dads to "protest."