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MUSIC Workshop Lessons and Ideas for Joseph's Story
SarahSue -- member
Music Lessons and Ideas for Teaching the Story of Joseph in Sunday School
Post your music Sunday School lessons and ideas for the Joseph Story here. Joseph, Egypt, Pharaoh, Joseph's Brothers, Coat of Many Colors, Well, Potiphar, Dreams, etc. Bible lessons and ideas about Joseph -with Music, teaching with songs, Bible songs, Bible instruments, etc.
Use the "Post Reply" button below to post your Joseph Story music lessons, ideas, and activities for Sunday School.
This is a great song to teach kids the names of Joseph's brothers....sing to the tune of "1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Indians..."*
Rueben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Napthali, Gad and Asher, Isachar, Zebulon, Joseph and Benjamin, These are the sons of Ja-cob.
*This would also be a great service in eradicating the original lyrics to this song which have racist origins. Wiki the history of it if you want to know more. The "tune" is likely much older (as many children's tunes are) and of unknown origin, though likely brought over from England.
Adding a verse for sister Dinah
Added by member Catherine
In my 10 C's lesson I made sure to mention the one and only sister, Dinah. Maybe she should have her own verse about living with 12 brothers?
One little, 2 little 12 little siblings They are so male they make me dingalings, The stampede starts when dinner bell rings, I'm Dinah in the house of Ja-cob.
Summary of Lesson Activities: In this workshop, the learners will review the story of Joseph and be able to tell the story through music by creating new lyrics to a familiar tune.
Teacher preparation:
Read the Bible story.
Read over the background material included in your teacher packet.
Listen to the music.
Have the prompt for the journal writing written on a sentence strip or dry erase board.
Gather the materials.
Supplies List:
Instrumental recording of songs “This Old Man”, “Shine, Jesus, Shine”, “Standing on the Promises”
CD Player or iPhone (with phone may want a speaker depending on your phone's volume)
paper and writing instruments
journal writing prompt on a sentence strip
The Children’s Bible in 365 stories.
Lesson Plan
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Remember that you are interacting with a different group of students each week—some may not know you. Wear your nametag and make sure that the children are wearing theirs.
Lesson Plan:
Have the students sit where you would like them to during the reading of the story from the Bible. Review the story of Joseph (both parts).
Tell the children you are going to write a song as a group to tell the story of Joseph, or one part of it if they choose.
Brainstorm words and sentences that could be used in the story. Write the words as they say them on the erasable board. They might want to do this as a poem. You might want them to start with a chorus or something that would be repeated, like “Go, Joseph Go,” or “Pray, Joseph, Pray.”
Tell the children they can fit their words to one of three pieces of music. Play the three pieces of music and let them choose.
Fit the words to the music, adding and changing as needed.
Sing the song until they have memorized it if time permits. If a recorder is available they may want to record their singing of the song. Keep the words they have selected and the music so that we can use them in the opening, or possibly present them to the congregation.
Sing the song together.
Say a prayer of your own to close the workshop, or use the following: Thank you, God, for showing us that you love us and are always with us even when bad things happen. Amen.
Additional Suggestions:
Adjustments for Younger Children: Younger children may need more help making the words fit the music. Give them as much help as needed. Have them draw a picture for journal writing if they had rather.
Journaling Help the shepherd pass out the journals. Have the children complete the following: One thing I learned from Joseph’s story is…….
A lesson written by Jan Marshall from: Brookhaven Church. Brentwood, TN.
A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.
Jacob had twelve sons And he loved them all Joseph was his favorite Even though he was small One day his daddy gave him a colorful coat That made his brothers mad So they took a vote
Let’s sell our little brother Let’s sell him as a slave And off went Joseph To a land far away
But he chose to be, Faithful to God In every situation, Faithful to God Without hesitation, No matter what What happens to me, I wanna be a light, For others to see
Because he was faithful God put him in command To save and store All the food in the land His brothers came from afar asking for food Joseph talked to them and saw that they turned good
Through Joseph’s faithfulness God provided And finally the family Could be reunited
Faithful to God In every situation, Faithful to God Without hesitation, No matter what What happens to me, I wanna be a light, For others to see
I'm going to be faithful, In school every day When things don’t go my way I'm going to be faithful, I’ll follow His plan When I don’t understand I'm going to be faithful No matter what happens to me
Faithful to God In every situation Faithful to God Faithful to God In every situation Faithful to God Without hesitation No matter what What happens to me I wanna be a light For others to see
No matter what What happens to me I wanna be a light For others to see
Joseph MUSIC lessons/ideas found in Complete Lesson Sets here in the Joseph forum.
COMPLETE LESSON SET: Joseph's Coat of Many Colors, from FUMC, Ann Arbor, MI
Explore the story through song and movement. - link. Children will adhere rainbow colored ribbons to dowel rods to make dancing ribbons or streamers. Children will explore the song through movement -- using their streamers to the song "Jo-Jo-Joseph Had a Rainbow Coat". Then while listening to the song "Dream" which describes Joseph's dreams, using a pencil they will "illustrate" the dream as the song (sound) moves them.
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