
Ideas for Celebrating Holy Week and Easter, including some great ideas for Passover

The following topic is in addition to all the great ideas found in our lesson plans and lesson ideas found in the Art, Drama, Game, Software, Video, Cooking workshop topics of our Holy Week Lesson Forums. This list of program ideas was started during the 2020-21 pandemic with an eye toward being able to use these at home, too.

Here's a fun idea from member Heather Fogle: LAST SUPPER PEEP ART

This idea was suggested during the pandemic when families were invited to read the Holy Week story and create and share photos of their  "Peep Art" depicting key scenes for certain parts of the Holy Week story. (It was suggested to NOT "peep" the crucifixion, and rather, to draw sad faces on the peeps.) Encourage your families to share their pictures on social media and tag your church as well as include a hashtag such as #LastSupperPeepArt.

For the Empty Tomb, give families this tasty and popular recipe idea for wrapping marshmallows with crescent roll dough.

Last edited by Amy Crane
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Invite everyone in the church to create a diorama exploring the Easter story

St Paul's Church (Auckland, New Zealand) encouraged everyone in the congregation to "tell our biggest story in a creative way:"


Everyone was to meditate on what Easter means to us as Christians. Here is a video showing the finished projects:


(I am cross-posting this as an art workshop suggestion, too.)

Hold a Passover-Seder-Last Supper meal

I helped write the script for the Writing Team's Passover-Seder-Last Supper lesson which can fit in a 45 minute class period. It has an abbreviated and kid-friendly version of a Seder.

The Team's set also has a great listing of "Last Supper" resources, ideas, videos, etc.

Note: The Team's sets are only open to Supporting Members.

Build a salt map of Holy Week events in Jerusalem

Decorate/add cardboard cut-out buildings, walls, trees, etc.
Create movable signs/labels/location "props" which student learn to place in the right location and tell the story about what happened there.

Click map to enlarge:


Venitea Vedere blog stated . . .

"On Good Friday each year, the catechesis I offer to children (and their parents) of the parish concerns biblical geography. What does biblical geography have to do with Good Friday? I'm glad you asked..."  -from a lesson developed by the Catechetical Center in Rome.

Map used under wiki commons license


Images (1)
  • map
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Cross Art Project

This idea has been moved to and expanded upon in our Empty Tomb and Resurrection Art Workshop Ideas forum.

For teaching purposes:

The choice of colors, changes in colors, and changes in brush strokes can represent the Easter themes of dark to light, grey to colorful, sin to salvation, despair to hope, death to life.

These contrasts can be explored and discussed using paint on newspaper PRIOR to painting on the canvas. A teacher can paint an example and ask students "what idea or meaning in the Easter story is spoken by my choice of dark paint, colorful paint?"

See more at

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Our Wednesday night children's program adapted the following Sunday School lesson in which the students create their own "Passover/Last Supper Banner."  Because our evening time was limited, we verbally shared the story of Holy Week (which is why its not included in my notes below).  I've added the lesson portion from the lesson after the activity for those who will use it.

Lesson adapted from an art workshop by Jamie Senyard, River Community Church, for the Passover story.

Passover/Seder/Last Supper Banner Activity

Bible verse Banner

As we approached Holy Week, our Wednesday children's community group was exploring the Exodus story which of course includes the First Passover. To connect the Exodus Passover story with the Passover Feast and Last Supper of Jesus, we talked about how in ancient Judaism, they told the story of the first Passover in which the Hebrews slaves believed that firstborn sons of Egypt died to force the evil Pharaoh to "let my people go"  --which he did. And how FROM that ancient story came the ancient religious practice of sacrificing lambs in the Temple (cooking them in the Temple fires we explained to them) to remember  God's deliverance from slavery into freedom. We then connected that "sacrificial lamb" imagery, and "bondage to sin" to Jesus' willing sacrifice on the cross as "The Lamb of God, sacrificed once and for all as a sign of God's deliverance of us from sin and evil.  To remember that, in the Passover Meal and in the Last Supper meal, lamb was eaten. And still to this day many Christians eat lamb during Holy Week.

And we talked about how "Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed for us." (1 Corinthians 5:7) We painted banners to help us remember how much we are loved and how we were delivered from sin by the Lamb --that we, liked the doors on the first Passover, are "marked" (symbolically speaking) by the "blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ."   (This was helpful to our children and our adults who had heard about "the blood" but didn't understand its connection and ancient meaning.)

This discussion yielded many symbolic words and images that could appear on our banners, including:

  • Doorposts
  • Lamb/sheep
  • Blood
  • Sacrifice, sin, saved, Passover us
  • Cross
  • The Passover Cup (also known as the Cup of Blessing) whose red wine symbolized the blood that saves us.



  • muslin square approximately 11x11" for each child - sew a pocket in the top for a dowel to hang it
  • 12' long dowel rod for each child
  • string, yarn, or twine for hanging banner
  • paint shirt for each child
  • newspaper or plastic tablecloths to cover tables
  • Bible verse printed on whiteboard or individual copies for children to use
  • Sharpies (various colors and black)
  • fabric paint
  • paper plates to put paint on
  • cross-shaped sponge (one for every 4 or so children - I cut the corners off a kitchen sponge to make a cross-shaped stamp)
  • lamb stencil (I found a package of animal stencils with a lamb in it, so I purchased 2 sets, and then used an exacto knife to cut 3 more stencils in a hard clear plastic box top - the kind of box greeting cards come in where you can see through the lid)
  • stencil brushes
  • scrap of fabric to demonstrate stencil and stamp techniques
  • paper towels and baby wipes for cleanup

Tip: Use a hairdryer or fan to quickly dry the painted cloths.

Tip: To hang the banners, fold and staple 1/2" of fabric around a dowel, then tie yarn to the two ends of the dowel.


Read from Jesus Storybook Bible “God to the Rescue!” --or use a similar storybook version that describes the first passover in an age appropriate manner.

Say: God commanded the Jewish people to celebrate the Passover every year in a special way so they would remember that God had delivered them from slavery in Egypt in a very miraculous way. It is a special meal where they were to eat lamb, bitter herbs, and unleavened bread.

In the Bible story today, we heard also that many years after the Jewish people left Egypt, God sent Jesus to be our Passover Lamb --a sacrifice for our sins, a vivid symbol that God loves us inspite of our shortcomings. God commanded us to remember that Jesus is our Passover Lamb with a special meal. Do you know what that special meal is called? [Communion.]

Say: We are going to make banners today to help us remember that Jesus is our Passover Lamb and that God wants us to tell other people. The banners will have a Bible verse on it: "Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed for us." I Corinthians 5:7b [Distribute the copies of the verse.]

Note: Help kids understand what it was that Jesus was saying about sin by sacrificing himself like the Passover Lamb for the people's sins. It's a great act of love, and it put an end to the sacrificing of lambs because we do not need to keep asking God to do what God has already done!

Ask: Name some symbols that remind you of Jesus when you see them. [Make sure they understand the definition of a symbol.]

Give each child a muslin square. Have them write their names on the upper back on the portion that is doubled for the dowel pocket. Instruct them to write the Bible verse on the fabric in their very best handwriting or printing.

Tell them that they are going to decorate their banner with symbols that will remind them of what Jesus did for them. Show them the materials available for them to decorate their banners. Demonstrate the technique for stenciling the lamb and sponge printing the cross. Emphasize that not much paint is needed.

After they have written the verse on their fabric, distribute the supplies for decorating the banner. Let them decorate their banners.

While they are working ask:

  • How does it feel to know that by sacrificing himself, Jesus has "passed over" all your sins?
  • What does Jesus want us to do in response to his great gift?
  • When we gather for Communion in worship, are we drinking the blood of the lamb? (No! We are remembering him by color association.)
  • Do you think Jesus' sacrifice was for "only people who love God?"  "only good people?"
  • Do you have to do something to earn God's forgiveness or is it freely given?
  • Where in your house will you display your Passover Reminder?


Make sure each banner has the child’s name written on the upper back on the portion that is doubled for the dowel pocket. Leave them to dry on the tables. They will be displayed in the gathering area and returned to the children later. (I used tape to attach them to the window.)

Close with prayer.



Images (6)
  • Passover Holy Week Banner activity
  • Passover Banners up close
  • Kids making Passover, Holy Week Banner
  • Kids making Passover, Holy Week Banner
  • Kids making Passover, Holy Week Banner
  • Displaying children's Passover, Holy Week Banner
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Nail Crosses

Jaymie....your Walk through Holy Week ("Stations of Holy Week") is a great idea for teaching the story (see next post).

Similarly, member Nancy Eubanks made a video of "silhouettes" of Holy Week, --kids depicting the scenes by posing behind a backlit cloth. (Like "live shadow puppets" only not moving.)  The idea and her video clip is posted here at

I posted my church's "Nail Cross" art project here at

With advance prep, the making of the cross could be one of the "stations"  or part of your walk (took about 20 minutes to make a cross using nails we had prepared in advance).

After a short Bible study and demonstration, the kids quietly concentrated on winding the wire around the cross, which was a good time for a few comments about the cross. 

Did this with both my youth and younger children, two different cross versions.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Walk Through Holy Week

I saw this idea at a conference, so can't claim it as my own, but it was really neat. We created an experiential, self-guided "Walk through Holy Week" in an area outside our small chapel, hallway and prayer room. We invited families to participate anytime during Holy Week. There were six stations, each with a verse, some information and a quick hands-on activity. The stations:

  1. Desert Station
  2. Easter Lily Prayers
  3. Water and Stones
  4. Prayer Beads
  5. Communion
  6. Holy Week Bookmark

I've attached the supply list and instructions and a few photos. 



Click on one of the photos shown below to view a "slideshow" of all of Jaymie's photos.


Last edited by Luanne Payne

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