Preschool Lessons
This material was created when a group of folks collaberated in the "Lesson Writer's Forum". (Many thanks to Mary Jane and Melissa.) The material is being moved here now that it is "complete". Feel free to add your ideas for Nic for preschoolers.
Summary of Workshops:
- Art – Create an “I’m part of God’s family” picture frame.
- Games – play games to reinforce story concepts.
- Puppet Storytelling & Creative Writing – Ponder questions for God. Create books to take home.
Bible Passage:
John 3:1-17
Key Bible Point/Verse:
God Loves Me
Rotation Objectives — children will:
- Hear the Bible story of Nicodemus visiting Jesus to ask questions.
- Jesus is our friend - it's ok to ask Jesus questions.
- Jesus teaches that God loves each one of us. God sent his son Jesus to live with us, and to die for us so we can be a part of God’s family forever.
For Bible background on this passage please go to BACKGROUND
Art Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Talk about families. Create an “I’m part of God’s family” picture frame.
For scripture and objectives - see above.
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture for this lesson.
- Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
- Picture: baby Jesus (& family) in manger scene
- A Bible
- Story paraphrase (found further down in this post)
- Polaroid camera & film (produces picture about 3x3 inches)
- Frame material (one per child)- green poster board, used a circle cutter to cut 3" diameter circle from center
- Tacky Glue, paper plates, Q-tips
- Markers
- Decorative items (stickers, buttons, puzzle pieces, etc)
- Pre-printed stickers: “I'm Part of God's Family” and “God Loves Me”
- Adhesive magnets
- Tape
Preparation Required Before Start of Class: - Bring from home a family picture.
- Cut pieces of magnet.
- Pour a small amount of glue on several paper plates. Set out craft supplies.
Opening - Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Whenever it is appropriate (after music) gather children in a circle on the rug. Show your family picture.
Ask: At your house, do you have pictures of your family?
Display the manger scene picture.
Ask: What do you see in this picture? (allow all answers)
Say: This is a picture of baby Jesus with his family. We talked about baby Jesus at Christmas time. Just as you are growing, baby Jesus grew. Baby Jesus grew up to be an adult who taught us about God. Our story today is about how God loves us and wants us to be a part of his family. Listen to our story from the Bible.
Dig - Main Content and Reflection:
Hold open a Bible.
Read the story from the paraphrase (attached).
Note: hold the paraphrase in the open Bible as you read.
As the Rotation progresses, ask the students to tell you the story they’ve been hearing.
Say: Let’s hear those words Jesus said again:
“God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son.”
Ask: How does it feel to know God loves you?
Take a minute to talk to the children about what they are going to be doing today.
Say: Today you may make a picture frame. We have a camera to take your picture to put in the frame. You decide how to decorate the frame. There is a sticker we have that you can put on your frame. It says: “God Loves Me” and “I’m Part of God's Family”. When you take your creation home you can put it on your refrigerator to remind you that God loves you and wants you to be a part of his family.
Take a photo of each child with the Polaroid camera.
While the photos “develop”, allow students to decorate their frame; let me choose where to adhere the pre-printed sticker to the front of the frame.
Adhere the magnet to the back of the photo.
Secure the photo in the frame with tape.
Say: Jesus teaches that God loves us. When we love Jesus we can be a part of God’s family. That makes us feel good.
Ask children if they have anything they would like to pray for. Include these requests in your prayer. Optional words: Jesus, thank you for loving us! It makes us feel happy to know you love us. We love you Jesus! Amen.
Lesson written by Carol Hulbert.
Creator of this art idea: Lisa Greek-Donnellan.
Games Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Play games to reinforce story concepts: God loves us and wants us to be a part of his family.
For scripture or objectives - see above.
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture for this lesson.
- Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
- Bag for dollhouse people
- Some dollhouse people - characters to represent different family members (a pet is ok too)
- A Bible
- Story paraphrase (found further down in this post)
Preparation Required Before Start of Class: - Find a fingerplay about families or use this one (found further down in this post).
Opening - Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Whenever it is appropriate (after music) gather children in a circle on the rug. Display the dollhouse people.
Say: I have some dollhouse people here and I thought we could use them to talk a little bit about our families.
Put the dollhouse people in a bag. Allow a child to draw one character from the bag and tell about that member of their family. (Example: boy drawn, tell about brother or cousin) Allow all the children to draw one character and share about their family.
Say: Our families come in all different sizes. Help me with this rhyme about families. We need our fingers to talk about our families.
Dig - Main Content and Reflection:
Do the fingerplay.
Say: God provided us with families of all different sizes to love and care for us.
Ask: Isn’t it great to be a part of a family and know that God loves you?
Say: Our Bible story today is about how much God loves us. God loves us so much! He wants us to be a part of his great big family. Listen to this story.
Hold open a Bible.
Read the story from the paraphrase (attached).
Note: hold the paraphrase in the open Bible as you read.
As the Rotation progresses, ask the students to tell you the story they’ve been hearing.
Say: Let’s hear those words Jesus said again:
“God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son.”
Say: God sent his son Jesus for us, to teach us about God’s love. We have our families – big families or small families; we are also a part of God’s family. Let’s play some games....
(see the following post, found below, for some game ideas)
Say: Jesus teaches that God loves us. When we love Jesus we can be a part of God’s family. That makes us feel good.
Puppet Storytelling &
Creative Writing Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
Ponder questions for God. Create books to take home with children’s “questions to God.”
Note: since Nicodemus is not found in most children's Bibles, I decided to tell the story using puppets.
For scripture and objectives - see above.
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture for this lesson.
- Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
- Two puppets
- Puppet skit (attached)
- “Book” cover & last page (one each per student) - created ahead of time
- Markers, Pens
- Hole Punch, Yarn, Masking tape
- Book Pages (colored paper)
Opening - Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Whenever it is appropriate (after music) gather children in a circle on the rug.
Ask: Do you like to go to a friend’s house to play? Who else do you visit – maybe Grandma’s house?
Say: It’s fun to visit family and friends.
Ask: Have you ever gone to visit someone at nighttime when it was dark? What was that like? Was it hard to see things in the dark?Why did you go at nighttime?
Dig - Main Content and Reflection:
Say: Our Bible story today is about a man named Nicodemus. Nicodemus visited Jesus at nighttime because he didn’t want anyone else to see him! Nicodemus visited Jesus to ask him questions. Today we’ll hear the Bible story with puppets.
Present the puppet skit.
Hold open a Bible.
Say: Let’s hear those words Jesus said again:
“God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son. By believing and following him, everyone can be a part of God’s family.
Take a minute to talk to the children about what they are going to be doing today.
Say: Today you may make a book to take home. Nicodemus asked Jesus questions. We can think about questions we might have for Jesus.
Gather the children around the table. Give them the coloring page. Show them the completed book sample.
Say: Nicodemus wanted to learn more about God so he asked Jesus questions.
Is there anything you want to ask God about?
Record each question and child's name per colored paper page. Allow them to color pages if they want.
At the end of gathering questions, put together the book front and back and the pages. Hole-punch and assemble the books with yarn. (Masking tape the end to help thread the yarn – allow older students to help in this process.)
Say: We can have questions for God. Asking questions is OK. The important thing is to learn about Jesus and follow him.
Ask children if they have anything they would like to pray for. Include these requests in your prayer. Optional words: Jesus, thank you for loving us! It makes us feel happy to know you love us. Help us always to come to you with our questions. We love you Jesus! Amen.
Lesson written by Carol Hulbert.
Creator of this book idea: Lisa Greek-Donnellan.
Member JaneJane (MaryJane) responds
PS: I would guess the "Questions to God" booklet would not fly with the 2yr old crowd. We have tried doing this kind of narration periodically through the year with my 2 yr class at a weekday preschool and get either blank stares or totally unrelated responses. 
Might want to have a back up plan like "Tell me about your family (or more specifically mommy, daddy, etc)..." if you are working with the youngest ages. Sounds like it would make an adorable addition to a church bulletin board or newsletter if you could get the kids to cooperate, though!
Also see her game ideas posted further down in this forum, here.
Puppet skit:
Nic at Night for Preschoolers
A story retold with puppets
Audience: 3, 4 and 5 year olds
Two puppets required – Nicodemus and Jesus.
Note: As you perform this puppet skit, expect some participation by your audience!
Nicodemus appears, “walking” across stage, pausing to speak.
Nicodemus: Hi, my name is Nicodemus. I’m on my way to visit Jesus. Have you heard of Jesus? Well, I want to find out more about Jesus. And what better way to find out something than by asking! Yes, I have questions. You see it seems like Jesus is somebody really special – he’s done miracles you know? Have you heard about that?
It sure is dark out tonight. I wanted to visit Jesus at night.
Looks around.
I don’t want anyone to see me. Oh, you guys are ok. It’s just that … I’m a little afraid to ask my questions. Have you ever been afraid to ask a question?
Well, here I am.
Nicodemus knocks. Jesus appears.
Jesus: Come in.
Nicodemus: Jesus, it seems that God has sent you to teach us.
Jesus: To be a part of God’s family you must be born again.
Nicodemus: What a strange thing to say! I am an old man; I can’t be a baby again!
Jesus: No, Nicodemus, I don’t mean that you are to become a baby again. You just need a new way of looking at things. You need to know how much God loves you! And not just you – God loves the world!
Faces audience – says dramatically
This is how much God loved the world: he sent his Son, his one and only Son.
By believing and following him, everyone can be a part of God’s family.”
Nicodemus: God loves me that much? I still might have questions now and then, but I know how happy God’s love makes me! How about you?
The End
Lessons written by Hulbert, Carol.
“Nic At Night for Preschoolers: A Story Retold with Puppets”. Copyright 2004.
With help from:
Trimboli, Kim. “ Writing Team Lessons on Nicodemus – Drama 2.” 2003. (Retired)
Scripture is taken from The Message. Copyright © 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.